Adviser Newspage - From 23rd October 2019
(Please allow time for photos to download)

This page contains information which may be of interest to AATTV members in regard to contacts, forthcoming events, lost and found etc.  Should any AATTV member or persons interested in submitting news etc. which may be relevant to Team members, then they can do so by contacting Rick Ryan - AATTV WA Branch Inc. on email:- Content on this page will be at my discretion.
Entry Date: 10th Januaary 2025

a soldier died today

WO2 (Later WO1) N. (Nigel) G. Fitzgibbon aka Gordon Grant

WO1 Gordon Grant AATTV
WO1 N.G. Fitzgibbon aka Gordon Grant AATTV about to return to
Australia December 1972.

G'day all,

Sad news just in from Kathy Riley on the passing today of fellow Team Member WO2 (Later WO1) Gordon Grant aka N.G. Fitzgibbon, RAAMC aged 91 years.  Gordon served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 24th October 1967 - Jun 68 as Medical Adviser, May Linh sub-sector and ARVN CCS, Quang Tri city. Jul - 15th October 1968, Medical Adviser, Duc My.  On his second tour of duty as a WO1 with AATTV, Gordon served from 2nd October 1972 to 18th December 72, Phuoc Tuy Training Battalion.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Gordon was also awarded the US Air Medal for Valour (with 'V' Device), US Army Commendation Medal for Valour (with 'V' Device) and Mentioned In Despatches. 

His citation reads as follows:

Army Number:                   54338
Substantive Rank:             Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:                 Nigel Gordon
SURNAME:                       FITZGIBBON
Honour or Award:               MID
Warrant Officer Fitzgibbon joined the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam in November 1967 as an adviser to a Vietnamese Army casualty clearing station at Quang Tri.
On 31 January 1968 the adviser's compound in Quang Tri was attacked by a North Vietnamese Regiment. With complete disregard for his own safety Warrant Officer Fitzgibbon moved around the compound under heavy enemy fire to aid the wounded. He then joined the defenders in the most threatened sector of the compound and his calmness, bravery and leadership under fire were an inspiring example to all.
During the enemy's  Tet offensive the Vietnamese medical evacuation  system in the Quang Tri area was disrupted and the casualty clearing station soon became overcrowded with casualties, many of whom needed urgent surgery. Warrant Officer Fitzgibbon personally arranged the evacuation of almost 200 of these casualties through a variety of means - a tribute to his initiative, resourcefulness and determination.
Throughout his tour as an adviser Warrant Officer Fitzgibbon has shown an extraordinary dedication to duty which has been an inspiration to all that served with him.  His selflessness, drive and determination to overcome all problems in providing help and guidance to his Vietnamese counterparts were significant factors in the notable increase in efficiency of the Vietnamese Army medical system in the Quang-Tri area.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Gordon.  Gordon was a stalwart member of the AATTV WA Branch and he will be missed by us all.  An old soldier who served his country with distinction has now gone on to meet up with his fellow brothers in arms.  

Condolence messages can be passed to John Nolan on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Gordon now Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget
Entry Date: 23rd December 2024

a soldier died today

BDR R. (Roy) C. Mellier RAA, AATTV

G'day all,

Sad news in on the passing of fellow Team member Bdr R. (Roy) C. Mellier RAA on 23rd November 2024 aged 87 years.  Roy served with AATTV in South Vietnam  from 30th June 1971 to 28th October 1971 with MATT, Phuoc Tuy. The Australian Forces began withdrawal of our forces from RVN at this time.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends of Roy on this sad occasion of his passing.  Gone now to meet up with his fellow brothers in arms.  Duty done.

May Roy, now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Death Notice – 2230015Roy Charles Mellier – RAA & AATTV
We have received advice of the death on 23 November 2024 of Roy Charles
(Bunny) Mellier. He was 87. Roy enlisted in the Citizens Military Force
(CMF) in the late 1950s with 9 HAA Regt RAA. He continued on after that
Regiment was redesignated 9 LAA Regt RAA. In the late 1960s, he transferred
to full time duty and as a Bombardier, served in Vietnam with the Mobile
Assistance Training Team from June to October 1971. On return from Vietnam,
he stayed on in the army and served in 16 Air Defence Regt RAA until his
retirement as a Sergeant.

RIP Roy Charles (Bunny) Mellier

Peter Bruce, OAM
Obituary Resource Officer

       Lest we forget

Entry Date:  26th November 2024

A soldier died today



G'day all,

Sad news just in from Doug Tear, President AATTV Association NSW Branch on the passing on 18th November 2024 of fellow Team member WO1 Robert J. Allan RAAMC aged 81 years. (refer message below).

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Bob.  Gone to meet up with his fellow Team members, his duty done.

Condolence messages can be passed to Doug Tear on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Bob now Rest In Peace,


Dear Members, 

It is with regret that I have received the sad news from Kevin Mulligan of the passing of a fellow Team Member, WO1 Robert John Allan, on 18 November 2024 at Ulverstone, Tasmania.  Bob served with the Team from 16 March to 13 July 1972 with the Phuoc Tuy Training Battalion.  Bob served previously in Vietnam with 4 Fd Regt from 1 May 1967 to 8 May 1968.

Kindest regards,


Like the leaves on a tree in autumn,

We slowly depart one by one.

But, let those remaining Persevere

  Lest we forget

Entry Date: 25th September 2024

A soldier died today


WO1 Ray Deed AATTV
From Left.  WO1 Ray. Deed, WO2 W.A. Eade, Capt Len Opie and WO1 Reg. Bandy


The funeral service ffor WO1 Ray Deed are as follows:

Funeral service will be held on Friday, 27th September at 11am at St Joseph's Catholic Church, Corner of Oxley Road and Clewley Street, Corinda Brisbane
Followed by the Wake at Sherwood - Indooroopiooy RSL Sub-branch.
All welcome. Medals to be woon.ry Date: 25th September 2024

G'day all,

Sad news in from Paul Kleidon, nephew, on the passing of fellow Team member WO1 Ray Deed,  MID, RAINF on 19th September 2024 aged 97 years.  Ray served in South Vietnam as a WO1 with AATTV from 25th June 1970 - Jul 70, Admin WO, Phuoc Tuy Sector. Aug - Dec 70, PSDF, Baria. Jan - Apr 71, MAT 21, Quang Ngai. May - 23rd Jun 71, 1/1 ARVN, 1st Division near Quang Tri.

In addition to the unit citations also awarded to AATTV, Ray was awarded a Mentioned in Dispatches. A copy of the citation, reads as follows.
A copy of the citation reads as follows:

Army Number:          1921
Substantive Rank:   Warrant Officer Class One
Christain Name;       Raymond
Surname:                   Deed

Warrant  Officer Class One Deed enlisted in 1946 and has served  with the the Royal Australian Regiment iin Australia and Korea.  He joined the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam in June 1970.
During his tour the the Training Team Warrant Officer  Deed has sserved as an adviser to a Battalion of  the Army of the Republic of Vietnam and as a Regimental Sergeant Major of the Training Team element in Phuoc Tuy Province.  He was the first Regimental Sergeant Major in Phuoc Tuy Province.  In this capacity, he was required to assist with the raising and subsequent  operations of the Australian Mobile Advisory Training Teams with the Territorial Forces.
On being raised the Mobile Advisory Training Teams were required to work and live in defence compounds which were in need of reconstruction and reorganisation.  Warrant Officer Deed was given the task of constructing a model compound.  He carried out this  task with efficiency, drive and enthusiasm and in so doing set an example for all the Mobile Training Team members.
Having completed the initial compound Warrant Officer Deedd proceeded to assist wwith the upgrading of many other compounds in the Province.  He was responsible to a large degree for  the improved performance of the Territorial Forces in the Province.
His professional ability and leadership during his tour with the Training Team have been outstanding.   He has earned the highest prase and frespect from all with whom he served and his achievemnet reflect great credit on himself, the Australian Army Training Team and the Australian Army.

Always sad when we lose one of our old and bolds.  Ray had a great innings of some 97 years and has now gone off to meet up with his fellow brothers in arms.  Sadly, he will be missed by us all.

May Ray now Rest In Peace.

Paul Kleidon will advise funeral details once known.

Take care and Persevere,

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 14th May 2024

A soldier died today

   <>Cpl P. (Peter) C. Schulte, RAAC, AATTV


Cpl P.C. Schulte and Cpt B.T. McDonald in a jeep outside
A Vietnamese Regional Force Compound, late 1971. The
flexible radio antenna was tied down to the front of the
vehicle to prevent it being damaged by low hanging branches
while driving.


G’day all,

  <>Sad news in on the AATTV Facebook Page on the passing of fellow Team member, Cpl P. (Peter) C. Schulte, RAAC, AATTV on 6th May 2024 aged 73 years.  Peter served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 5th August 1971 – Jan 72, JWTC, Nui Dat. Feb – 14th Apr 1972, HQ AATTV, Van Kiep.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to granddaughter Paege, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Peter.  Peter now, duty done has gone on to meet  up with his fellow brothers-in-arms and in a better place.  He will be sorely missed by us all.

<>Condolence messages can be passed to Doug Tear, President, AATTV Association NSW Branch on email:  <>

Funeral details are shown in the message below from Paege.

Link to livestream will be forwarded once known.

May Peter now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Hi everyone,

My name is Paege, I am one of Pete's granddaughters. It is with much sadness to advise of Pete's passing on Monday 6th May after a short illness.

For family and friends who wish to attend his funeral, it will be held on Friday 17th May @ 1.30pm at St Barnabas Anglican Church, 84 Cumberland Rd Ingleburn. Alternatively, there will be a zoom link for those who wish to view virtually which we will post on Pete's page once it is available.

Poppy held his family, friends and comrades very close to his heart, and we thank you all very much for the support and love you've shown to him and to us. He will be very dearly missed


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 8th May 2024

A soldier died today


Capt (later Maj) R. (Bob) I. George RAINF, AATTV


Capt Bob George was Chief of the Weapons Committee at DONG DA
National Training Centre in 1963. Note North Vietnamese helmet
in the background.

G’day all,

<>Sad news just located on the AATTV Facebook page on the passing of fellow Team member Capt (later Maj) R. (Bob) I. George RAINF, AATTV on 7th May 2024 aged 89 years.  Bob was on of the Original Team members and served in South Vietnam as and adviser from 3rd August 1962 to 31st October 1963, Dong Da, National Training Centre, Phu Bai near Hue as Chief Weapons Committee.  2-6 Aug 1963, observer 2nd ARVN Division operation. Bob also served with 1RAR on his second tour of duty in South Vietnam 1968/69.  <>

I am sure all members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Bob. An old warrior now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  Bob will be sorely missed by us all. May Bob now Rest In Peace.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolences messages can be passed to Ken Phillips on email:

Take care and Persevere,



Extract from AATTV Facebook Page

Had a call from Dutchy Hemerik tonight to pass on the sad news that a former AATTV Officer and our original 2/4 RAR Bn 2IC, Major Robert Ian (Bob) George passed away in his sleep last night in Carlyle Gardens Townsville. Some of us last saw Bob at a coffee catch up on the Saturday of the 2/4 RAR 50th reunion.

Dutchy said he was sitting next to Bob on ANZAC Day and Bob said he wanted to make it to June when he turned 90. Sad news indeed and I'm raising a glass in Bob's memory now.

No other details now, will pass on once I find out anything.

RIP Bob. An outstanding Officer and gentleman and all manner of things to each of us in the Premier Battalion. Bob served in AATTV and 1 RAR in Vietnam. He is also remembered by Dutchy as a 2LT in 2 RAR. Bob had a great career in Army and was a mentor and legend to the vast majority of us.

I imagine that Bob and JPA are catching up right now and reliving their memories as we will be.

Condolences to any surviving family, friends and brothers in arms. Another legend is lost to us.

Lest We Forget.


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 8th May 2024

A soldier died today

WO2 D. (Dave) B. Vogele RAINF, AATTV


WO2 Dave B. Vogele adviser with 3rd ARVN Regt at Fire Base “T
Bone” North West of Hue late 1971. Note neat and orderly wire
Defences and sandbag walls.


G’day all,

<>Sad news in on the passing of fellow Team Member, WO2 (Dave) B. Vogele RAINF, AATTV on Friday, 3rd May 2024 from illness at Townsville University Hospital.  Dave served as an adviser in South Vietnam with AATTV from 30th June 1971 – Jul 71 with 1/3 ARVN Regt, An Lo near Hue. Aug – Oct 71 , 3rd ARVN Regt, An Lo, Thua Thien. Dave was medevac on 2nd November 1971. Dave also served in South Vietnam on his first tour of duty with B Coy, 1 RAR 1965/66.

In  addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Dave was also awarded the South Vietnamese Armed Forces Honour Medal 2nd Class.

<>I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on the sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Eileen, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Dave.  Dave served his nation with honour and now gone on to meet with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  Dave will be sorely missed.  May he now Rest In Peace.
<>Funeral details are as follows:  <>
<>Monday, 13th May 2024 at 1100hrs
Church of Christ
25 Anne Street
Charters Towers  <>

Condolence messages can be sent to Ken Phillips on email: ken

May Dave now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,



Lest we forget

  <>Entry Date: 2nd May 2024

A soldier died today

<>Capt (Later Maj) R. (Ray) C. Hinde, AATTV, RAINF


                       Capt Ray Hinde AATTV – South Vietnam 1968 – 69                                                     Ray resplendent in his Navy Uniform on his wedding day.                                                                Ray was determined to be at ANZAC Day Service at

G’day all,

Extract from the West Australian Newspaper today, 8th May 2024. 

The Funeral Service for
The late Mr Raymond
Hinde of Meadow
Springs will be held in
the Chapel At Purslowe &
Chipper Funerals, 15
Scarborough Beach Rd,
North Perth on
WEDNESDAY (15.5.2024)
commencing at 10.00am. 

Purslowe and Chipper
NORTH PERTH  08 9444 4835

The service will be live streamed.  I shall send out the link details once advised of same.

May Ray, Rest in Pea

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

Sad news in from Chris McCormack via phone call on the passing of fellow Team member, Capt (Later Maj) R. (Ray) C. Hinde, AATTV, RAINF at 0517hrs this morning, 2nd May 2024. Ray was 85 years of age.  Ray served in South Vietnam as an adviser with AATTV from 4th June 1968 to Oct 68 as Company Commander, (23 & 26) 223 and 206 Companies, 2nd Battalion, 2 MSF, 5th SFGA, Pleiku.  Nov 68 – 28th May 1969, Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) Wing, Van Kiep, Phuoc Tuy.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Ray was also awarded the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star) and the South Vietnamese Training Service Medal 1st Class.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Chris, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Ray.  Ray served his nation with distinction and honour.  Ray was a well known identity not only within AATTV but also within the veteran community here in the Peel Region.  Ray, duty done, has now gone on to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms and to a much better place.  Ray will be sorely missed by us all. May he now Rest In Peace.

Condolence messages can be sent to Chris McCormack on Email: or Mobile: 0418 950 552.

Chris has advised me the funeral details will be passed on once organised.

May Ray now Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 21st April 2024

A soldier died today


WO2 R. (Ray) I. Oliver, MM. AATTV

        AATTV 25th Anniversary Reunion Sydney.jpgRay Oliver MM AATTV 60th Anniversary Canberra

    AATTV 25th Anniversary Reunion Sydney.  Ken Vincent (left) and Ray Oliver                     WO1 Ray Oliver AATTV  60th Anniversary Reunion 2022

                                                                                                                               carrying the Team banner with first Commanding Officer of AATTV, Ted Serong

                                                                                                                                leading over 400 Team members.


G’day all,

<>Sad news just in from Doug Tear, President, AATTV Association NSW Branch on the passing today, 21st April 2024 of fellow Team Member WO2 R. (Ray) I. Oliver, MM aged 88 years. Please refer to message below from Doug as to Ray’s service with AATTV and condolence messages.   <>

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Ray was also awarded US Air Medal for Valour (with ‘V’ Device), US Army Commendation Medal for Valour (with ‘V’ Device), US Bronze Star for Service,  US Army Commendation Medal for Service, South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Gold Star), South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star), South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star) with Cluster, Military Medal.  A copy of the Military Medal citation awarded to Ray reads as follows:

Army Number:                                 28916

Substantive Rank:                            Warrant Officer Class Two

Christian Name:                               Raymond Ian

Surname:                                           OLIVER

Award:                                             MM

Warrant Officer Oliver enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in 1955 in the Royal Australian Service Corps. After serving in Malaya in 1958 he joined the Australian Army Training Team in June 1967 for a period of 12 months and then rejoined it in November 1969. 

During his second tour with the Australian Army Training Team Warrant Officer Oliver served as an adviser with a Village Defence Advisory Team in an isolated area in Phong Dinh Province.  He frequently conducted night ambushes and daytime operations with the Vietnamese Territorial Forces.  On one of these operations several of the Vietnamese were wounded or killed.  Although wounded himself Warrant Officer Oliver remained alone with the wounded until he had successfully evacuated all the dead and wounded men. 

During the second half of his twelve month tour, Warrant Officer Oliver served with the 4th Battalion, 2nd Regiment of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam in Thua Thien Province.  In this period he was continually under enemy direct and indirect attack.  Calmly and efficiently he employed all types of artillery and air power to break up enemy attacks.  On many occasions whilst doing this he had to use his own personal weapon to kill enemy just a few yards from him.  The assistance and direction he gave to his Vietnamese unit during this time was instrumental in achieving vast improvement in the operations of his unit.  His steadiness and professional competence in critical situations and his refusal to give in under the most trying circumstances not only saved many lives but it also significantly contributed to his unit’s successes.

Warrant Officer Oliver’s untiring efforts, his high professional standards, devotion to duty and courage under fire earned the highest respect of all his Vietnamese, American and Australian associates and reflect credit on himself, the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam and the Australian Army.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Jan, family and friends of Ray on this sad occasion of his passing.  Ray was an exceptional soldier and served his nation gallantly in South Vietnam.  Duty done and now gone on to meet up with his fellow brother-in-arms. Ray will be sorely missed by us all.

May Ray Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,



From: Doug Tear <>
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2024 7:13 AM
Subject: Passing of Team Member - WO2 R I Oliver MM RAASC

Dear Members,

It is with a heavy heart that I advise you of the passing of our fellow Team Member, WO2 Raymond Ivan Oliver MM in the early hours of this morning, 21 April 2024 at Blacktown, New South Wales. 

Ray served two tours with the Team, firstly from 22 June 1967 to 18 June 1968, initially with 3/5 ARVN, 2nd Division at Tam Key and later from November 1967 with 2/1 ARVN, 1st Division at Quang Tri.  Ray’s second tour was from 26 November 1969 to 27 November 1970, initially with the Village Defence Advisory Team at Phong Dinh in IV Corps where on 16 February 1970, he was wounded in action.  In April 1970, Ray was appointed to 4/1 ARVN, 1st Division at Quang Tri.  Ray was awarded the Military Medal.

Condolence messages for Ray’s family can be passed to me at  I will advise you of the funeral details when known.

Ray proudly served in a number of appointments within the Branch and participated well in all activities.  He was a fine soldier and a proud Australian.  Ray was a devoted and generous family man and a wonderful friend; he will be sorely missed.



Like the leaves on a tree in autumn,
We slowly depart one by one.
But, let those remaining still Persevere.

A quote by Richard Riddle

Rest In Peace

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 22nd March 2024

A soldier died today

                                        WO 2 (later WO1)  James (Jim) Clarke, OAM, AATTV

                                                                                 WO2 (Later WO1) Jim Clarke, OAM presentation for his                      Jurien Bay mob - Commemoration of  Memorial Jurien Bay organised by Jim Clarke, OAM.  From left: John Nolan, Rick Ryan,, Oliver Moom, MID
                                                                                 selfless service
to the Community of Jurien Bay  veterans.                     Jim Clarke, OAM, John Riley, Arthur Shelton (now deceased) and Eric Lloy.
G’day all,

Sad news just in from Viv, daughter of fellow Team  Member, WO2 (later WO1) Jim Clarke, OAM, R
RAINF today, 22nd March 2024 at 00.50hrs aged 92 years. Jim served in South Vietnam as an adviser with AATTV from 11th February 1971 to Nov 71, Night Advisory Training Team, Bac Lieu. Dec 71, AATTV Training Group, Vung Tau. Jan – 12th February 1972, Long Hai Training Battalion.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Jim was also awarded the Republic of Cambodia, National Defence Medal with Bronze Star.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to wife Margaret, daughter Viv, other family members and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Jim.  Jim (RSM) was a stalwart member of AATTV WA Branch and also, Jurien Bay RSL Club where he was always held in high esteem for his contribution to veteran interests. Jim’s raspy voice was one not to be forgotten.  An old warrior, duty done and now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers in arms. He will be sorely missed by those of us that knew him well.

Condolence messages can be passed to John Nolan on email:

Viv has advised that Jim’s funeral will be held at Karrakatta, a date yet to be confirmed.

May Jim now Rest in Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


                                                                                                                                                                               Lest we forget
Entry Date: 4th February 2024

The Legend Lives On

G’day  all,

Thanks to Kerry Gallagher National President AATTV for forwarding this article on Dasher Wheatley and Butch Swanton are to be awarded the Medal for Gallantry.

Please read below.

Long time coming but better late than never.

Take care and Persevere,



Mates killed in Vietnam six decades ago to be awarded new medals

By Tony Wright

January 30, 2024

Dasher Wheatley was just 28, but he had four children of his own back in Australia. He wouldn’t – couldn’t – allow a terrified three-year-old Vietnamese child to die alone, caught in vicious crossfire between the Viet Cong and South Vietnamese soldiers.

He ran to the little girl, scooped her up and used his own body to shield her from bullets tearing through the air from all directions.

Kevin “Dasher” Wheatley (pictured) and his mate, Ron “Butch” Swanton, died together in Vietnam in 1965. They will be honoured posthumously with the Medal for Gallantry.

Kevin “Dasher” Wheatley (pictured) and his mate, Ron “Butch” Swanton, died together in Vietnam in 1965.
They will be honoured posthumously with the Medal for Gallantry.

It has taken almost six decades for his act of astonishing bravery to finally receive official recognition, which can be revealed only now.

Australia’s Defence Honours and Awards Appeal Tribunal has recommended, in a long finding published on Tuesday, that both Warrant Officer Kevin “Dasher” Wheatley and his mate, Warrant Officer Ron “Butch” Swanton, who died together in 1965, should be both honoured posthumously with the Medal for Gallantry for actions, long overlooked, they took during the Vietnam War.

Swanton is to be recognised for trying to carry, under fire, a wounded Vietnamese soldier across an open paddy field before being mortally wounded himself.

A military official had earlier dismissed the idea of granting a medal to Swanton because “whilst his actions could be described as ‘courageous’, these actions are what all service personnel are expected to perform in an attempt to preserve the life of a wounded comrade”.

Ron Swanton (right) with a colleague at Tra Bong, Vietnam.

Ron Swanton (right) with a colleague at Tra Bong, Vietnam.

The tribunal’s findings mean Wheatley would become one of the most decorated soldiers in Australian military history.

He has already been awarded, posthumously, the Victoria Cross – the highest award for bravery in wartime, which takes precedence in Australia and Britain over all orders, decorations and medals – and a United States Silver Star, America’s third-highest decoration for valour in combat.

The former Republic of Vietnam appointed Wheatley a Knight of its National Order and awarded him the Military Merit Medal and Cross of Gallantry with Palm.

Neither Wheatley nor Swanton will be able to accept these new medals in person.

A South Vietnamese general pins a gallantry medal on Kevin Wheatley’s coffin.

A South Vietnamese general pins a gallantry medal on Kevin Wheatley’s coffin.

They died together beside a paddy field in Vietnam on November 13, 1965.

In an act of selflessness that almost defies comprehension, Wheatley refused to abandon Swanton, who was dying, knowing they were about to be killed by the Viet Cong.

It was for this that Wheatley was awarded the Victoria Cross.

His previous acts of bravery that year are now being recognised only after a long campaign by Chris Hartley, a man who simply describes himself as a friend of the Wheatley family.

Hartley met Wheatley’s son, George Wheatley, at a 2017 function in Nowra, NSW, in honour of those who had been awarded the Victoria Cross and the George Cross.

Hartley said he learnt from George Wheatley of the family’s long years of financial and emotional pain after Dasher’s death.

In particular, he was told the Australian military had invoked an old policy that prevented the family receiving the US Silver Star because it was a foreign award. Wheatley, in fact, had been operating alongside US forces in Vietnam, and his name is honoured in the US Special Forces Hall of Fame.

Hartley set out to track down the missing Silver Star, which was eventually presented to the Wheatley family at the US embassy in Canberra in 2022, 56 years after the hero’s death.

Learning of other recommendations for awards that the Australian military had denied, Hartley gathered evidence in Australia, the US and the United Kingdom that eventually persuaded the awards appeal tribunal that the historical honours and awards reviewing officer was wrong to deny both Wheatley’s and Swanton’s eligibility for the Medal for Gallantry.

Warrant Officer Kevin “Dasher” Wheatley on patrol in South Vietnam.

Warrant Officer Kevin “Dasher” Wheatley on patrol in South Vietnam.

Wheatley’s action in saving the terror-stricken little girl was one of the examples that swayed the appeal tribunal.

It was May 28, 1965, and Wheatley – a warrant officer second class of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam – was acting as an “adviser” to the South Vietnamese forces, which meant he regularly found himself fighting in furious battles against the Viet Cong.

He was a tough, knockabout fellow who had spent most of his adult years soldiering, and he’d got the nickname “Dasher” from his storming exploits on rugby union fields.

On this day, he found himself pinned down in a shallow ditch next to a road by a hamlet named Van Van in Quang Tri Province, in what was then South Vietnam.

‘Dad was a larrikin, but took his responsibility for the welfare and safety of his men very seriously. He was a soldiers’ soldier with compassion.’

George Wheatley describes his late father, Kevin “Dasher” Wheatley

Gunfire poured onto his position from both a battalion of the Viet Cong to the north and an infantry battalion of the Republic of (South) Vietnam from the south, backed by armoured personnel carriers firing 50-calibre rounds.

Nearby, a Vietnamese mother and three young children huddled by the road, too.

“As the fire increased in intensity the woman and the children became terrified,” reads the text of an old official recommendation for a bravery award.

“One of the children, a girl about three years old, broke away from her mother and ran, crying and screaming towards the road.

Kevin and Edna Wheatley on their wedding day.

Kevin and Edna Wheatley on their wedding day.

“Warrant Officer Wheatley, with complete disregard for his own safety and fully exposing himself to the heavy fire from the south, leapt to his feet and ran to overtake the child.

“He scooped the child in his arms, and shielding her with his body, returned to the cover of the road bed.”

The recommendation for Wheatley’s gallantry to be recognised in the form of a Mention in Dispatches – prepared and signed by the then commanding officer of the Australian Training Team Vietnam, Lieutenant Colonel A.V. Preece, and the commander of Australian Army Forces in Vietnam, Brigadier O.D. Jackson – went nowhere.

Wheatley was overlooked by the Australian Army, too, for another act of great courage three months later, on August 18, 1965.

Kevin and Edna Wheatley with their four children in the early 1960s.

Kevin and Edna Wheatley with their four children in the early 1960s.

He was “advising” a South Vietnam Army battalion during an assault on a Viet Cong village when the troops with him “stopped advancing” while the Viet Cong withdrew up a slope. Wheatley set off alone, under heavy fire, in pursuit of the enemy.

Emboldened by Wheatley’s example, the South Vietnamese unit commander rallied his troops, who followed Wheatley and routed the Viet Cong squad.

During this action, Wheatley earned the lasting gratitude of a US marine, Jim Lowe. Lowe later recounted in his book A Jarhead’s Journey that he was about to be shot by a Viet Cong fighter when Wheatley killed the gunman. Lowe afterwards named his son “Dasher”.

The last acts of both Wheatley’s and Swanton’s lives on November 13, 1965, remain among the most unimaginably brave and ultimately most desolate moments in the war.

With an entire company of the Viet Cong closing in, Swanton tried to carry a wounded South Vietnamese soldier across an open paddy field in the remote Tra Bong valley while Wheatley provided covering fire.

But Swanton fell, shot in the chest or abdomen.

Wheatley used his radio to call for assistance and an air strike, and ran out to carry and drag Swanton several hundred metres to the nearest stand of trees.

Two South Vietnamese medics told Wheatley that Swanton was dying, and both pleaded with him to leave his mate and save himself. He refused to abandon Swanton.

The last medic to leave reported seeing Wheatley, out of ammunition, pull the pins on his last two hand grenades and stand, waiting for the Viet Cong, who were only metres away.

Wheatley and Swanton were found the following morning, dead from numerous gunshot wounds to the head.

Australian defence, military and political figures, however, prevaricated about how – or whether – to honour Wheatley. Swanton was overlooked altogether.

One defence official claimed Wheatley had thrown away his rifle and radio set while trying to rescue Swanton, and could have faced disciplinary charges had he survived.

The then minister for defence, Allen Fairhall, referred to an obscure document from World War I that allegedly suggested a Victoria Cross could only be awarded for an act that led to victory.

A young Ron Swanton.

A young Ron Swanton.

Finally, when prime minister Harold Holt sought royal approval of the award, Queen Elizabeth II personally intervened to ensure the citation made no mention of an abandoned rifle so there “should be no doubt left in anyone’s mind that his [Wheatley’s] action was of the exceptional quality required for a Victoria Cross”.

Wheatley’s family flew to Canberra in early 1967 where his son George, then 13, was presented with the Victoria Cross by Governor-General Lord (Richard) Casey.

But life delivered little but upheaval to Wheatley’s widow, Edna, who was just 26 when her husband was killed.

She faced down the government and the military when she was told Australia did not bring home its war dead.

Edna Wheatley was sacked as a barmaid by a Sydney suburban RSL club when she protested, and that sparked such an outcry of sympathy that prominent media figures and community supporters helped her raise enough money to pay for the return of her Dasher.

Within a year, the Australian government reversed itself, and ever since, it has brought home the bodies of Australians killed in conflicts.

Anti-war protesters, however, showed little mercy. They slashed red paint on the family home. The invective “baby killer” was shouted – darkly ironic, given Dasher’s efforts to save a little Vietnamese girl.

Edna moved her four children down the NSW south coast, seeking peace and privacy.

But when she could no longer afford to insure her late husband’s medals and put them up for sale, there was a storm of protest from the RSL and the public. Media tycoon Kerry Stokes stepped in, paid most of the $160,000 sale price and donated the Wheatley VC to the Australian War Memorial.

All these years later, Chris Hartley’s years of research and the finding made by the awards appeal tribunal have clearly brought some solace.

This week, George Wheatley, now 69, issued a short statement on behalf of himself and his mother.

“Dad was a larrikin, but took his responsibility for the welfare and safety of his men very seriously. He was a soldiers’ soldier with compassion,” the statement said.

“Dad’s VC was for a heroic act: an overcoming of fear while in the greatest peril. All veterans are brave but not all are recognised with medals.

“Mum loved Dad and is extremely proud of what he achieved and the person he was. She said it wouldn’t be in his nature not to do what he did during his time in Vietnam. Kevin loved his mates and would have been the first to champion recognition for his mate Ron Swanton’s bravery.

“Our family are grateful for the government’s support for the tribunal and that the tribunal was both respectful and thorough.”

A spokeswoman for Defence Personnel Minister Matt Keogh said the government would consider the tribunal’s recommendation.

Kevin Arthur “Dasher” Wheatley, VC, is buried at Pinegrove Memorial Park at Minchinbury, in Sydney’s western suburbs.

Ronald James “Butch” Swanton is buried at the Mount Thompson Memorial Gardens in Holland Park, south of Brisbane.

The tribunal’s full finding can be found at

Entry Date::16rh December 2023

A soldier died today

WO2 C. (Charlie) F. Emery RAINF

G’day all,

Sad news placed on the AATTV Facebook Page by John Lefel AATTV of the  passing on 11th December 2023 of fellow Team member, WO2 C. (Charlie) F. Emery RAINF aged 91 years.  Charlie served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 7th May 1965 to Sep 65 with 2/3 ARVN, Hue, 1st Division. Oct 65 to 29th April 1966 as Platoon Commander, Nung Force, 5th SFGA, Danang.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Doreen, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Charlie.  An old warrior now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  Duty done.  Charlie  will be sadly missed by us all.

Funeral details are shown below.

Condolence messages can be passed through Ken Phillips AATTV Qld Branch on email:

May Charlie now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


AATTV Facebook Page Entry from John Lefel AATTV

I regret to announce that a good mate and former Team member Charles Frederick Emery passed away on Monday 11 Dec at Clifton Nursing Home. His Funeral Service will be held on Fri 15 Dec at 1pm in All Saints Church Clifton, Qld.

Lest we forget

Entrey Date: 16th December 2023
A soldier died today

WO2 B. (Bruce) McIlwraith RAASC, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad and belated news on the passing on 4th July 2023 of fellow Team member WO2 (Later WO1) B. (Bruce McIlwraith) aged 84 years.  Bruce served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 19th September 1966  to Feb 67 with RF/PF uang Nam.  Feb – 12th September 1967, Admin WO, Saigon.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Bruce was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Service and the United States Presidential Unit Citation.

On behalf of all Team members, we pass on our belated sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Lee, family and friends on the passing of Bruce.  Bruce was a stalwart member of the AATTV Association Victorian Branch in his healthier years but had been missing in action in later years due to poor health.  An old soldier, now gone on to meet up  with his fellow Team mates.  Bruce will be sorely missed by us all.

May Bruce, Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 27th October 2023
Updated: 28th October 2023

A soldier died today

WO2 (Later Maj) M. (Mick) G. Rodger RAEME, AATTV

                                                                                             WO2 Mick Rodger after one of the presentation of the South Vietnanmese                                     Maj Mick Rodger and Wif
                                                                                                                       Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star).  Mick eventually held this award (with cluster).

Funeral  Details

G’day all,

Melony, daughter of Mick has sent funeral service details for Mick.

May Mick now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Michael Rodger <>
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2023 8:36 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Re: A soldier died today - WO2 (Later Maj) M. (Mick) G. Rodger RAEME, AATTV

Hi Rick,
Melony here. Thank you for your lovely words to Mum.
We have arranged the funeral service. It will be at Traditional Funerals at 636 Morayfield Road Burpengary Qld on Friday 10 November at 2.30pm. There will be a livestream available, with the link to watch staying active for about 8 months. I'll send the link and pin number to watch once we have the details, for anyone interested.
Kind regards

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Melony Rodger, daughter of the passing last night 26th October 2023 of fellow Team WO2 (Later Maj)  M. (Mick) G. Rodger RAEME aged 91 years.  Mick served in South Vietnam on his first tour of duty with AATTV from 11th December 1967 at Nam Hoa sub-sector, Hue. Jan 68 – May 68, Admin WO, HQ AATTV, Saigon. Jun – Sep 68, RF/PF, Can Tho. Oct – Nov 68, RF/PF Vin Binh, IV Corps. RTA 3rd December 1968.  On his second tour of duty with AATTV, Mick served from 28th May 1970 – Jan 71, 1/6 ARVN Chu Lai, 2nd Division. Feb – Apr 71, HQ AATTV, Danang. RTA 1st May 1971.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Mick was also awarded the US Presidential Citation,  US Bronze Star for Valor (with ‘V’ Device), US Bronze Star for Service, US Army Commendation Medal for Service, the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star) (with cluster).

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincere condolences to Cindy, daughter Melony, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Mike.  A real hero in the sense of the word and a soldier who served his nation with distinction.  Mick was a very keen member of AATTV whose interest in the decades past has never waned.  Mick will be sorely missed by us all.  Now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.

Condolence messages can be passed to Cindy and Melony  on Mick’s email address:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Mick now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Michael Rodger <>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 8:07 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Michael Rodger

Hi Rick,
My name is Melony Rodger. I'm Michael's Daughter. I'm sorry to have to tell you that he passed away last night. I know how much he loved to correspond with you and how much the AATTV meant to him. I just wanted to let you know.
Kind regards

Lest we forget
Entry Date:  26th October 2023

A soldier died today

WO1 Grahame E. Wease RAINF, AATTV

WO1 Grahame Wease MATT 2 1972

Funeral Details

From: <>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 7:34 AM
To: 'advisor' <>
Subject: RE: Passing of Grahame

Morning Rick

Confirmed details for Dad’s Funeral Service



Address: Irene St, Redcliffe QLD 4020


The service will be live streamed details to follow.

Can you please pass this on the to relevant people.

Cheers Greg

G’day all,

Received a phone call from Sam MacKrill, AATTV this morning on the passing today, 24th October 2023 of fellow Team member, WO1 Grahame E. Wease RAINF aged 92 years.  Grahame served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 4th August 1971 – Sep 71, Phuoc Tuy Sector.  Oct 71 – Aug 72, MATT2, Baria, Phuoc Tuy.  RTA 4th August 1972.  In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Grahame was also awarded the US Army Commendation Medal for Service. Grahame also served in the Korean War with 3RAR 1951 - 52.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Ellen,  son Grahame Gregory and daughter Donna, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Grahame.  Many members of the Team knew Grahame well,  a very affable bloke who even as an RSM would get to know and speak with all his diggers.  He was a stalwart member of AATTV who served his country with distinction.  Grahame will be sadly missed by us all.  Gone now to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.

Condolence messages can be passed to son Greg on email:

Greg will advise funeral details once arranged.

May Grahame now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


-----Original Message-----
From: Royce Mackrill <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 7:27 AM
To:; Ken Phillips <>
Subject: Passing of Team Member

Hi Rick, & Ken

I received a call from Greg Wease, son of Graeme informing me that his Dad,  WO1 Graeme Wease, passed away after a short illness at Redcliffe Hospital at approx 2am this morning.

Funeral details TBA

Messages of condolence may be passed to Greg at email:

Sam Mackrill

Lest we forget

Entry Date:  22nd October 2023

A soldier died today

Capt Peter J. Ray RAINF, AATTV

Capt Peter Ray, an adviser with Mike Force “HUE”, a Vietnamese
orphan Lt Stevenson ( a visitor from the Australian Task Force)
practice cricket using a piece of plywood for a bat. November 1967

G’day all,

More sad news in from fellow Team members, Jed White and Kerry Gallagher on the passing on 21st October 2023 of fellow Team Member Capt Peter J. Ray RAINF aged 88 years.  Peter served in South Vietnam with AATTV  from 29th July 1967 with Ranger Training Centre, Duc My. Aug 67, sub-sector Mai Linh, Quang Tri. Sept 67, Company Commander, 14th Coy, 5th SFGA, Danang. A-112,
MSF, Marble Mountain, Danang. Nov - Dec 67, CO 1 MSF, Danang. Jan 68, Deputy Commander, 1 MSF, Danang. Feb – Apr 68, RF/PF, Baria. May – Jul 68, attached 1 ALSG, GSO3, Vung Tau. RTA 23 Jul 68.

In addition to the unit  citations awarded to AATTV, Peter was also awarded the US Presidential Unit Citation for actions during the TET Offensive of 1968.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Jill, family and friends on this sad occasion on the passing of Peter.  An old warrior who served his country well now gone to meet up with fellow brothers-in-arms. Peter will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be sent to Ken Phillips on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Peter now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Kerry Gallagher <>
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2023 2:02 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>; Ken Phillips <>

Rick and Ken good afternoon
I got the very sad news below, from a classmate of mine today about the passing of Peter Ray.
Peter lived in the same retirement village.
I have responded to Bob (Kit) Carson and asked him for funeral details when they are known. I have also asked for Jill’s (Peter’s widow) contact details.
I am in Italy at the moment and so I wonder Rick if you could pass this sad news to the broader AATTV membership and Ken perhaps you could follow it up to the local Brisbane/SEQ members.
Ken as you’re aware Peter attended this year’s AATTV Qld ANZAC day lunch and I know, while clearly not well, he really enjoyed getting out to the lunch.
While overseas at the moment we will be home by Friday and hopefully before any funeral.
Warmest regards
Kerry Gallagher

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: John White <>
Date: Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 11:13?AM
To: Kerry Gallagher <>, Ken Phillips <>, Allen Edwards <>, Frank Reid <>

Good morning Troops
Gill Ray, Peter Ray’s wife, has rung to tell me that Peter Ray died from a massive heart attack last night (Saturday).
I am telling you this so you can activate the AATTV network to get the word out.
I have no further information and it would have been inappropriate to press for detail.
And for those of you who knew him, Rod Curtis died on Thursday in hospital in Perth. His wife Anne is also very unwell.
Check your pulses Men.
Thinking of you

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 22nd October 2023
A soldier died today

Capt (Later Lt Col) M. (Mick) K. Mc Dermott, RAINF

                                                                                          235352 McDERMOTT, Michael "Mike."  Keith                            Capt Mike McDermott advisory team leader
                                                                                          13 December 1946 – 9 September 2023                                             with 2nd Battalion, 5th ARVN Regiment based
                                                                                                                                                                                                         out of Tam Ky, in QUANG TIN Province and later
                                                                                                                                                                                                         adviser to the 5th Regiment Headquarters, was
                                                                                                                                                                                                         one of the last Team members to serve with an
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ARVN battalion in I Corps, September

G’day all,
Late and belated news in on the passing on 9th September 2023 of fellow Team member Capt (Later Lt Col)  M. (Mike) K. McDermott RAINF aged 76 years. Mike served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 2nd June 1971 with HQ 2nd Division, TOC, Quang Ngai. Jul – Nov 71, 5th ARVN Regt, Tam Ky, Quang Tin. RTA 2nd December 1071.  In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Mike was also awarded the US Commendation Medal for Service and the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star).  On his first tour of duty in South Vietnam, Mike served with 1 ARU from 8th August 1969 to 3 Sep and then 5RAR 4 Sep to 10 Mar 70.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Jo, family and friends on this sad occasion of his passing.  Gone too young. A true warrior who served his country with distinction and now gone on to meet with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  Duty done, Mike will be sadly missed by us all. So sad when we get belated news on the passing of one of our own and have not had the chance to say farewell.

I have included the information found on the 5AR web site on details of the passing of Mike.

Take care and Persevere,


Lt Col ‘Mick’ Mcdermott passed away on Saturday 9 September after a long illness.
Michael graduated from Royal Military College Duntroon in 1968 when he joined 1 RAR and while serving in Malaysia, was transferred to 1 ARU in Vietnam in August. On 4 September Michael became the OC of 10 Platoon, Delta Company, 5 RAR. He returned to Australia on Board HMAS Sydney and remained with 5 RAR until transferring to Australian Army Training Team Vietnam in June 1971. Michael had many other postings and took his discharge in August 1990 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
His family are organising a private cremation in a few days. On Friday 29th September there will be a service for Mick at the RSL ANZAC Village Narrabeen (Sydney) at 10.30am in the Lone Pine Function Room which is part of the Gallipoli Building. Medals to be worn. The family is planning a service at the AATTV Memorial Grove at the LWC Canungra. There is a tree assigned to Mick and his wishes were for his ashes to be placed there. Timing is possibly in December 2023. The AATTV Assn will be supporting his family in organising this service, so more to come on this element.
Gary Townsend
5 RARA Membership Officer/Tiger Tales Editor

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 21st September 2023

A soldier died today

WO2 (Later Capt) E. (Squizzy) A. Taylor RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news gleaned from RSL NSW September Edition of Reveille on the passing (sometime May/June 2023) of fellow Team member WO2 (Later Capt) E. (Squizzy) A. Taylor RAINF aged 89 years. Squizzy served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 10th July 1969 to Dec 69 with 5/2 ARVN, Dong Ha, 1st Division, Quang Tri. Jan 70 – 16th July 1970, ARVN Training Nui Dat, Horse Shoe, Phuoc Tuy Province.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Squizzy was also awarded the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Broze Star).

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Squizzy.
Especially sad when Team members have not had a chance to farewell one of our own.  Squizzy served his country with honour and distinction.  An old warrior now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  Squizzy will be sadly missed by us all.

May Squizzy now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 20th September 2023

A soldier died today

WO2 C. (Chris) N. McEvoy RAINF, AATTV

WO2 C.N. McEvoy preparing to move out on patrol in Quang Ngai Province Jun 1968.
With only a two week colloquial language training, advisers often used sign language
as well as the services of a interpreter.

G’day all,

Sad news in on the passing of fellow Team member on 10th September 2023 of WO2 C. (Chris) N. McEvoy RAINF,  AATTV aged 81 years.  Chris served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 25th May 1967 – Jan 68 as Platoon Commander, 14th Company, 5th SFGA, Mike Force, Danang. Feb – Apr  68, 1/2 ARVN, 1st Division, Gio Linh - Dong Ha area, Quang Tri. May – 19th November 1968, RF/PF, Vin Binh, IV Corps.  On his second tour of duty with AATTV  from 29th November 1969 – Mar 70.VDAT, Vin Binh. Apr – Jun 70, RF Training, DIOCC representative, Din Tuong. Jul 70, NOAT, Cho Gao, Dinh Tuong. Aug – 27th November 1970, DIOCC, Dinh Thuong, District Intelligence Committee, IV Corps.  Chris was wounded in action on 6 Apr 68, mortar-artillery fire North of Dong Ha.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Chris was also awarded the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star) and the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star).

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Chris. Surely, we have lost another of our finest who served his country with honour and distinction in time of war.  Chris has now go on to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  He will be sadly missed by us all.

Funeral details as shown in The Advertiser are as follows.

Born Streaky Bay, 22-7-1942
Died FMC, 10-9-2023, aged 81 years.
Beloved son of Norman and Diana McEvoy (nee Kermode).
Loved brother of Jonathan (dec) and Louise.
Dearest partner of Marie.
Fond father of Mark, father-in-law of Karen and grandpa of Ella.
Loved uncle of Michael, Simon and families.
AATTV 1967-1970.

Funeral details as shown in The Advertiser are as follows.

Relatives and friends are advised that the Funeral Service for Christopher will be held on Wednesday 20 September 2023, in the Florey Chapel at Centennial Park, commencing at 11am.

Address: Florey Chapel, Centennial Park 760 Goodwood Road Pasadena, South Australia, 5042

Funeral Directors: Elliott  Bros Funerals (inc Bowen Family Funerals)  Telephone: 82971544

Condolence messages can be passed through Mick Dolensky on email: Mick and Margaret Dolensky (

May Chris now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 21st August 2023

A soldier died today

WO2 (Later Maj) Peter G. Cowan, MBE, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Sam Mackrill AATTV per Mick Shave AATTV,  on the passing today, 18th August 2023 of fellow Team member WO2 (Later Maj) Peter G. Cowan, MBE, RAINF aged 85 years.  Peter served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 24th March 1967 – Aug 67, Mike Force, 5th SFGA, Danang. Sep 67 – 29th   March 1968,  Recondo School, 5th SFGA, Nha Trang.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Marlene, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Peter.  An old warrior, who served his country with distinction, duty done, Peter is now with his fellow brothers-in-arms. He will be sorely missed by us all.

Condolence messages may be sent through Ken Phillips on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Peter now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Ken Phillips <>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2023 4:06 PM
To: Royce Mackrill <>
Cc: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Re: Passing of Peter Cowan

Hi Sam
Thanks for the information Sam - another sad day for The Team.
I am sure that Rick will out out the details on his net when he returns home from Canberra.
Ken p

On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 1:09?PM Royce Mackrill <> wrote:
Hi Rick and Ken

Just spotted a post advising that Peter Cowan passed away at his home yesterday at approx 1700. His wife was with him at the time. It was posted by Mick Shave on the site of the NSW Br of the RAR Association.

I have nothing further other than that he was living at HerveY Bay.

Sam Mackrill

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 20st August 2023
Updated: 21st August 2023

A soldier died today

WO2 L. M. (Mick) Smith RAE, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Ken Phillips, Secretary, AATTV Qld Branch on the passing today, 11th August 2023 of fellow Team member WO2 L. M. (Mick) Smith RAE aged 85 years.  Mick served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 8th January 1968 to 23 Dec 68 at RF/PF, Baria, Phuoc Tuy.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Shirley, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Mick. An old soldier and stalwart member of AATTV, Mick served his nation well and has now gone to meet up with his brothers in arms.  Mick will be sorely missed by us all.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolence messages for Shirley and family can be passed through Ken Phillips on email:

May Mick now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Ken Phillips <>
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 3:14 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Passing of Team Member WO2 L M (Mick) Smith

Hi Rick
I have been advised by Shirley Smith, wife of Team member Mick Smith that Mick passed away today.
May he rest in peace.
Could you please promulgate on your net as Mick was well known throughout the AATTVA for his part in the organization of NationalTeam birthday Memorial services held at The Grove.
Ken P

Funeral Arrangements Mick Smith

From Kaylene Richards

We will be holding a farewell for Dad - Leonard Michael (Mick) Smith, who passed away on 11/8/2923, at Albany Creek Memorial Park Garden Chapel (400 Albany Creek Road, Bridgeman Downs) on Thursday 24 August at 10.30am. All are welcome to attend.
No flowers at request of family please.
For those who would like to attend, but are unable, his farewell will be live streamed via following link

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 22nd June 2023

A soldier died today

Lt (Later Lt Col) J. (John) R. Clarke RAAC

L to R Capt Keith Sticpewich, Capt Bob George, Lt John Clarke and Maj Joe DaCosta at the beach near HUE 1962.
The war was not continuous action and many opportunities arose for recreation and sightseeing. This was
especially so during weekends and Vietnamese holiday periods when both sides seemed to take time out for a rest.

G’day all,

Sad news just in on the passing on 1st June 2023 from John Scales AATTV and Bill Thompson AATTV (refer messages below) of fellow Team member, Lt (Later Lt Col) J. (John) R. Clarke RAAC aged 86 years.  As Bill points out, John served with AATTV as an original Team member in South Vietnam from 3rd August 1962 to 23rd October 1963 at Dong Da National Training Centre, Tactics Committee.

I am sure all Team members would like to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolence to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of John.  John was one of the original Team members who served his nation with honour and will be sadly missed by us all.  Gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.

Funeral details are shown in the extract from the Canberra Times 10th June 2023.

Condolence messages can be passed to Bill Thompson on email: as I believe Simon Hearder is still overseas.

May John now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From Canberra Times 10th June 2023
John Royden
Lt. Col. (Retd.)

16 August 1936 - 1 June 2023

Loved and loving husband of Margaret.
Father of Strath and Loughlan.
Grandfather of three.
Friend to many.

The funeral service for John will be held in the chapel of Norwood Park Crematorium, 65 Sandford Street, Mitchell on FRIDAY, 16 June 2023, commencing at 4:30pm.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Thompson <>
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2023 12:12 PM
To: 'Rick Ryan' <>
Cc: 'John Scales' <>
Subject: FW: Death of John Roydon Clarke (RAAC & AATTV)

Rick Ryan

29593 Lt John Royden Clarke AATTV d. 1 Jun 23. An original Team member who served at the Dong Da National Training Centre Aug 62-Oct 63. A funeral service will be held at Norward Park Crematorium, 65 Sandford Street, Mitchell ACT on Friday 16 June 2023 at 4.30 pm.



Bill Thompson
M: 0428 215 476 T: 02 6254 3429

-----Original Message-----
From: John Scales []
Sent: Saturday, 10 June 2023 10:37 AM
To: Bill Thompson <>
Subject: Death of John Roydon Clarke (RAAC & AATTV)

Hi Bill

Team members might like to be reminded that John was a Team member although he did not take part in Team matters - I don't know why. I have not seen him for some years. His death notice is in today's Canberra Times.


John S

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 21st May 2023

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) J. (Jim) Husband RAINF

                                                                                                                                                                                                     WO2 Jim Husband AATTV Quang Nam 1965

G’day all,

Sad news just in  from Scott Husband, on the passing of his father  and fellow Team Member, today at 1630hrs, St Marys Nursing Home, Coolum Beach, QLD of WO2 (later WO1) J. (Jim) Husband RAINF aged 89 years. Jim served in South Vietnam with  AATTV as an adviser from 14th April 1964 – Aug 64, Dong Da National Training Centre, Weapons Committee. Sep 64 – Mar 65, 1/5 ARVN, 2nd Division, Quang Nam. RTA 11 Apr 65. Jim also served a tour of duty with 7 RAR from 16 Feb 70 to 10 Mar 71.

I am sure that all members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Beris, son Scott, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Jim. Jim has had health problems for quite some time and now has gone on to join his fellow brothers-in arms. Jim was well known throughout the Team and always a stalwart member of AATTV.  An old and bold warrior whose reputation is well known throughout the Army.  Jim served his nation with honour and will be sorely missed by us all.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolence messages can be passed to Ken Phillips AATTV Qld Branch on email:

May Jim now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 21st May 2023
A soldier died today

Sgt A. (Arthur) T. Shelton RAINF, AATTV

                                                                                                                                   Arthur Shelton SAS 2013. Member AATTV Association WA Branch                    Arthur Shelton SAS, AATTV - AATTV 55th Anniversary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Reunion, Queensland 2017

G'day all,

Sad news in from Susie Shelton, on the passing of her father and fellow Team member last night, the 20th May 2023, Sgt A. (Arthur) T. Shelton RAINF aged 84 years.  Arthur, a SAS member, served in South Vietnam with AATTV as an adviser from 25th February 1969 – early Mar 69, 5th SFGA Combat Orientation Course, Nha Trang. Mar – May 69, platoon commander, 2MSF, B-20, 5th SFGA, Pleiku. Jun – Aug 69, Long Range Reconnaissance Platoon Wing, Van Kiep, Phuoc Tuy. Sep 69 – Feb 70, platoon commander, 2 MSF, B-20, 5th SFGA, Pleiku. RTA 18 Feb 70. Arthur was wounded in action on 22 May 69 from shrapnel wounds and casevac to 1 Aust Fd Hosp, Vung Tau.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV for service in South Vietnam, Arthur was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Valour (with ‘V’ Device).

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Susie, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Arthur. Arthur was a big barrelled chesty man, a former SAS member and a warrior who served his country with distinction.  A stalwart member of the AATTV Association WA Branch, Arthur held AATTV in high regard and he will be sorely missed by us all.  Duty now done, Arthur has now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.

Condolence messages can be passed to Susie Shelton on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Arthur now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 21st May 2023

A soldier died today

Capt R. (Ray) L. Bricknell RAE, AATTV
17 Construction Sqn, 1 Aust CA Unit – Aust Embassy

G’day all,

Sad news in on the passing on 7th May 2023 of fellow Team  member Capt R. (Ray) L. Bricknell, RAE aged 84 years.  Ray served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 1st June 1970 to 27 Aug 70. No deployment information. Possibly held against an AATTV position whilst doing civil affairs tasks with Aust Embassy Saigon.  Ray also served with 17 Construction Sqn,  3 Sep 69 – 2 Dec 69. 3 Dec 69 – 31 May 70, 1 Aust CA Unit.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Helen, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Ray. Duty now done. Ray will be sadly missed by us all.

Funeral details will be provided once known.

Condolence messages can be passed through Ken Phillips on email:

May Ray now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 13th May 2023
A soldier died today

Capt R. (Bob) E. Hagerty RAAC
AATTV, 1 APC Sqn, A Sqn 3 Cav Regt

Team at the Vietnam Laos Border on Route 19 in 1962. Back Row (LtoR) WO2 R.P. PINCOTT, WO2 B.M. QUEE,

G’day all,

Sad news in from John Pritchard RAE ex- 1 APC Sqn 1966/67 on the passing of fellow Team Member Capt R. (Bob) E. Hagerty RAAC on Wednesday, 10th May 2023 aged 88 years.
Bob served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 3rd August 1962 to Sep 63, Hiep Khanh Training Centre, near Hue, General Subjects Committee. Attached ARVN 4 Armd Regt, Oct 63. RTA 30 Nov 63.  Bob also served in South Vietnam with 1 APC Sqn, 25 May 66 – 15 Jan 67 and A Sqn, 3 Cav Regt, 16 Jan 67 – 22 Feb 67. Bob was one of the Original Team Members.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences to Jan, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Bob. Bob served his nation well in time of war and has gone on to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  An old warrior duty now done will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed to Dour Tear, President AATTV Association NSW Branch on email:

May Bob now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Funeral Notice from Sydney Morning Herald

Robert Edmund
1.2.1935 - 10.5.2023
Passed away peacefully following a long illness. Loving husband of Jan, father of Sally Seymour and Helen Martin, father-in-law of Michael and Will. Grandfather of Cate, Georgie, Charles and Freddie.
Family and friends are invited to a Funeral Service at St James Chapel, Anglicare Village, Castle Hill NSW on Wednesday 17 May 2023 at 11:00am.
In lieu of floral tributes, please consider a donation to the Leukaemia Foundation.
Thornleigh 9484 3992

-----Original Message-----
From: john Pritchard <>
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 3:18 PM
To: AATTV Ryan <>
Subject: Bob Hagerty AATTV


Just to advise Bob passed away Wednesday night last.




St James Chapel, Anglican Retirement Villages, Castle Hill NSW

Live stream link TBA

John Pritchard
RAE Retd
Ex 1 APC Sqn 66/67


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 24th April 2023

A soldier died today

Capt T. (Terry) J. Smith RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Doug Tear – President, AATTV NSW Branch on the passing on 18th April 2023 of fellow Team Member Capt T. (Terry) J. Smith RAINF aged 80 years.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Terry on this sad occasion of his passing.

Duty now done, Terry has now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.

Funeral details are shown below and condolence messages can go through Doug Tear on email:

May Terry now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 9:00 AM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Fellow Team Member - Capt Terrence John Smith RAInf

Dear Members,
It is with regret and sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, Capt Terrence John Smith RAInf on 18 April 2023 in Sydney, New South Wales.
Terry served with the team from 4 July to 18 December 1972, initially with the Phuoc Tuy Training Battalion at Long Hai and later in December 1972, with the Jungle Warfare Training Centre at Van Kiep.
There will be a Memorial Service for Terry at The Founders Room, Wanda Surf Club, 2 Marine Esplanade, Cronulla on Tuesday, 2 May, at 10am.
Condolence messages can be passed to me on:

Like the leaves on a tree in autumn,
we slowly depart, one by one.
But, let those remaining still Persevere.

A quote from Richard Riddle

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 8th February 2023

A soldier died today

    WO2 D. (Dan) Burke, RAINF, AATTV

WO2 D. Burke preparing to move of in his jeep for supplies for Australia House, DANANG. As administrative
Officer, his duties included the purchasing of local produce from the markets, obtaining supplies from the supply
Depots and supervising the Vietnamese house staff. April 1970

G’day all,

Belated news in from John Kirby – AATTV Facebook, on the passing on 22nd January 2023 of fellow Team member, WO2 D. (Dan) Burke, RAINF aged 90 years. Dan served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 27th August 1969 to Feb 70 with 1/4 ARVN, 2nd Division, Quang Ngai. Mar – Jul 70, Admin WO, Australia House, Danang. RTA 27 Aug 70.

On behalf of all members of AATTV we pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion on the passing of Dan. Always sad when we hear of one of our own passing on without a chance to express our condolences.  Please note the Celebration of Life for Dan at the Redlands RSL on Friday, 10th February at 10am where you may have a chance to meet up with the family.  Dan served his country well having also served in Malaya and Borneo.  An old soldier, duty done and now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.

Condolence messages can be passed to Ken Phillips on email:

May Dan now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From John Kirby – AATTV Facebook

It is with the heaviest and saddest of hearts that we watched WO2 Daniel Burke (Jenny's Dad) deteriorate over the last month and leave this life last Sunday 22 January. He served in Vietnam 1969-1970 with AATTV.
We were truly blessed to have this amazing man as our Dad and lucky enough to have celebrated his 90th Birthday in December.
His wishes was there will be no funeral so he was cremated on 25 January.
There will be a Celebration of Life at Redlands RSL on Friday 10 February at 10am.
Next time you are having a beer or drink raise your glass "To Dan".

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 20th January 2023

A soldier died today

WO2 M. (Max) R. Muir RAINF AATTV

Advisors with the Night Operations Training Team at Dong Tam in the Delta, 1971. From left front WO1 J.A. Baird (NZ) WO2 M.R. Muir and a US advisor.
From left rear WO1 B. Roe (NZ), WO2 l. Jaago and WO2 J.J. Cootes (NZ). The advisers are watching a demonstration on use of the enemy AK 47 assault
rifle. WO1 Roe is also holding a rocket propelled grenade (RPG) launcher. Both of these weapons were commonly used by the Viet Cong.

G’day all,

Sad and belated news in from Doug Tear President, AATTV Association NSW Branch on the passing of fellow Team on 9th August 2022, WO2 Max R. Muir RAINF aged 87 years. (refer message below).

Max was on our Lost members list and always sad when we hear news like this.  I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on hearing of the sad occasion of the passing of Max.

Max served his country well and has gone on to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  An old warrior, duty done.

May Max now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Sent: Sunday, 15 January 2023 11:31 AM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Belated advice - Passing of a Fellow Team Member - WO2 Maxwell Robert Muir RAInf

Dear Members,
It is with regret and sadness that I have received belated advice of the passing of a fellow Team Member, WO2 Maxwell Robert Muir RAInf on 9 August 2022 in Tasmania.
Max served with the Team from 7 May 1970 to 5 May 1971 initially as the RQMS, AATTV at Vung Tau and later in July and August as Admin WO, Can Tho.  In September 1970 Max was appointed as Admin WO AATTV Danang and in October to MATT 2 Long Le, Phuoc Tuy.  In November 1970 Max was attached to JWTC, Nui Dat; and in February 1971 to MATT 6 at Hoa Long where he completed his tour.
Max had served previously in South Vietnam with HQ 1 ATF from 3 May 1967 to 2 April 1968.
Like the leaves on a tree in autumn,
we slowly depart, one by one.
But, let those remaining still Persevere.
A quote from Richard Riddle

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 20th January 2023

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) K. (Kevin) D. Stockley RAINF, AATTV

WO2 K. D. STOCKLEY posing with the AUSTRALIAN HOUSE sign in DANANG, May 1965.
Set you b 1964, Australia House was the main administrative centre for the Team in I Cor ps
Where the majority of Australian advisers were located. It was permanently staffed by the Team’s
RSM and another warrant officer for administrative duties.

G’day all,

Sad news in from Dennis Manski AATTV courtesy of 8 RAR site on the passing of 7th and 8th January of fellow Team member WO2 (later WO1) K. (Kevin) D. Stockley RAINF aged 91 years and his wife Joy due to COVID.  Kevin served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 23rd March 1965 to Jul 65m 3/1 ARVN, 1st 8 Division, Quang Tri.  Aug 65 – Feb 66 as Admin WO, Danang. RTA 9 Mar 66.

On behalf of all Team members’, we pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion on the passing of Kevin and Joy. Truly sad circumstances.  I am sure that Kevin has gone on to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms. An old warrior whose duty is now done.

Funeral details will be forwarded once known.

Condolence messages can be passed to Ken Phillips AATTV QLD Branch on email:

May Kevin and Joyce now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Dennis Manski <>
Sent: Saturday, 14 January 2023 6:20 AM
To: 'Rick Ryan' <>
Subject: Passing of the Stockleys for info

Rick for your info from 8RAR site.
Dennis Manski

VALE: Kevin Stockley CSM of Support Company with 8 RAR in Malaysia, who later became RSM of 3TB Singleton. Kevin and Joyce both passed away a day apart on the weekend of 7th- 8th JAN 2023 from COVID.
 Funeral Details: TBA.

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 22nd December 2022
A soldier died today
WO2 R. (Ray) G. Evans RAINF, AATTV
````                                                                                                                                        Team GIO LINH sub-sectory in QUANG TRI Province near the DMZ. L to R. WO2 R. W. Foster, WO2 R.G. Evans.
                                                                                                                                            WO2 K.J. Daly, WO2 R.F. Vercoe, WO2 T.F. Dolan, WO2 H.R. Everett a US Army Advisor and WO2 G.L. Armstrong. Feb 66,
                                                                                                                                           The monkey’s name was HO CHI MINH.

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Sharon Baker on AATTV Facebook page with funeral details for WO2 R. (Ray) G. Evans RAINF aged 91 years. Ray served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 21 Oct 1965 to 11Oct 66 with4/2 ARVN, 1st Division, Gio Linh area, Quang Tri.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Ray was also awarded the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Bronze Star.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of  Ray.  Ray served his nation with honour and has not gone on to meet with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  An old warrior sadly to be missed by us all.

Funeral details are shown below.

Condolence messages can be passed to Ken Phillips on email: Ken Phillips

May Ray, now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Sharon Baker
It is with a heavy heart that l inform the group of the passing of RAY EVANS
Funeral Thursday 29th Dec 10.30 am
Traditional Funerals Anzac Ave Redcliffe QLD
Rest- Your job is done.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 22nd December 2022

A soldier died today

WO2 K. (Keith) D. Charlton RAA, AATTV

WO2 K.D. Charlton (L), WO2 B.M. Prosper (2nd from right) and WO G. Sutherland
arrive by Air America Porter at MY THO in the Delta. Air America was the CIA’s airline
operating scheduled and non-scheduled services throughout South East Asia. Note PSP

                                                                                                                                                                          airstrip. August 1971.

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Vic Pennington AATTV SA on the passing of fellow Team member WO2 K. (Keith) D. Charlton RAA on 15th December 2022 aged 86 years.  Keith served in South Vietnam with AATTV from
24th December 1970. Jan 71, Night Advisory Team, Can Tho. Feb – Jun 71, Night Advisory Team, Dong Tam. Jul – Nov 71m HQ, 2 ARVN Div, Quang  Ngai.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Keith was also awarded the South Vietnamese, Armed Forces Honour Medal, 2nd Class and the Staff Service Medal, 2nd Class.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Rhonda, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Keith.  Keith served his nation well and with pride and will be sadly missed by us all.  Now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.

Funeral details are shown below.

Condolence messages can be passed to Ken Phillips on email: Ken Phillips

May Keith, now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


FUNERAL NOTICE - The late Keith David Charlton
27/06/1936 to 15/12/2022
Vietnam Veteran
Service at:
Eco Memorial Park
Mount Stapylton Chapel
21 Quinns Hill Road West
Stapylton QLD
on Thursday the 22nd of December at 11:00am
Keith also served in Butterworth, Malaysia with 111 LAA Bty RAA in 1964. he was the gun sgt (number 1) of Echo gun. Keith also served at School of Arty Nth Head and was the RSM 16 AD Regt. Keith was my next door neighbour at Nth Head. My sincere condolences to Rhonda and their family and friends. Stand Easy mate, your duty is complete.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 22nd Decembber 2022

A soldier died today

Capt (later Maj) J.(Jim) A. Fitzsimon, MID RAINF

G’day all,

Sad and belated news in on the passing on 2nd October 2022 of fellow Team member Capt (later Maj) J. (Jim) A. Fitzsimon, MID RAINF aged 77 years.  Jim served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 14th October 1970 to Feb 71, JWTC, Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy. Mar 71, MATT, MR1, Quang Ngai. Jim also served with 7RAR from 2 Apr 67 to 25 Oct 67 and HQ 1ATF, 26 Oct 67 to 9 Apr 68. Jim was Mentioned In Despatches (MID) for his service with 7RAR.  A copy of his citation reads as follows:

Army Number:                     216966
Substantive Rank:                Second Lieutenant
Christian Name:                   James Anthony
Surname:                               FITZSIMON
Honour or Award:                MID

Second Lieutenant James Fitzsimon was commissioned in the Australian Regular Army  on 11 June 1966,was posted to 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment on 25 June 1966 and arrived in South Vietnam with the Battalion in April 1967.
On 5 May 1967 whilst a Patrol Commander of a fighting patrol, Second Lieutenant Fitzsimon successfully attacked a Viet Cong patrol killing two enemy.
Tend day later, during a search and destroy operation in Phuoc Tuy Province, Second Lieutenant Fitzsimon was signalled that there were enemy in the vicinity and an immediate reconnaissance that a number of enemy were laying mines to his front.  He gave orders to his Section Commanders to deploy for an immediate assault.  However, before his supporting fire section could move into the correct position, the enemy became aware of the patrol’s presence.
Second Lieutenant Fitzsimon rapidly reappraised the situation and, ignoring the fact that mines could be present in his path, led his assault group into the face of the enemy, killing 3 Viet Cong, wounding another and dispersing the remainder of the enemy in confusion.
The coolness, quick thinking and determination displayed by Second Lieutenant Fitzsimon, set an example of leadership which is an inspiration to his men and example for others to follow.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Lorraine, family and friends of Jim on his passing.  Jim served his country well in time of war and now gone on to meet with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  He will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed to Doug Tear, President, AATTV Association NSW Branch on email:

May Jim Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Funeral Notice after some research.

Passed away 2.10.2022
Aged 77 years
Late of Tea Gardens
 Beloved husband of LORRAINE. Loving father, grandfather & brother..
 Relatives and Friends of JIM are warmly invited to attend his Memorial Service in St. Stephen’s Catholic Church, Witt St., Tea Gardens this THURSDAY 27.10.2022 at 11:30am.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 15th November 2022

A soldier died today

WO1 B. (Baz) I. V. Muir RAINF, AATTV

American and Vietnamese  Officers  Advisors from I Corps Headquarters being entertained at Australia House, Danang, shortly before closure. From Left,
WO1 I, Robertson., WO1 B. ( Baz) I. V. Muir and WO1 R. A. Kean. June 1971.

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Mick Dolensky , President AATTV Association South Australia Branch on the passing yesterday, 13th November 2022 of fellow Team Member, WO1 B. (Baz) I.V. Muir RAINF aged 86 years. Baz served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 3rd September 1970 – Oct 70, 2/4 ARVN and Nov 70, 4/4 ARVN, both Quang Ngai. Dec 70 – Aug 71, Admin WO, AATTV Danang. RTA 2nd September 1971.

I am sure all Team members would like to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Baz. Another of our finest now gone to join up with his fellow brothers-in-arms. As our numbers dwindle with the passing of time, at least there are those of us still around that have long memories.  Baz will be sadly missed by us all.

Funeral details will be provided once known.

Condolence messages can be passed to Mick Dolensky on email: ''

May Baz now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 13th November 2022

A soldier died today

Capt Peter McAllister Reid, RAINF, AATTV
26th September 1967 – 21st February 1968

A Viwtnamese orphan "Hue"displays his  affection as he jumps into the
arms of Capt Peter Reid an Adviser with Mike Force. November 1967

G’day all,

Sad news in from Doug Tear, President AATTV Association NSW Branch on the passing on 24thOctober 2022 of fellow Team member Capt Peter McAllister Reid RAINF aged  80 years.

Email from Doug is shown below with service and funeral details.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Peter.  Another fellow Team member that has now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in arms.

Condolence messages can be passed to Doug Tear on email:

May Peter now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Sent: Saturday, 29 October 2022 6:13 AM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Team Member - Capt Peter McAllister Reid RAInf

Dear Members,
It is with regret and sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, Peter McAllister Reid RAInf on 24 October 2022 in Sydney, New South Wales.
Peter served with the Team from 26 September 1967 to 21 February 1968  as Company Commander 14th Company C, Mobile Strike Force, 5th SFGA, Danang.

On 5 February 1968, Peter became a non-battle casualty at Quang Ngai and was medically evacuated to Australia on 21 February 1968.

The funeral service for Peter will be held at 11.00 am on Thursday,3 November 2022 at St Aloysius Collage Chapel, 47 Upper Pitt Street Kirribilli, New South Wales.  Members are welcome to attend.
Condolence messages can be passed to me on:
Like the leaves on a tree in autumn,
we slowly depart, one by one.
But, let those remaining still Persevere.

A quote from Richard Riddle
Rest In Peace

Lest we forget

 Entry Date: 23rd September 2022

A soldier died today

WO2 D. (Don) B. Phillips RAASC, AATTV

                                                                                         A very young Don Phillips. My guess either recruit or corps training.                     WO2 Don Phillips AATTV in RVN                                     WO2 Don Phillips AATTV in RVN 1968/69.

G’day all,

Sad news in from son, David Phillips on the passing of his father on 22nd September 2022, fellow Team Member WO2, D. (Don) B. Phillips RAASC aged 90 years. Don served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 9th April 1968with RF/PF, Mai Linh sub-sector Quang Tri Sector. May – Jul 68, 2/2 ARVN, Gio Linh area, Quang Tri.  Aug – Oct 68, 54th Regt, Hue. Nov 68 -Mar 69, Admin WO, AATTV Danang. RTA 2 Apr 69.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV,  Don was also awarded the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star).

I am sure that all Team members would want to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to wife Shirley, son David, family and friends on this sad occasion on the passing of Don. Don served his nation with distinction in time of war and was well respected within the Team.  Duty now done and gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  He will be sorely missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed to son David on email: or Mobile: 0482420170

Funeral details are shown in David’s email below.

May Don now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: David Phillips <>
Sent: Friday, 23 September 2022 1:35 PM
Subject: Donald Bradman Phillips AATTV

I am contacting you to advise of the passing of my father, Warrant Officer Class 2, Don Phillips on Thursday 22/09/2022. His funeral will be on Tuesday 4/10/2022 in Adelaide. It is his wish that his ashes be left at the memorial tree at Canungra. I will be in Yamba in November and will go through appropriate channels to access the base.

David Phillips

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 22nd September 2022

Welfare Report
Ray Oliver MM, AATTV

G’day all,

Doug Tear, President, AATTV Association NSW Branch has sent a welfare report on one of our old and bolds, Ray Oliver, MM. Ray is well known throughout the Team and we all wish him a speedy recovery.

No doubt Ray would like a call with the amount of time in hospital and rehab.

We wish him  speedy recovery and trust he will be up and about soon.

Email messages can also be passed to Doug Tear on email:

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2022 3:42 PM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Ray Oliver

Dear Members,
Last Wednesday, Ray Oliver had a fall at home and has fractured his right femur and is in Liverpool Hospital.
I have visited Ray, he is in good spirits but understandably, he is in a fair amount of pain.
It is likely that Ray will be hospitalized for several weeks with the possibility of later being transferred to either Campbelltown or Camden hospital for rehabilitation.
Ray would welcome a cheerio phone call; he can be contacted on 0432 652 157.
I will keep you posted on his progress.

Entry Date: 10th September 2022

A soldier died today

Capt (later LtCol) P. (Peter) L. Tilley LVO, RAINF

                   Capt Peter Tilley an adviser with Combined Studies Division (code words used to describe a para-military wing of the CIA)                                                     Capt PETER TILLEY being presented with an award (unknown)
                                           with NUNG bodyguards in BINH DINH Province II Corps. The .30 calibre machine gun on the pedestal mount was common                                                                                       by General NGUYEN    CAO KY, the President of South Vietnam,
                                           on jeeps in this role.  Note also the eagle and kangaroo emblem.                                                                                                                                                                                1966.  Capt Tilley served with the Combined Studies Division.

G’day all,

Sad news in from Simon Hearder, National Secretary AATTV Association on the passing on 5th September 2022 of fellow Team member Capt (later LtCol) P. (Peter) L. Tilley LVO, RAINF aged  86 years.
Peter served in South Vietnam of his first tour of duty with AATTV from 16th October 1965 to 4 Oct 66 with CSD-CIA paramilitary organisation, Qui Nhon. On his second tour of duty, as a Major with 3 RAR from 12 Feb 71 – 16 Oct 71.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Sandra, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Peter.  An officer who served his nation with distinction in time of war, now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers in arms. I am sure that Peter’s time in AATTV with CSD – CIA would have been an interesting one. Peter will be sorely by us all.

Simon will advise funeral details once known.  Condolence messages can be passed through Simon on email:

May Peter now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder <>
Sent: Friday, 9 September 2022 9:11 AM
To: Simon & Charlotte Hearder <>
Subject: A Soldier Died Today - Lt Col Peter Tilley LVO

Dear members and friends
I have just been informed that our colleague Lt Col Peter Tilley LVO RA Inf  died on this Monday 5 September . He had not been well for some time. I have sent an email to Sandra expressing our deepest sympathy .
I don’t know any other details at the moment so when I receive some funeral details I’ll pass these on
Lest We Forget

Lest we forget

Entry Date:  26th August 2022

A soldier died today

WO2 T. (Tommy) M. Donnelly RAA, AATTV

   MATT 1 – TEAM 89 operating from VAN KEIP in the BARIA area of  PHUOC TUY Province. Back row from left WO2 J.L. THORBURN,      WO2 C.E. EBNER,            Tommy Donnelly AATTV
        WO2 T.M. DONNELLY, WO2 W. J. FRENCH, CAPT D.J. WILMORE. Front row from left WO2 G.R. MARTIN, two interpreters and CPL G.L. WILSON.
        August 1972'

G’day all,

I have just received news from John Lloyd, President of Coffs Harbour RSL on the passing on 22nd August 2022 of fellow Team member WO2 T. (Tommy) M. Donnelly RAA aged 87 years.  Tommy served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 10th July 1972 to 18 Dec 72 with MATT 1, Van Kiep, Phuoc Tuy province.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Barbara, Annette and Astrid Geertruida, family and friends on this occasion of the passing of Tommy.  Tommy had been in palliative care at Coffs Harbour.  An old soldier that served his country well and now gone on to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms. Sadly missed by us all.

Funeral details for Tommy are as follows:

Funeral Director:  Keith Logue & Sons

Thomas (Tommy) Michael Donnelly

Date: Monday 29 August 2022
Time: 2:30PM
Service: Chapel of Hogbin Drive Crematorium Coffs Harbour.
Location: Stadium Drive, Coffs Harbour Livestream on Keith Logue & Sons Facebook Page

Condolence messages can be passed to Doug Tear on Email:

May Tommy now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date:  26th August 2022

A soldier died today

WO2 G. (Geoff) E. Munro RASIGS. AATTV

G’day all,

Sad belated news in from Doug Tear, President AATTV Association NSW Branch on the passing on 14th May 2022 of fellow Team Member, WO2 G. (Geoff) E. Munro, RASIGS aged 93 years. Geoff served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 11th September 1964 to Jun 65, 1st SFG Team A-113, then 5th SFGA team A5334 A Shau laterA-102, Thua Thien. Jul - 12 Sep 65, C Team Danang. On second tour of duty from
23 Jul 68 RD Cadre Training, Chuong Tien. Aug 68, RD Cadre, Vinh Binh. Sep 68 – 11 Feb 70, RD Cadre, Can Tho. 10 Mar 70, RD Cadre, Can Tho. Apr 70,VDAT, Vinh Long. Aug – 9 Sep70, VDAT, Vinh Binh Sector. Third tour of duty 4 Jul 72 – Sep 72, Long Hai Training Battalion. Oct – Nov 72, JWTC, Van Kiep. RTA 2 Dec 72.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Geoff was also  awarded the US Army Commendation Medal for Service.

Always sad when one of our own has passed on without our knowledge.  Geoff spent quite sometime with AATTV on a number of tours and there is no doubt he served his nation well. Sorely missed by us all.

May Geoff now Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Sent: Friday, 26 August 2022 1:21 PM
Cc:  Rick Ryan <>;
Subject: Passing of a Team Member - Geoffery Ernest Munro RASigs

Dear Members,
It is with regret and sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, WO2 Geoffery Ernest Munro, RASigs on 14 May 2022 at Maclean, New South Wales.
Geoff served three tours with the Team, firstly from 11 September 1964 to 12 September 1965 , initially with 1st SFG Team A-113, then later with 5th SFGA Team A5/334 at A Shau, then with Team A-102 in Thua Thien Province.  Geoff completed his tour with the C Team Danang.  Geoff’s second tour was an extended one from 23 July 1968 to 9 July 1970, initially with Revolutionary Development Cadre training at Chuong Tien.  In August 1968 Geoff was appointed to the RD Cadre at Vin Binh, later from September 1968 to February 1970 with the RD Cadre at Can Tho.  In April 1970 Geoff was appointed to the Village Advisory Defence Team at Vinh Long, Geoff completed his tour with VDAT at the Vinh Ninh Sector.  Geoff’s third tour was from 4 July to 2 December 72, initially with the Long Hai Training Battalion and later from October to November, with the JWTC at Van Kiep.

Rest in Peace

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 26th August 2022

Dasher's main marker within the Grove                        Edna Wheatley and NP Row of Memory                             NP, Edna Wheatley and George Wheatley at Can Tha

G’day all,

Kerry Gallagher our National President has kindly sent some photographs Edna Wheatley (widow) of Dasher and George (son) after escorting them through the Memorial Grove, Canungra. (Refer to Kerry’s email below).

Below is an extract of the Word Document as attached:

“On Friday 19 August, the day following Vietnam Veterans' Day (which incidentally failed to make any media I saw) I, as the National President of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) Association, had the honour of escorting Edna and George Wheatley, the widow and son of Kevin 'Dasher' Wheatley, VC (Post) through the AATTV Association's Memorial Grove within the Land Warfare Centre (LWC) at Canungra in SE Queensland.
AATTV or most often just referred to as The Team was the first Australian unit into Vietnam in 1962 and the last unit out in 1972. It won all four Victoria Crosses awarded in Vietnam and lost 33 killed. Overall, there were just 1000 members of the Team, and each member has a tree in the Grove marked by his name and service details.
One widow, whom I escorted through the Grove referred to it as being spiritual. I think she may well be correct!
Edna was a noble and inspirational lady who raised her very young family exceptionally well without bitterness or complaint, while George was a son totally dedicated to his dad.
We walked through the peace of the Grove, among the trees and the various elements of remembrance. Edna and George touched the name of Dasher on the black marble scrolls in Can Nha (Our Home), stood at the commencement of Wheatley's Wander, a pathway in the Grove, shed a few quiet tears at his tree in the Grove and finally inspected the new plinth at the commencement of The Row of Memory, dedicated to the 33 Team member's killed in Vietnam.
Over tea, later, Edna showed me the most recently awarded US Silver Star (the third highest US award for Bravery) for Dasher's action in Vietnam. This was only presented earlier this year.
Since we parted, I am not quite certain of the emotions I felt, but certainly high up there was humble. Dasher, through his absolute commitment to his friend, to me, personified the very highest level of that Australian quality we all like to talk about, mateship! I can openly say he was and remains my hero!
Edna and George exhibited the highest level of two other remarkable qualities, loyalty and faithfulness.
If you would like to know a little more about the Grove you might like to look up the 'Most Beautiful Grove Never Seen' a Channel 9 Current Affair Program of almost 2 years ago.
I also attach a few photos of Edna and George's visit and a precis of Dasher's citation for his VC.
PERSEVERE! Kerry Gallagher”

Take care and Persevere,

From: Kerry Gallagher <>
Sent: Sunday, 21 August 2022 6:10 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Ken Phillips <>; Jed White <>;; Frank Reid <>; Simon Hearder <>
Subject: Edna and George Wheatley Visit the AATTV Grove-19 August

Rick good evening,
On Friday 19 August I escorted Edna, widow of Dasher, and son George Wheatley through the Grove.
It was my absolute honour.
I did a short piece for my Linkedin page but I wonder if you might post it to your AATTV list and/or website.
I attach it and some photos.
It was great to have you at the 60th!!
Hope you’re well.
Warmest regards,

 Entry Date: 17th August 2022

A soldier died today

WO2 I. J. (John) Langridge RAA, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in on the passing of fellow Team member WO2 I. J. (John) Langridge aged 83 years.  John served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 16th March 1965 – Sep 65 , 5th SFGA team A-102. A Shau, Thua Thien. Oct 65 – 26 Feb 66, HQ AATTV, Saigon.

John passed away overseas and at this stage I do not have the full details. As can be seen below, the funeral service was conducted overseas.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Miriam, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of John.  Another old warrior that served his country well and now gone on to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.  He will be sadly missed by us all.

Take care and Persevere,


From: <>
Sent: Saturday, 13 August 2022 9:16 AM
Subject: Vale - Irwin JOHN Langridge.
----- Original Message -----
"Northbeach Secretary" <>


Fri, 12 Aug 2022 09:08:10 +0000
Vale - Irwin JOHN Langridge.
Sadly, we have been advised of the passing of our esteemed member John Langridge, Army 1410127, aged 83.
 Sincere condolences to his wife and Miriam, family, and friends.
 Funeral was held overseas but we will advise regarding any memorial services in the future.
 “Lest We Forget”
 Wayne Koch
North Beach RSLWA.
ABN. 59 263 172 184.
Ph. 0407 478 963.

Lest we forget

 Entry Date: 2nd August 2022

G’day all,

At our AATTV 60th Anniversary Reunion on Saturday, 30th July I was approached by fellow Team member, Alec Morris OAM, DCM in relation to a submission prepared by him on behalf of the AATTV Association for the award of the Unit Citation for Gallantry (UCG) to AATTV.  Alec gave me a USB which I have now copied so that the content of the submission can be distributed to Team members and family members of those Team members that have passed on.  PDF Documents for the Covering Letter and the Submission are on these links: UCG Covering Letter Latest.wbk.pdf and the submission:  UCG Submission Revised 21 Feb 22.pdf

I have read through the submission and have to commend Alec on the research he has done to prepare this document.  Of course, you can see that the original submission went to Minister for Defence - Peter Dutton MP prior to the last election. Circumstances have changed but they will be addressed.

The submission by Alec is very detailed with justification for the retrospective award of the UCG which can from what Alec has written, be approved by the Governor General. One thing that I did note was the number of awards made to members of AATTV, which no doubt would have been even higher had the government of the day during the Vietnam War recognised foreign awards.  I am sure many of you would be aware of Team members that were awarded South Vietnamese and US Awards that were never formally recognised by the Honours and Awards Tribunal due to lack of documentation being available when the government finally accepted these awards back in early 2000s from memory.

I ask that wide distribution of this submission be passed to fellow Team members that may not have computer skills and also to family members of Team members.

You can also address comments to Alec on email:

Take care and Persevere,


Entry Date: 24th June 2022

AATTV 60th Anniversary Reunion
Canungra, Queensland 30th July 2022

G’day all,

Ken Phillips AATTV QLD Branch has forwarded a copy (see below) of the invitation to the AATTV 69th Anniversary Birthday Memorial Service to be held at Canungra on 30th July 2022.

Details of requirements for acceptance are shown on the form.

Hope to see you there.

Take care and Persevere,


Hi Rick
Below is a copy of the invitation to The Team's 60th to be held at  Canungra on 30 July 2022. It will go out later this week end.
I see from a couple of E-mails that you have a group coming over - well done Mate.
I have some E mail addresses for those in the west but not all. Would you mind passing around a copy please and in about a week post a copy on your web page if that is possible.
At the Qld Br exec meeting on Thursday it was agreed that the Qld Br would provide the funds for a 27 seater coach from the Twin Towns Mantra for your group and any other attendees that have booked into the Mantra. It will go direct from the hotel and return later in the day. There will be no pick ups on the way. If others wish to use the coach they will need to join it at your hotel.
Sad to hear that Trank Moffitt has passed on to a 'higher level'
Ken P

    TO the
           AATTV 60th Birthday and Memorial Service
    To Be Held at
      The AATTV Memorial Grove on
    SATURDAY 30th July 2022

Yes, I....................................................................will be attending the Team's Memorial Service at
      Land Warfare Centre Canungra and I shall be bringing the following guests-:



The following information should be noted:
Timings: 0830- 0900 – Those attending to be at the main entrance to Land Warfare Centre to park cars and be
ready for bus transport to the Sergeants Mess or Morning Tea - commencing at 9.00 am - last bus leaves at 0900.

Cost: $65.00 pp

All inclusive for morning Tea, Buffet Lunch, soft drinks,   ales and wines included. Cost also includes
bus transport to and from carpark and to and from The Grove. (Children under 10 no charge.)

Raffle: A raffle will be conducted and donations to the raffle table most kindly accepted and appreciated.

Payment: a. Please find enclosed my cheque/money order for $          or
b. I have made payment of $ to CBA BSB 064140 Acct Number 00902733 (incl your name/60th B/D in the transfer)

RSVP: Please RSVP by Friday 22 July 2022 to:
Ken Phillips by:
Mail: AATTVA 212/1 The Inlet Dr Carrara Qld 4211 Phone: (07) 55302819
Mob: 0407 555549

E mail:

Entry Date: 22nd June 2022

A soldier died today

Lt Col (later Brig) P. (Pat) T.F. Gowans RAA, AATTV

LTCOL J.D. STEWART Commander AATTV, LTCOL P.T.F. GOWANS, Senior Australian Adviser I Corps, COL W.A. WOOLSTON
and  MAJ R.V. MUSGROVE, Senior adviser to MATTS in Phuoc Tuy Province, at a meeting of Senior Australian adviser from  outlying
military regions, outside the Team Headquarters in Saigon, early 1972.

Dear Members and friends
Sad to advise that Lt Col  ( later Brigadier ) Pat Gowans RAA AATTV died in Canberra on Sunday night 26th June 2022 surrounded by his wife Phillipa and his children .  Please see the details from his daughter Kirsty below and Rick Ryan’s messages of sincerest sympathy and deepest condolences to the family.
Kirsty has advised that the funeral will be at the Anzac Chapel , Duntroon on Friday 8th July at 10am . I’m sure a number of us will be there so that we can form the TEAM Guard of Honour .
May Pat now Rest in Peace
Lest We Forget

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Kirsty, daughter of fellow Team member Lt Col (later Brig) P. (Pat) T.F. Gowans RAA,  notifying that Pat passed away on 26th June 2022 aged 89 years. Pat served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 11 Mar 1971 – Jul 71, Assistant to Chief of Staff, HQ I Corps, Senior Australian Adviser, I Corps. Aug – Nov 71, G-3 Training adviser, HQ I Corps, forming 3rd ARVN Division. Dec 71 Commander AATTV Training Group, Vung Tau.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Pat was also awarded the US Commendation Medal for Service, the Republic of Vietnam Army Distinguished Service Order amd the South Vietnamese Armed Forces Honour Medal 1st Class.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Kirst, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Pat.  Pat was well known and respected throughout the Team and his service rightfully recognised by his US and South Vietnamese awards.  A true soldier that has now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers in arms.  Pat will be sorely missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed to Simon Hearder on email

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Pat now Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Patrick Gowans <>
Sent: Tuesday, 28 June 2022 5:41 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Re: Invitation: AATTV 60th Birthday Memorial Service and Lunch 30 July 2022

Hi Rick

I’m not sure how to notify my dad’s compatriots and unit but he died peacefully on Sunday night (26 June). He was Patrick TF Gowans

The Australian Army Training team was always very important to him. So much that he wanted his green beret displayed at his funeral.

Perhaps you could help point me in the right direction.

Kind regards


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 17th June 2022
Updated: 24th June 2022

A soldier died today

14000 WO Frank Mitchell Moffitt RAINF – 2RAR 67-68 – AATTV 69-70

                                       Frank Moffitt 1RAR 1959

G'day all,

Funeral Service at Traditional Funerals Chapel Burpengary
636 Morayfield Road, Burpengary QLD, Australia
On Monday 27 June 2022 at 12 noon.

Live streaming link:

May Frank Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

Sad news I noted in the Veteranwebnews from George Mansford, AATTV on the passing on 10th June 2022 of fellow Team member WO2 F. (Frank) M. Moffitt RAINF aged 97years.  Frank served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 11th June 1969 as Company Commander, 223 Coy, 2nd Bn and Jun-Nov 69, Coy Comd 211 Coy, 1st Bn, 5th SFGA, 2MSF B-20 Pleiku. Wounded in Action on 12 Nov 69 Bu Prang area. MedFevac. Frank returned to AATTV on 24 Apr 70, attached Quang Tri RF/PF orientation. May 70, MATT 4, Phuoc Tuy. Jun 70, MATT 3, Phuoc Tuy, Jul attached MATT 2, Dat Do, Aug – Sep 70. MATT 2, Dat Do. RTA 1 Oct 70. Frank also served his first tour of duty in South Vietnam from 9th May 1967 – 21 May 68 with 2 RAR.

Apart from the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Frank was also awarded the US Silver Star.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Frank.  A warrior that served his country in a number of conflicts and a deeply respected member of AATTV.  Our nation has lost one of its finest soldiers and Frank will be sorely missed by Team members.

Condolence messages can be passed to Ken Phillips, AATTV Qld Branch on email: Ken Phillips

Funeral details will be provided once known.

May Frank now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Tribute from George Mansford AATTV

25 Nov 1924 – 10 Jun 2022 A veteran of WW2, KOREA, MALAYA, THAII BORDER and VIETNAM Wounded in action -BALIKPAPAN -KOREA -VIETNAM SERVED 2nd AIF —1RAR—2RAR—3RAR and AATTV Among the super true blues   George Mansford

               Many salutes to our cobber, Frank Moffitt
It is nearing 68 years since I returned late at night after leave in WA, and reported to the orderly room of Charlie Coy 2RAR.  Frank was on duty as orderly corporal and after a yarn, pointed to the floor which was my bed for the night and my kit bag for a pillow. It was the beginning of long friendship while soldiering together and then later in life when we pretended to be civilians. It was a time when Frank would fly north to Cairns each year to join our family for Christmas, and we would yarn of times gone by.

Moff served with varying rank in five Campaigns from private to warrant officer . The South West Pacific-WW2; Korea;- the Malayan Emergency(two tours); Thai Border and finally Vietnam (Three tours).He was wounded four time during his service to his nation and often reminded of his scars with frequent pain and poor mobility throughout his final years, and yet he never complained.

His loyalty and concern for his mates was exceptional. I recall him travelling to an out of bounds district to rescue a mate in danger of harm. His mate made it back to base and in the process Moff was arrested and reduced to the ranks yet again. However, he was so well recognised as a leader, he never lost command of his section, and in record time was once more commanding as a corporal.
His record as a junior leader was second to none. Years later, in his tours of Vietnam, Moff served as a platoon sergeant  and then as a Warrant Officer with AATTV and there his luck faltered when he was seriously wounded. After recuperation in Australia, still with the rank of warrant officer, and still carrying his luck charm, he returned for a third tour. In the 68 years of close comradeship with Moff, the only major and irritating flaw I ever noted was he would never admit error.
Moff retired as a warrant officer with a proud record of service, including at least nine years of active service overseas, and  a recipient of a USA award, the Silver Star for bravery which he never wore.

 Moff’s character was your typical ANZAC.  He was always there when needed, and well known for leading from the front.  Moff was never reluctant to voice his views, particularly when the welfare of his soldiers was being neglected and as soldier of junior rank had a well-known reputation for ignoring barrack room rules and procedures.

I had been planning for Moff to return to Cairns pre ANZAC Day when I could take him to some of the schools I visit each year and introduce him as a true blue Aussie. A volunteer, he had served in five campaigns in hostile and harsh environments at great risk. An outstanding Australian who with his personal courage and devotion to duty created  a powerful image that the Spirit of ANZAC was alive and well with love of country, and always the a cry of “a fair go” for all for all young soldiers to master and emulate.

As with most soldiers, he left our planet with few coins to leave behind. However he did contribute to a huge and priceless treasure chest of beautiful and powerful qualities which today are gathering cobwebs in a complex Space Age. If we can remember where it is, and use its precious contents such as leadership, sharing, respect, caring, purpose, pride in our past, and learn from it, yet never dwell on failure. We should also try and recover resilience and common sense (if we can resuscitate them) and much more. Moff knew  them well and took his life’s share, to use before some fool locked and hid the bloody chest while we were all sleeping with our heads buried in the sand.
We, as one people and as one nation must find this lost treasure and use it correctly. It will make our land the happiest and most unified nation on Planet Earth. Moff, soon to base up in Valhalla, has been told to volunteer  to be one of our guiding bright stars.
SAFE JOURNEY Franky--;Luv ya cobber
George Mansford 16 June 2022

           Vale  –WO2 Frank Moffit
Were you ever so fortunate, as it has been with me?
To soldier in a band of brothers with hearts so free
And without question, those you have trusted with your life
Mid countless nights and days of bloody strife
Sharing warmth of a blanket and body heat in icy winds and drizzling rain
Thirsty, hungry, weary and waiting for orders to go forward again

Moff was there with the starter’s gun, a wiser and senior brother by far
A guide in life, as true as the Southern Cross or Northern Star
Always there, no matter where, to scout, to show and lead the way
Be it the darkest of night or the brightest of days
A veteran of fjve campaigns and many proud scars as well
On past nightmares and trials of war, he never ever would dwell

“To cop it sweet” was his motto when punished for times out of bounds
With Moff “reduced to the ranks” or “reprimand” were calls of familiar sound
A true blue ANZAC who challenged authority with mischief and glee
A headache for the Brass whenever a rebel he chose to be
I lost count of times with heavy packs, he tramped the barracks square
Empty pockets due to loss of pay and CB,** for mischief he did dare

Soon his ashes will be scattered in a rainforest he loved
His mourners far and wide, and screeches of birds saluting from above
There will be a time when our mob will be together again
Camped on a peaceful ridge with no snow, heat, mud or jungle rain
All of my mates from go to whoa and who always stood fast at its call
Our mate Moff, preaching love of country, Duty First and fair go for all
 LUV YA Moff
                                          **CB- Confined to barracks
                                         ***SS-Silver Star (USA decoration for bravery)
George Mansford ©June 2022

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 5th May 2022
A soldier died today

WO2 M. (Mal) T. Roberts RAINF, 1 SAS Sqn, AATTV

Mal Roberts 1 SAS Sqn 1967

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Charles Stewart National Secretary ASASA on the passing on 4th May 2022 of fellow Team Member, WO2 M. (Mal) T. Roberts RAINF aged 83 years.  Mal served with AATTV in South Vietnam as a WO2 from 7th August 1970 – Feb 71, MATT 8, Xuyen Moc, Phuoc Tuy. 3/3ARVN, 1st Division near Hue. Mal was wounded in action on 4 Jun 71 at  Dong A Tay and suffered shrapnel wounds. Medevac 30 Jun 71.  On his first tour of duty in South Vietnam, Mal served with 1 SAS Sqn from 2 Mar 67 – 27 Feb 68.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Kath, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Mal.  Mal was well known in Team circles as well with the Regiment and he will be sadly missed by us all. A warrior who had served his country with honour and now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers in arms.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolence messages can be passed to John Nolan AATTV WA Branch on email: A soldier died today

WO2 M. (Mal) T. Roberts RAINF, 1 SAS Sqn, AATTV

May Mal now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Charles Stewart <>
Sent: Thursday, 5 May 2022 3:00 PM
Subject: VALE: Roberts Malcolm Thomas

Dear All,
We are saddened to advise Mal Roberts passing yesterday 4th May 2022 in Perth.
Further details to be advised.
Active Service
1st Special Air Service Squadron

Vietnam War Service
Veteran Details
Name                          ROBERTS, Malcolm Thomas
Service                        Australian Army
Service Number          15827
Date of Birth                25 Jun 1938
Date of Death              4 May  2022
Place of Birth              BRISBANE QLD AUSTRALIA
Rank                           Warrant-Officer Class 2
National Service         No
Corps                          Royal Australian Infantry Corps
Honours                      None for display
Unit History
Unit Name                                                       Start Date        End Date
1st Special Air Service Squadron                  02 Mar 1967    26 Feb 1968
Australian Army Training Team Vietnam       05 Aug 1970    28 Jun 1971

Charles Stewart
Honorary National Secretary
M: 0418921528
Australian Special Air service Association
PO Box 6137


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 3rd Aprril 2022

A soldier died today

Capt (later Lt Col) I. (Ian or Trader) C. Teague, RAINF, FARELF, HQ AFV, AATTV, 1 SAS Sqn

Peoples Action Team working in a village in QUANG NGAI Province being evaluated by Capt Ian Teague, Dec 1964. Captain Teague was
 instrumental in setting up the pilot Revolutionary Development project in Quang Ngai Province that was later adopted nation wide.

G’day all,

Sad news in on the passing on 30th March 2022 of fellow Team member Capt (later Lt Col) I. (Ian or Trader) C. Teague, RAINF, 18 Mar 1935 to 30 Mar 2022, aged 87 years.  Ian served with AATTV in South Vietnam as a Capt from 17th April 1964 – Nov 65 Revolutionary Development, CSD Danang Group, responsible for Quang Ngai Combat, Psy Ops, Civic Action Teams’ Renamed Peoples Action Teams in 1965. Coordinator national  PAT program May – Nov 65, I, II and IV Corps. Ian was with HQ AFV 3 Dec 65 – 10 Dec 65 and on his second tour of duty served with 1 SAS Sqn from 27 Jan 1970 – 3 Dec 70.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Ian also one of the few Team members awarded GSM 1962 with Clasp South Vietnam, US Air Medal for Valour (with ‘V’ Device), US Army Commendation Medal for Service, US Air Medal for Service with Cluster, South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Gold Star) and  South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star).

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Jane, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Ian.  Ian was known throughout the military by the nickname of ‘Trader’ which he lived up to on many an occasion. It would be apparent that by the number of US and South Vietnamese awards, that they are a testament to the warrior status of Ian.  A true patriot, who served his country with valour and distinction and will be sorely missed by us all. Ian was also a stalwart member of the AATTV Association Victoria Branch and no doubt his mates hearts will be filled with sadness. As an aside, during his lifetime of service, Ian  was also Station Manager at the Mawson Base in Antarctica for two years. Duty done and now gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms.

Messages of condolence can be passed to Mike Wells on email:

The family has opted for a private service for Ian.

May Ian now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 28th March 2022

A soldier died today

WO2 John. R. McCarthy RAINF, 6RAR, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad and belated news in on the passing on 24th November 2021 of fellow Team member WO2 John. R. McCarthy (aka Peter N. Blair) RAINF aged 89 years.  John served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 14 Jul 1972 to 18 Dec 72 with Phuoc Tuy Training Battalion, Long Hai.  John also served with 6 RAR in South Vietnam from 8 May 1969 to 12 May 70. Also a veteran of the Korean War, John served with 2 RAR and 3 RAR from 12 May 1953 to 6 Apr 54.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on the deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to daughter Barbara, family and friends on the sad occasion of the passing of John.  Always a bit of a shame when Team members are given late news, however, that does not lessen the respect we have for one of our own.  I am sure that John is in a better place now.  An old warrior who served his country well now gone to join his fellow brothers in arms.

May John now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Message of AATTV Facebook page from daughter Barbara McCarthy

I wish to let the AATTV know that WO2 John McCarthy passed away on 24 Nov 2021 in Hervey Bay hospital with his daughter by his side. I was looking on your Facebook to see if there are any photos of my dad.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 19th January 2022
Updated 21st January 2022

A soldier died today

WO1 B. T. (Tom) Waters RAINF, AATTV

WO1 B. T. WATERS who was with a company of the 2/54 Regiment that provided reinforcements photographed during the battle of TUN
TAVERN HILL near the Laotian border in QUANG TRI. June 1970. Shortly after this photograph was taken, WO1 Waters was wounded
by enemy mortar fire and was evacuated by helicopter and later returned to Australia.

WO1 B.T. WATERS and WO2 D.F. HEEHAN and a US helicopter pilot discuss use of the ‘jungle penetrator’ for winching
Casualties ou through the tree top canopy.  These advisers were deployed with 2/54 ARVN Regiment at Fire Base ANZIO near
HUE in April 1970.

G’day all,

Sad news in from Peter Waters, of the passing today, 19th January 2022 of fellow Team member WO1 B. T. (Tom) Waters RAINF aged 90 years.  Tom served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 26 Nov 1969to Mar 70, VDAT, Kien Hoa, IV Corps. Apr to 2 Jun 70, 2/54 ARVN Regt, Phu Loc, Thua Thien. RTA 29 Jun 70. Tom was wounded in action on 2 Jun 70 at Tun Tavern Hill.  Tom also served on HMAS Sydney Army Staff from 25 May 1966 to 5 Jul 66.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Tom was also awarded the US Air Medal for Valor (with ‘V’ Device), US Army Commendation Medal for Valor (with ‘V’ Device) and the US Army Commendation Medal for Service.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to son Peter, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Tom.  An old warrior that served his country with honour and distinction.  Tom has now go on to meet up with his brothers in arms.  He will be sorely missed by us all.  Duty done.

Condolence messages can be passed to son Tom on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Tom now Rest in Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Waters <>
Sent: Wednesday, 19 January 2022 6:40 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Tom Waters

Hi Rick
My name is Peter Waters, just to let you know Dad (Tom Waters) passed away this morning in Redcliffe Qld.
Regards Peter Waters

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 30th December 2021

A soldier died today

Capt (Later Col) F. A. (Adrian) Roberts, RAAC MG, OAM
1 APC Sqn, A Sqn 3 Cav Regt, AATTV

Lt Adrain Roberts 1 APC Sqn 1966 Phuoc Tuy Province South Vietnam

 G'day all,

Peter Waters, son of Tom has kindly forwarded funeral service details for Tom. (refer below).

Take care and Persevere,


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Waters <>
Sent: Friday, 21 January 2022 6:35 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Tom waters funeral time

Hi Rick
Dads service will be on Friday 28/1/21 at 2pm at the chapel of Traditional funerals. 17 Anzac Avenue Redcliffe Qld 4020

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Simon Hearder AATTV ACT Branch via Hans Sahariv, on the passing on 29th December 2021 of fellow Team Member Capt (later Col) F.A. (Adrain) Roberts RAAC MG, MID,OAM aged 82 years.  Adrian served on his second tour of duty in South Vietnam as a Capt with AATTV from 28th April 1971 to Jul 71, 1st ARVN Task Force (Special Brigade), Hoa Vang, Quang Nam. Aug to Nov 71, 1st Armd Brigade HQ Danang. Dec 71, AATTV training Group, Vung Tau. Jan – 19 Apr 72, Long Hai Training Battalion.  Adrian also served on his first tour with 1 APC Sqn from 16 Jan 1966 to 15 Jan 67, then A Sqn 3 Cav Regt duty from 16 Jan 1967 to 3 Mar 67.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Adrian was also awarded the US Army Commendation Medal for Service, South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star), South Vietnamese Armed Forces Honour Medal 1st Class. Adrian was also awarded Mentioned in Dispatches for his actions in the Battle of Long Tan on 18th August 1966.  This award was later upgraded to Medal for Gallantry. The award for the MID read as follows:

Army Number:                     54548
Substantive Rank:                Lieutenant
Christian Name:                   Francis Adrian
Surname:                               ROBERTS
Award:                                   MID

On the evening of the 18th  August 1966 Lieutenant Roberts commanded 3 Troop 1 Armoured Personnel Carrier Squadron which carried A Company 6th Battalion, Royal Australian regiment  to the relief of D Company 6th  Battalion Royal Australian Regiment, who were virtually surrounded by a vastly superior enemy force.
Lieutenant Robert’s (sic)  personal  conduct in commanding and controlling his troop was of the highest order. While moving to the D Company location, the troop encountered an enemy company equipped with anti-tank weapons, and at this time the troop consisted of only seven armoured personnel carriers.  After a short action the enemy withdrew east.
Continuing the advance the troop moved  through supporting artillery fire, as the fire could not be stopped due to  a temporary loss of radio communications.
One crew member was seriously wounded in  the chest, and was evacuated.  The troop carried out a final assault and forced the enemy to withdraw from the D Company position.
Later, during the night, in pitch-blackness, the troop assisted in evacuating D  Company and its casualties to a helicopter landing zone.  Lieutenant Roberts, under orders from the Officer Commanding D Company, acted as controller for the helicopters
Lieutenant Roberts acted with skill  and judgement and fought his troop with determination and courage.  The action was accomplished in spite of the poor radio communications existing in the 3  Troop vehicles, and in spite of heavy torrential rain and poor light  during the enemy contact.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Adrian.  Adrian was an exceptional officer whose actions in the Battle of Long Tan have been well documented and his service with AATTV was also recognised. Adrian will be sorely missed by us all and his deeds shall never be forgotten.

Funeral details will be advised once known.  With COVID restrictions there will be a live stream.

Condolence messages can be passed to Simon Hearer on email:

May Adrian now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder <>
Sent: Thursday, 30 December 2021 8:31 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: FW: Tribute - Adrian Roberts

Hi Rick
Sad to advise the death this morning of our esteemed TEAM colleague Colonel Adrian Roberts MG OAM . Please pass this on your net.
As soon as funeral details are known I’ll pass this on too

From: Hans Sahariv <>
Date: Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 7:05 PM

Fellow Veterans and Friends,

It is a sad day today as I advise you of the passing of Adrian Roberts.

He was a friend to myself and many others within the services and wider.  There is much to say about his life and military service.
Many would agree his and his Armoured Corps colleagues actions on the 18th of August 1966 were courageous, and, that they were
by all who participated. There has been much written about that battle, now so long ago, so I will not dwell on it, except to say
we must never allow our nation to forget this battle and all those others fought in South Vietnam. We must never forget those who died
giving their all, Those wounded, physically and mentally and all who served in that conflict.

Adrian concurs with my sentiments as he and I had discussions covering the very things that I have mentioned above. He fought in that war,
and his fight did falter after it, still going to battle for those members denied recognition for their Valour by our governments of all persuasions.

Adrian, you go to your rest, awaiting you is your wife Gillian who left your so long ago, and, of course your dear daughter Sally who did so
much good with her life, leaving us  not so long ago.  There is no doubt in my mind that you are reunited with them and all those comrades
who attained their postings to the Lords Realm earlier.

Rest in peace sir; we shall not forget your service.

My kindest regards at this sad time,

John Sahariv

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 30th December 2021
A soldier died today

WO2 C. (Clem) E. Ebner RAINF, AATTV, 161 Recce Flt

WO2 Clem Ebner MATT!, Phuoc Tuy Province with South Vietnamese
solders on map navigation .

G’day all,

Sad news in from Ken Phillips AATTV Qld Branch via Clint Ebner on the passing on 26th December 2021 of fellow Team Member, WO2 C. (Clem) E. Ebner RAINF aged 85 years. Clem served with AATTV in South Vietnam on his second tour of duty from 5th August 1971 to Apr 72. JWTC, Nui Dat/Van Kiep. May 72 to 6 Aug 72, MATT1, Binh Ba, Phuoc Tuy. On his first tour of duty in South Vietnam, Clem served with 161 Recce Flt from 14 Sep 1965 to 29 Sep 66.

I am sure all Team members would want to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Barbara, Clint, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Clem.  An old soldier that has done his duty and served his nation well.  Clem will be sorely missed by us all.  May he now join his fellow brothers in arms.

Condolence messages can be passed to Clint Ebner on email: cebner&

May Clem now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Ken Phillips <>
Sent: Tuesday, 28 December 2021 5:15 AM
To: Kerry Gallagher <>; Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Fwd: Member passing - Clement EBNER

Good Morning Kery and Rick
Just received this email from Clement Ebner's son Clint.
For Rick: Could you please promulgate on your net, thanks
Ken P

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Clint Ebner <>
Date: Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 7:05 AM
Subject: Member passing - Clement EBNER
To: <>

 We wanted to share the recent passing of our father and former AATTV member Clement EBNER.
 Clem passed on 26 December 2021 at Estia Twin Waters.
 Arrangements are being made and notice posted in  the Courier Mail and other papers when finalised.  Service to be held at Buderim (Gregson and Weight).
 Kind regards,
 Clint Ebner
0410 510 187

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 12th November 2021
Updated: 3rd December 2021

A soldier died today

J. (Jock) J. Smith, MC and Bar, RAINF, AATTV, 1RAR

Capt J. (Jock) J. Smith, MC and Bar                                          Death Notice Jock Smith

G’day all,

Details received from Mike Wells AATTV are shown below. Funeral for Jock will be live screened.  Details on this link:

May Jock Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Mike Wells ED <>
Sent: Friday, 3 December 2021 5:19 PM
To: Rick/Mandi Ryan <>
Subject: FW: Funeral arrangements








From: Fiona fiona632 <>
Sent: Friday, 3 December 2021 7:07 PM
Subject: Funeral arrangements

Hi Mike,

Here is the link to the funeral home's website for Jock.

Also there will be a viewing from 16:00 to 17:00 on Monday the 6th.

Kind Regards,

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Mike Wells AATTV Victoria on the passing today, 12th November 2021 of fellow Team member Capt J. (Jock) J. Smith, MC and Bar, RAINF aged 83 years.  Jock served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 16th July 1970 – Aug 70, 1/6 ARVN, Chu Lai. Aug – Dec 70, 1/51 ARVN, Mieu Bong Quang Nam. Jan 71, unallotted MATT, Military Region 1. Feb 71, MATT 22, Quang Ngai. Jock was WIA, 4 Feb 71, Nghia Hanh, Medevac, 7 Mar 71. Jock also served a tour of duty with 1RAR from 18 Mar 1968 to 22 Feb 69.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Jock was also awarded a Bar to his MC.  A copy of the Citation reads as follows:

Army Number:                     311557
Rank:                                     Captain
Christian Name:                   Joseph James
Surname:                               SMITH
Honour or Award:                MC Bar

Captain Joseph James Smith was appointed to a commission in the Australian Army on 28 September 1966 following service in the British Army, and was allotted to the Royal Australian Infantry Corps.  He served with the 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, from 30 September 1966 to 27 April 1969 during which he served a tour of duty in Vietnam.  He joined the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam on the 16 July 1970
On 24 February 1971, Captain Smith was accompanying 711 Regional Force Company on an operation against a suspected Viet Cong Company which had infiltrated the Tin Phu Hamlet, Nghia Hanh District in Quang Ngai Province.  At  0900 hours, the forward element of the company came under intense small arms fire from an enemy position in a hamlet on the left of the axis of advance.  This element attempted to regroup by withdrawing to another hamlet on the right of the axis of advance but found this to be also occupied by the enemy.
At this stage, the Regional Force Company was in danger of losing the initiative and was prevented by the intense enemy fire from recovering their dead and wounded.  It became apparent that the enemy force was in fact the 5th Battalion of the 21st North Vietnamese Army Regiment.
Captain Smith, realising that the situation was rapidly deteriorating, rallied fifteen Montagnard soldiers and led them forward to attack the North Vietnamese Army Battalion headquarters. Captain’s Smith small force succeeded in approaching to within 50 metres of the headquarters position before Captain Smith was severely wounded in the left side and left leg by a grenade explosion.  He continued to direct his soldiers during this battle until he was evacuated by helicopter to receive treatment to his wounds.
By his personal heroism, calmness under fire and devotion to duty, Captain Smith encouraged the Regional Force Company to continue to fight. As a result of his actions, the company killed 47 enemy, captured a large amount of enemy equipment and inflicted a resounding defeat on a numerically superior force.
Captain Smith’s actions reflect great credit on himself and the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam, and were in the highest traditions of the Australian Army and the Military Service.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass in their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to daughter Fiona, family and friends on the sad occasion of the passing of Jock.  A exceptional soldier who served his country well and has now moved on to join his other brothers in arms.  Jock will be sorely missed by us all.

Condolence messages may be passed to Fiona through Mike Wells on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Jock now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Mike Wells ED <>
Sent: Friday, 12 November 2021 2:00 PM+
To: Rick/Mandi Ryan <>
Importance: High

          HI RICK,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 4th November 2021
Updated: 11th November 2021

Welfare Report - Des Pryde AATTV

From: Carol Pryde []
Sent: Thursday, 11 November 2021 3:56 PM
To: Bob Hunnisett; Mr & Mrs Barry Long; Mrs Margaret White; Vic Pennington; Ross Wilson; Mr. Jackie and Peter Millet; Rick/Mandi Ryan;; Ken Phillips
Subject: Des pryde

I am taking Des home tomorrow.  Physio will be done at home . He is good except for the memory. Thank you all for your support.
Kind regards

G’day all,

Carol has given us an update on Des.  We trust that Des will improve and be on his way home soon.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Carol Pryde <>
Sent: Thursday, 4 November 2021 10:15 AM
To: Subject: Des Pryde

Hi all,
Just letting you know Des has been transferred to Peninsular Private Rehab today at Redcliffe. I will go down shortly to see him.
His brain is failing him with dementia. We have had the most interesting conversations . He knows what he is talking about but can't find the right words to tell me. He is not upset and very calm. I have to be grateful for that.

He has to build up his strength as he is a high falls risk at the moment but as we all know this won't happen overnight.

Apparently he has had several strokes in the lower part of the skull that we were unaware of. Perhaps that is why he has been falling.
Anyway I will do my best for him  until we can bring him home. I love him
Thank you all for your support
Kind regards

From: Carol Pryde <>
Sent: Thursday, 4 November 2021 10:15 AM
To: Subject: Des Pryde

Hi all,
Just letting you know Des has been transferred to Peninsular Private Rehab today at Redcliffe. I will go down shortly to see him.
His brain is failing him with dementia. We have had the most interesting conversations . He knows what he is talking about but can't find the right words to tell me. He is not upset and very calm. I have to be grateful for that.

He has to build up his strength as he is a high falls risk at the moment but as we all know this won't happen overnight.

Apparently he has had several strokes in the lower part of the skull that we were unaware of. Perhaps that is why he has been falling.
Anyway I will do my best for him  until we can bring him home. I love him
Thank you all for your support
Kind regards

Entry Date: 4th November 2021

Closure  of AATTV Association Victoria Branch

G'day all,

Sad news from Barry Rust AATTV on the closure of AATTV Victorian Branch.  Barry has asked that I pass on information that should Team members want to make contact with AATTV Vic Members then you can still contact Barry on email: or Clarry Rule on email:

Please keep in contact with Victorian members in relation to Team members and Barry or Clarry will get the message out. With the setting up of AATT I am sure the young guns will start to make their presence felt.

Take care and Persevere,


Dear Supporters/Family Members of former Team Members.

I am the Acting Administrator of the Victorian AATTV Branch when unfortunately, our branch service members have arrived at a situation where health, old age and reducing membership numbers problems has left the association unable to form a committee that will operate in a professional military organisation “The Team” should continue to operate.   With the sudden death of our esteem long term Secretary Bruce Davies late in 2020 many of the committee members were affected with major ailments plus old age travel and were resigning as unable to cope with the tasks of operating the Branch.   Unfortunately requests for members to put their hand up for committee tasks didn’t get any responses.

As a situation our members were surveyed and many recommendations put forward as to how the branch should occur without an professional organisation administration and the members decided that we should dissolve the branch.  All members were surveyed as to how our financial accounts should occur and how our Annual Military Financial Awards to the 2 Company,1 Commando Regiment and Melbourne High School Cadet Unit plus how those funds should be apportioned and after any expenses the remainder be donated to the National Vietnam War Museum at Phillip Island.

After several frustrating months of State Government Lockdown the dissolving has at last come to a final solution when the branch will close.

Without a Committee the Branch will no longer be able to have Team Birthday,  Christmas Team Party or real organise Anzac Day Marches occasions.   Has I have been able to negotiate with the MHS Cadet Unit that they will house our Unit Banner and on ongoing Anzac Day Marches provide sufficient cadets to carry our Unit Banner in future years.   As our service members in most numbers have come to an age when they will not be able march in large numbers those left should organise the marchers so that a professional group should show an appropriate behaviour and dress status of ”The Team”.  With this letter it is my aim to pass on to as many of our former Members Families and Supporters as possible so that ongoing Anzac Day Marches should continue.

It is a very sad time and very hard for me having to pass this on to everyone.


Peta & Barry Rust
The Acorns
Unit 4 / 5A Taylors Road
CROYDON   3136
Peta MB:       040952542
Barry MB:      0419564427
HOME:          0397235904

Entry Date: 24th October 2021
Updated: 26th October 2021

A soldier died today

WO2 A. (Rocky) C. Massingham, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Mick Dolensky President AATTV Association SA Branch on the passing on 20th October 2021, of fellow Team member WO2 A. (Rocky) C. Massingham RAINF aged 82 years.  Rocky served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 16th March 1968 – May 68, 2/4 ARVN, 2nd Division, Quang Ngai. Jun – Aug 68, 4/4 ARVN, Quang Ngai. Wounded in action, 22 Aug 68, mortar, Hill 10 West of Quang Ngai.  Medevac to Australia, 9 Sep 68.

In addition to the Unit citations awarded to AATTV, Rocky was also awarded the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Gold Star).

I am sure all Team members would want to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Carol, family and friends of Rocky on this sad occasion of his passing. Another fine soldier of The Team that has gone to meet his maker.  Served his country well, wounded in action and will be sorely missed by all Team members.

Condolence messages can be passed to Mick Dolensky on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Rocky now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dolensky <>
Sent: Wednesday, 20 October 2021 5:23 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: Rocky

                                Hi Rick,

                                                Sad  news mate, Rocky Massingham passed away today at approximately 18:30 hr.
                                                Could you please pass on to all.
                                                Once Funeral details are available I will forward it to you.

                                                Persevere,   Mick

From: Michael Dolensky <>
Sent: Tuesday, 26 October 2021 2:05 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Re: A soldier died today - WO2 A. (Rocky) C. Massingham RAINF, AATTV

Hi Rick,

Funeral details as follows;
Murray Bridge RSL at 1400hr
Wednesday 3rd November ‘21
Afternoon tea will be served after service bar will also be opened.



Lest we forget

Entry Date: 13th October 2021

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) A. J. N. (Neville) Dodds RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Simon Hearder AATTV on the passing on 12th October 2021 of fellow Team member WO2 (later WO1) A. J. N.(Neville) Dodds, RAINF aged 90 years. Neville served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 31 July 1970 to Nov 70, MATT 3, Baria, Phuoc Tuy. Dec 70 to Jul 71, MATT 2, Dat Do, Phuoc Tuy. RTA 29 Jul 71.  Wounded In Action 30 Sep 70, mine blast.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Mary, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Neville. An old soldier whose served his country well and now his duty is done.  Neville will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed to Simon Hearder on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Neville now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder <>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 October 2021 3:45 PM
To: Rick Ryan <

A Soldier Died Yesterday - WO1 Neville Dodds

Sad to advise that we have been advised that WO1 Neville Dodds died yesterday  in Canberra .  We are obtaining  condolence information through the RSL contact  that informed us and will advise further details as soon as they are available.
Rest in Peace Neville – your Duty Done

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 4th Marcvh 2022

A soldier died today

WO2 A. (Alfie) E. Gee, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Following the last emails on the welfare of Alfie Gee, I have sad new received from ex-WO1 Dizzy Dowsett, OAM on the passing on 13th September 2021 of fellow Team mate WO2 A. (Alfie) E. Gee RAINF aged 80 years.  Alfie served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 25th February 1970 to Oct 70 with 4/2ARVN, Dong Ha, 1st Division Quang Tri. Nov – Dec 70, Phuoc Tuy National Training Centre. RTA 24 Dec70.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Alfie was also awarded the US Army Commendation Medal for Service.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Pat, family and friends on this sad occasion of Alfie’s passing. An old warrior who has now fought his last battle and will be missed by us all.  Gone on to greener pastures and to meet up with fellow comrades.

Condolence messages may be passed direct to Pat on email:

Funeral details once known will be advised.

May Alfie now Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 September 2021 12:54 PM
To: 'Rick Ryan' <>
Subject: RE: Alfie Gee

Thanks very much Rick. I have forwarded your email to the family.

Sadly Alfie passed away in the early hours of yesterday. May he rest in Peace. Lest we forget.

As for my mum, well what can I say!!!!!

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 4th March 2022

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) R. (Bob) J. Penman, MM, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Most of you would be aware that Bob was not travelling to well.  We now have sad news in from Alan Meiklejohn VVAA on the passing of fellow Team member WO2 (later WO1) R. (Bob) J. Penman, MM, RAINF aged 91 years.  Bob served in South Vietnam with AATTV from  18th August 1964 – Jan 65 with 2/2 ARVN, Feb 65 2/1 ARVN, 1st Division Quang Tri. May – Dec 65, CSD, Danang , Quang Ngai. In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Bob was also awarded the US Air Medal for Valour (with ‘V’ Device), Army Commendation Medal for Valour (with ‘V’ Device), South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Gold Star) and the Military Medal (MM).  A copy of the Citation for the Military Medal reads as follows:

Army Number:                     29893
Substantive Rank:                Sergeant
Temporary Rank:                 Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:                   Robert John
SURNAME:                           PENMAN
Honour or Award:                MM

Temporary Warrant Officer Penman enlisted in the Australian Regular Army on 23 June 1958. Prior to his posting to the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam he served with the 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, the Third Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and thee Infantry Centre. Upon his arrival in South Vietnam on 18th August 1964, Warrant Officer Penman was assigned as a Battalion Adviser to the Frist Battalion of the First Regiment of the Army of the Republic of South Vietnam. During his assignment with this Battalion, Warrant Officer Penman took part in many operations against the Viet Cong and earned himself the respect and admiration of both Vietnamese and American allies for his bravery and unselfish actions in the face of heavy hostile fire.  He was twice cited by the Vietnamese government for bravery and service as an adviser to the Army of the Republic of Vietnam.  On 15 February 1965, Warrant Officer Penman was accompanying the Command Group of a Rifle Company of the Second Battalion First Regiment at Nhat AP, Quang Tri province South Vietnam. The company was in close pursuit of a Viet Cong platoon that was attempting to withdraw across an open rice field. The company was not completely re-organised after a previous contact and the Command Group was well behind the three rifle platoons. Suddenly the Command Group came under heavy flanking fire from a group of three Viet Cong at a range of one hundred metres.
The Command Group took cover behind a small embankment in the rice field but the Vietnamese personnel were unable to return fire because the Company Commander’s carbine jammed and the remaining personnel were armed with pistols.. Warrant Officer Penman and an American adviser rose to a crouch from behind the embankment and placed continuous and accurate carbine fire on the enemy position killing two of the Viet Cong and forcing the third to retreat.
As a result of Warrant Officer Penman’s  and the American Adviser’s calm and courageous actions the Command Group was able to proceed and regain control of the pursuit which resulted in the virtual destruction of the Viet Cong platoon with 30 Viet Cong killed and four captured. Had the flank threat not been eliminated the Command Group would have become ineffective and the pursuit delayed or disrupted, which would have allowed the Viet Cong to escape.
Warrant Officer Penman’s heroic action in leaving his covered position to place effective fire on the three Viet Cong prevented neutralisation of the Command Group and also avoided probable casualties to the Command Group personnel. His conduct reflected great credit upon himself and the Australian Army.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Travis, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Bob.  Team members will be saddened by his loss and sorely missed from our ranks.  Another old warrior that served his nation well and honourably, now gone to join his brothers in arms.

Condolence messages can be passed to Alan Meiklejohn on email:

Funeral service details are shown below in the message from John.

May Bob now Rest in Peace.

From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 September 2021 1:15 PM
To: aattv <>
Subject: Robert Penman MM


Bob passed away on Sunday night (12 Sep) about 11PM. His funeral is on Tuesday 21 September at 2 PM at Morley's Funerals Townsville. Bob will be cremated. Travis is travelling ok. Bob’s last posting was RSM at DSG Laverack Barracks.

Alan Meiklejohn

VVAA Townsville

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 24th June 2021

A soldier died today

Cpl D. (Dave) S. Townsend, BEM, RAINF, AATTV, 9RAR

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Val Rooney via RSL Qld on the passing on 16th June 2021 of fellow Team member, Cpl D. (Dave) S. Townsend BEM, RAINF aged 88 years.  Dave served as a Cpl with AATTV in South Vietnam from 5th August 1971 to Sep 71, MATT, Phuoc Tuy Province, Nov 71, AATTV Vung Tau. RTA 18 Nov 71.  Dave also served a tour of duty with 9RAR from 9 Nov 1968 to 26 Nov 69.

I am sure all members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Dave on this sad occasion of his passing.  An old soldier whose duty is now done and who has gone to join his fellow brothers in arms.  Dave will be sadly missed by us all.

Funeral details are shown in the email below. Short notice as the funeral is tomorrow, 25th June 2021.

Condolence messages can be sent to Ken Phillips, Secretary, AATTV QLD Br on email:

May Dave now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Sent: Thursday, 24 June 2021 8:28 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>; Kerry Gallagher <>
Subject: Fwd: Vale - David Stanley Townsend BEM

Subject: Fwd: Vale - David Stanley Townsend BEM
Not sure if you know this chap

Date: Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 11:26 AM
Subject: Vale - David Stanley Townsend BEM
Dear  Sub Branches
 This is just to bring your attention to a funeral notice in this morning’s Courier Mail (23/06/2021).  It may be of interest to your members, especially those who are Vietnam Veterans.
 David Stanley Townsend BEM passed away on 16th June 2021, aged 88 years.  Dave was a member of the Australian Training Team Vietnam and he is recognized on a Memorial Plaque at Canungra Army Training Base.  He was a long time member of RSL, joining in 1952 and transferred into Holland Park Mt Gravatt Sub Branch over 10 years ago, having previously been a member of other Sub Branches.
 He will be sadly missed by his family, friends and fellow Vietnam Veterans.  His funeral arrangements are as follows:
 Time:     10.30am
Date:     Friday, 25th June 2021
Venue: Mt Gravatt Crematorium, 582 Mains Road MacGregor
Notes:  Service medals to be worn
No flowers by request
Donations in lieu to Dementia Australia would be appreciated
 Lest We Forget
 Kind regards

Julia Taunton-Burnet

SED District Secretary

RSL Queensland |
(07) 3358 3155 SED Office

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 18th June 2021

Team Member in Hospital - Arthur Shelton AATTV

G’day all,

Further to my last on Arthur.  Barry Long and Oliver Moon got up to visit him in hospital.  Not very good news but Arthur is comfortable and resting.

In these times we should all cherish the time we have remaining on this planet.

Take care and Persevere,


From: barry long <>
Sent: Friday, 18 June 2021 9:58 AM
To: barry long <>
Subject: Visiting Arthur Shelton

G’day all,
Yesterday, together with Oliver Moon who lives nearby, I took a trip to faraway Joondalup to visit Team-mate Arthur Shelton. It was a good trip with plenty of bullshit to pass the time, but the arrival wasn’t as expected. The hospital car park was full, and cars stretched out onto the main street, for as one car left a bay the boom would rise and allow one more in. Talk about under planning as usual with hospitals but, I think this is the worst kind.
Anyway, we heard on the radio that all parking machines were down throughout the CBD so drove one block away, parked with a note to the ‘grey ghosts’ that we couldn’t pay and walked in. Two hours later we returned with nothing from the parking police and no cost! ??
Arthur was looking and sounding quite chirpy put, as he said the lungs did not lie and he was at the point of no return. He is in the best place, and he praised the nurses for, when he had a relapse – and there are many – they came running in force. We had a great chat, although as usual it got a bit loud with war-time bulldust and, as the ‘cordite smell’ seemed to seep into the hallway (like our non-friend Covid) a nurse came and closed the door.??
After our long chat his daughter and grand daughter arrived to take over so we said our good-byes and said we would meet him again at The House – although we all thought that might be a long stretch.
Hopefully after our visit it will take Arthur at least a few days to wind down and feel the need for nurses again. ??

 Entry Date: 18th June 2021

Welfare Report - Terry Smith AATTV

G’day all,

Robyn Smith has contacted me to give an update on Terry.  Not really good news with Terry having Alzheimer’s disease and of course the real effect it has on the family.

If you wish to get a message to Terry, then please contact Robyn on email:

Sadly the circle of life can be cruel to us.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Terry Smith <>
Sent: Thursday, 17 June 2021 11:13 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Terry Smith

Dear Rick,

Thank you for sending Terry all the emails and keeping him up to date.
Sadly, Terry entered residential care in July 2020, having been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in December 2016 and is slowly drifting away from us, which is something awful to witness for those who knew the man he was.
I was in touch with Barry Rust and Doug Tear earlier this year, as Terry was a member of both the Vic and NSW Associations.
It is sad to see the list of those passing and the difficulties for the Victorian branch, so I can only wish you well and hope the matter of the combined association of Training Teams goes successfully.
Terry was very proud to be a member of the Team.
With kind regards,
Robyn Smith

Entry Date: 11th June 2021

A soldier died today

WO2 R. (Jack) Boyce, RAINF, AATTV

                                                                                                     WO2 R.M. Collins Left and WO2 R. Boyce entertaining American and
Vietnamese guests at a jungle outpost, 1967. The beer bottle stick played
by Boyce provided the perfect harmony to accompany Collin’s considerable
vocal talents.
G’day all,

Funeral service for Jack Boyce as received from Mick Dolenksy, President AATTV Association SA Branch.

May Jack Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Michael Dolensky <>
Sent: Tuesday, 15 June 2021 7:16 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Re: A soldier died today - WO2 R. (Jack) Boyce RAINF, AATTV

Hi Rick,
Funeral details for Jack Boyce.
Private funeral at grave site.
Service at 32 Hughes St Berri, 18th June 2021 at 2pm.
Persevere. Mick

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Mick Dolensky, President AATTV Association SA Branch on the passing today, 11th June 2021 of fellow Team Member WO2 R. (Jack) Boyce RAINF aged 77 years.  Ron (Jack) served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 10th March 1967 to 11 Mar 68 with 2/51 ARVN, Mieu Bong, south of Danang, Quang Nam.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Ron (Jack) on this sad occasion of his passing.  An old soldier, his duty now done has gone to meet up with his fellow brothers-in-arms. Sorely missed by us all.

Funeral details will be provided once known.

Condolence messages can be passed to Mick Dolensky on email:

May Ron (Jack) now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dolensky <>
Sent: Friday, 11 June 2021 10:41 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Ron Boyce

Hi Rick,
Sad news, Ron Boyce passed away early this morning. No other details on funeral etc, will advise when when I get them.


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 14th May 2021

A soldier died today

WO2 R. (Bob) J. Burns RAASC, AATTV

23 April 1966 – 13 April 1967

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Andrew Chaffey on the passing today, 12th May 2021 of fellow Team member, WO2 R. (Bob) J. Burns RAASC aged 88 years. Bob served in South Vietnam from Apr 1966 to Apr 67, Air Movements, 5th SFGA C Team, Danang.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Bob on this sad occasion of his passing.  An old soldier that has now left us to be with his mates.

Condolence messages can be passed to Ken Phillips, AATTV Qld Branch on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Bob now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 9th May 2021
A soldier died today

WO2 (later Maj) B. (Bruno) J. Carbone RAINF

 Bruno Carbone front and John Nolan at Van Kiep, Phuoc Tuy Province
in November 1972.  Bruno and John were two of the last three Australians
to depart from the Long Hai Training Centre in December 1972.

G'day all,

Sad news just in from John and Elaine Nolan on the passing today, 9th May 2021 of fellow Team member, WO2 (later Maj) B. (Bruno) J. Carbone RAINF.  Bruno served in South Vietnam as a WO2 with AATTV from 12 Mar 1972 to 18 Dec 72 at Long Hai Training Battalion, Phuoc Tuy Province.  Bruno also served his first tour of duty in South Vietnam with 4RAR from 21 May 68 to 30 May 69.

I am sure that all Team members would wish their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to be passed to Margaret, family and friends on this sad occasion on the passing of Bruno.  Bruno was no doubt a real warrior and on his second tour of duty, one of a small band of warriors that remained in South Vietnam to train  Republic of Cambodia soldiers.  He will be sorely missed by his fellow Team members.

Condolence messages for Margaret and family can be passed to Mick Dolensky, President AATTV SA Branch on email:

Margaret has advised John Nolan that there will be no funeral service for Bruno as per his wishes.

May Bruno now Rest In Peace

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 3oth March 2021

A soldier died today

Maj (later Lt Col) R. (Ray) G. Kennedy RAINF

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Ken Phillips AATTV QLD Branch Secretary on the passing on Saturday, 27th March 2021 of fellow Team Member,  Maj (later Lt Col) R. (Ray) G. Kennedy RAINF aged 87 years.  Ray served as a Maj with AATTV in South Vietnam from 2 August 1963 – 11 Jun 1964 at Duc My Ranger Training Centre, senior Australian adviser, Chief Training Adviser. Nov 63 observed operations in Pleiku area.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Lois, son, Mark,  daughter Megan, family and friends on this sad occasion of  the passing of Ray. Another of our old and bolds has now gone to join his fellow brothers’ in arms.  Ray will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed to Ken Phillips on email:

Funeral details will be passed on once known.

May Ray now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Ken Phillips <>
Sent: Tuesday, 30 March 2021 2:05 PM
To: Kerry Gallagher <>; Jed White <>; Allen Edwards <>; Frank Reid <>; Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Passing of Team Member: Maj R G Kennedy

Hi All
Sad news.
Just been advised by Ray's son Mark that his father, Raymond George Kennedy, passed away last saturday 27 Mar 2021.
Will pass on funeral details when known.
Ray served in the Team from 2 Aug 1963 to 11 Jun 1964
For Rick: Could please propagate on your net.
Ken P

Death Notice Courier Mail

KENNEDY, Raymond George
28/09/1933 - 27/03/2021

Lieutenant Colonel, Australian Army, Retired.
Late of New Farm, Brisbane.
Died peacefully at the Greenslopes hospital, with family by his side.
Beloved and steadfast husband to Lois.
Much loved father of Mark and Megan.
Beloved brother of Don and Mary; grandfather of Edward, Katherine and Patrick; uncle of Andrew, Jane, Lachlan, Suzanne, Liza, Rod, Sarah, Susannah, Alistair and Edwina; father-in-law to Margaret; brother-in-law to Judy, Bev(deceased), and John(deceased); loyal friend; generous host; and one time comrade in arms.
Funeral arrangements to follow, due to CoVid restrictions.
Deeply missed.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 8th February 2021

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) K. (Kevin) J. Rowe RAAC, AATTV

G’day all,

News just in from Max Hyson on the passing on 5th February 2021 of fellow Team member WO2 (later WO1) K. (Kevin) J. Rowe RAAC aged 85 years.  Kevin served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 24 Sep 1968 to Jun 69, 2/7th ARVN Cav Regt,PK 17, Hue. Feb 69, 11th ARVN Cavalry, Hoi An. Mar – May 69, 4/5 ARVN, 2nd Division, Quang Ngai. Hospitalised May 69. Medevac 14 Jun 1969.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Kevin was also awarded the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star) for his service with AATTV.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Nerida, family and friends of this sad occasion of the passing of Kevin. Kevin, had his up and downs over the past numbers of years and Nerida was always steadfast in her endeavour to attend to him.  Truly an old warrior who has now go on to be with his brothers in arms.  Kevin will be sorely missed by us all.

Condolence messages for Nerida and family may be passed through Doug Tear on email:

As per the message below, there will be no service for Kevin.

May Kevin now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Max Hyson <>
Sent: Saturday, 6 February 2021 4:27 PM
Subject: KJ Rowe

Hi Rick
Animal Passed 5 Feb 2021 No Funeral or tributes as were his wishes

Lest we forget

Entry Date:  22nd January 2025

a soldier died today

Capt J.E. Wieland, BEM, RAINF, AATTV

Capt Jim Wieland AATTV
Phuoc Tuy Province, South Vietnam, February 1972.
Captain Jim Wieland of Canungra, Qld (centre), discusses
the training of a Cambodian battallion with the unit's
commanding officer (left) with the help of a Vietnamese
interpreter (right). Captain Wieland is one of thirty members
of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV)
engaged in the training of Cambodial battalions.

G'day all,

Sad and belated news in on the passing of fellow Team member Capt J. (Jim) E. Wieland, BEM, RAINF on 4th January 2021, aged 82 years.  Jim served as an adviser with AATTV in South Vietnam from 21st July 1971 to Nov 71, OC NOTT, Phu Cat, Binh Dinh, II Corps. Dec 71, AATTV Training Group, Vung Tau. Jan 72 - 15th July 72, Phuoc Tuy Training Battalion.  On his first tour of duty, Jim served with 6RAR in Phuoc Tuy Province from 7th May 69 to 29th April 1972.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Jim was also awarded the National Defence Medal with Silver Star Forces Armies Nationales Khmer (FANK).

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 23rd December 2020
Updated: 24th December

G'day all,

Service details for Maj Gen Mike Geffery as sent by Simon Hearder Nation Secretary AATTV Association are shown below.

Pity numbers are restricted due to COVID19.  However with the livestream I am sure that many Australians will be tuned in.

May Mike now Rest In Peace.

Hi Rick
Please circulate this to your list of TEAM members. Many thanks
Cheers Simon

Dear All,

There will be a State/Military Funeral for General Jeffery at the ANZAC Memorial Chapel of St Paul,  Royal Military College of Australia, Duntroon on Tuesday, 29 December 2020 at 11 am.

However, due to the coronavirus, numbers are strictly limited and attendance at the funeral is by invitation only.

For information on accessing the Service online, please visit, where the link to the live stream of the funeral will be announced in a few days’ time.

I hope you are all well.  Have a nice Christmas and stay safe.

(Mrs) Wendy Button, MVO| PA to Major General the Honourable Michael Jeffery
VIP Operations | Ministerial and Parliamentary Support Branch
Ministerial Support Division | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
p. (02) 6232 6008 | m. 0438 356 112
e. | w.
Level 1, 15 Murray Crescent Griffith ACT 2603 | PO Box 3162 MANUKA ACT 2603

 A soldier died today


Major General the Honourable Michael Jeffery AC AO (Mil) CVO MC (Retd)
National Patron AATTV Association

G’day all,

Sad but not unexpected news in on the passing of our National Patron Major General the Honourable Michael Jeffery AC AO (Mil0 CV) MC (Retd).

I recall when Michael was the Governor of Western Australia from 1993 to2000 that on ANZAC Day marches when he stood on the dais he would always refer Team members marching by commenting “Here come my boys”.

Michael always had the Team at heart and he will be sadly missed by us all.  Our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies go out to Marlena, his four children, extended family, and friends on this very sad occasion on his passing.  A true blue Australian that served his country well and always had his country close to his heart.  Michael will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed through Kerry Gallagher National President one email:

Take care and Persevere,

From: Kerry Gallagher <>
Sent: Friday, 18 December 2020 3:59 PM
Subject: The Passing of Our Patron

Good afternoon all,

You may have already heard this sad news but it has just been announced that our Patron General Michael Jeffery has died at 83.
As the current Governor General, David Hurley has said, “a great Australian!”

There are no further details available yet.

Certainly I will pass the deep sympathy of all Team members to Marlena and the family through his personal assistant, Wendy Button.

Rick I wonder if you would let the broader Team membership know.

Warm regards and Persevere,


Lest we forget

 Entry Date: 17th December 2020
A soldier died today

Maj G. (Gordon) V. Brown RAE, AATTV

 Major Gordon Brown AATTV Nam Hoa District, South Vietnam

G’day all,

Sad news just in on the passing on 16thDecember 2020 of fellow Team member Maj G. (Gordon) V. Brown RAE aged 87 years.  Gordon served in South Vietnam as a Major with AATTV from 11 June 1969 to May 70, Nam Hoa District near Hue. RTA 12 Jun 70.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to step grandson Alexander, family and friends of Gordon on this sad occasion of his passing.  An old warrior whose duty is now done and has left us to join his brothers in arms.  Gordon will be sorely missed by us all.

Funeral details will be provided by Alexander once known.  Condolence messages can be passed through Alexander on email:

May Gordon now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


My Step Grandfather Gordon Brown passed away in the early morning today 16/12/2020.  I know he was a member of the AATTV in Vietnam and thought your group would like to know.  I unfortunately didn’t know him well but he raised my father as his own and in turn made me who I am today.

Thank you all for your service.

Alexander Brown.

Lest we forget

Entry Date:  17th December 2020

A soldier died today

WO2 (later Maj) B. (Ron) H. Cox, MBE, MID

G’day all,

Received a message from Col Chadwick AATTV of a Facebook entry on the passing on 9th March 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 (later Maj) B. (Ron) H. Cox, MBE, MID RAINF aged 84 years.  Ron served in South Vietnam as a WO2 with AATTV from 7th January 1971 – Jun 71, NOTT Pleiku.  22 Jun – Nov 71, NOTT Phu Cat, Binh Dinh. RTA 25 Nov 71.  Ron also completed a tour of duty with 1RAR from 26 May 65 – 1 Jun 66.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV and 1RAR, Ron was also awarded the Vietnamese Training Service Medal 2nd Class and was Mentioned in Despatches (MID). An extract of his MID reads as follows:

Army Number:         16895

Substantive Rank:    Warrant Officer Class Two

Christian Name:       Byron Henry

Honour or Award:    MID

Warrant Officer Class Two Cox enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in 1957.  He has served with The Royal Australian Regiment in Australia, Malaysia and South Vietnam.  He joined the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam in January 1971.  During his tour in Vietnam, Warrant Officer Cox has served a an instructor with a Night Operations Training Team in Military Region II.
As one of the original members of the Night Operations Training Team in Military Region II Warrant Officer Class Two Cox was required to plan, organise and conduct much of the instruction included in the training programs.  This task required long and arduous hours of work, often under hazardous conditions.
In July 1971, with the decision to move the Night Operations Training Team from Pleiku to Phu Cat, Warrant Officer Cox was given the task of establishing the team at the new location.  Through his planning, initiative and foresight, the team was re-established at its new location with a minimum loss of valuable training time.
The success of the night training program conducted in Military Region II, which significantly improved the operational standards of the Territorial Forces in  the region, can be attributed to a large degree to the industry, perseverance, devotion to duty and professional ability of Warrant Officer Cox.
His achievements reflect great credit on himself, the Australian Army Training Team and the Australian Army.

Always sad when we get late news on the passing of a fellow Team member and I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolence to family and friends of Ron on the sad occasion of his passing.  No doubt a true warrior who served his country of a number of occasions.  Ron will be sorely missed by us all.

I found the following entry in the Gympie Times on Ron’s passing.  Pity we, The Team did not have the chance to say farewell.

Date listed: 12/3/2020
Gympie RSLA Sub-Branch Inc.
16895 MAJOR
COX, Byron Henry MBE "Ron"
Late of Gympie. Passed away peacefully at home 9th March 2020. Aged 84 YearsBeloved Husband of Claurine (dec'd). Dearly loved Father of Sharon. Sadly missed Brother, Brother-in-law and Uncle of Kaye (dec'd), Kevin, Doris, Janice, Peter, Geoffrey and their families.
Relatives and friends of Ron and family are respectfully invited to attend Ron's Funeral Service, to be held in the Cooloola Coast Crematorium Chapel, 236 Brisbane Road, Gympie on Monday, 16th March 2020 at 2.30pm (note the corrected time). Private viewing from 1:45pm. Donations to Legacy greatly appreciated. Members of the Gympie RSLA Sub-Branch are requested to attend Ron's Service. Medals to be worn.
By request of the President
Publication: Gympie Times.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 14th December 2020

A soldier died today

Capt M. (Clagg) T.R. Wilkinson RAA, AATTV

G'day all,

Belated news in from Geoffrey Annett AATTV on the passing on 2nd February 2019 of fellow Team member Capt M. (Clagg) T. R. Wilkinson RAA aged 79 years.  Clagg served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 17 Aug 1966, CSD Briefing, Saigon. Sep 66 - 26 Mar 67, CSD based Hoi An, Quang Nam. Duties, RD  teams, District Intelligence Operations Coordinating Centre, and Provincial Intelligence Coordinating Centre. Clagg then served with HQ 1ATF from 27 Mar 67 to 8 May 68.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Clagg was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Service.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on our belated condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Clagg on the sad occasion of his passing.  Always sad when we get late notificatiion of the passing of a fellow Team member and are not able to attend services or pass on messages.  Clagg did his duty well and will be sorely missed by his Team mates.

Below is a Death Notice from Queensland Times as sent by Geoffrey Annett.

Passed away 2nd February 2019
Aged 79 years.
A much loved Husband, Father, Father In Law, and Grandfather. Funeral Details in Saturday's Queensland Times 23rd February 2019

Ipswich 07 3812 ...
Publication: Queensland Times

Lest we forget


It was in December 2020 when an inquiry came to our notice regarding the whereabouts of Malcolm Thomas Rawcliffe Wilkinson. After ongoing research, it was learnt that Malcolm, known to all as Clagg, had died on 2nd February 2019. So sad that one of the RAA’s characters died without, it seems, any of the various associations being aware of his death.
Malcolm was born in Bristol in the South West of England on 24th November 1939. Little is known of his early life however by the early 1960’s, Malcolm had migrated to Australia and on 5th January 1962 enlisted in the Australian Regular Army and commenced officer training at Officer Cadet School, Portsea. He graduated in January 1963 and after gunnery training at the School of Artillery, Malcolm was posted to 4th Field Regiment at Wacol in Brisbane. While there, he was selected as part of an exchange program to work in New Zealand and spent nearly five weeks working with elements of the New Zealand Army.

During the following years, Malcolm continued his military training and in August 1966 he deployed to Vietnam as a member of the Australian Army Training Team - Vietnam (AATTV). After initial briefings in Saigon, Malcolm, then known as ‘Clagg’, spent time at the Combined Studies Division (CSD) base in Hoi An, Quan Nam Province. His duties included training and managing Revolutionary Development (RD) Cadre Teams, and involvement in the District Intelligence Operations Coordinating Centre and Provincial Intelligence Coordinating Centre. In March 1967, Clagg moved to Headquarters 1st Australian Task Force and remained with them until May 1968. Clagg had spent just over 20 months in country.

On leaving Vietnam, Clagg was posted to 111 Light Anti Aircraft Battery at Butterworth in Malaya. Captain Clagg Wilkinson was considered the life of the party. He stayed on as Battery Captain of 110 Light Anti Airforce Battery until November 1969. Neil Graham remembered his raucous laugh, which often sounded as though he was choking. His nickname ‘Clagg’ apparently came from his inability to remember names and referred to every male as ‘Clagg’ and every female was addressed as ‘Twinkle toes’. During the latter half of 1968, Clagg took leave to return home to England on personal business and his next posting was to Headquarters 28th Commonwealth Infantry Brigade at Terendak in Malaya. He remained there until February 1971 when he was posted to 1st Field Regiment in Brisbane.

In early 1973, Clagg was posted to Headquarters Central Command, before a posting to 4th Training Centre in Adelaide. In November 1975 he was posted as an instructor at the Officer Cadet School Portsea where he had started his military career. In January 1968 Clagg was posted as Second in Command (2IC) of 16th Air Defence Regiment at Woodside. Although he had previously had a posting to an Air Defence Battery, he was considered a ‘pucka’, ie a Field Gunner. Clagg had married Jan and they bought a house not far from the Regiment on the Oakbank Creek. Apparently in winter when it flooded, Clagg would press gang the Subbies of the Regiment into sandbag duties around his property. He also organised an Officers’ Mess Annex at the Oakbank Easter Jump Races – a very popular event until officialdom from the Military District Headquarters saw all the green tents on display. Lieutenant Colonel Greg Flinn (Retd) remembers Clagg as a great 2IC and even better PMC of the Officers’ Mess.
He recalls: “Clagg was the ultimate gentleman, and hischampagne cocktails at the welcome to a mixed dining in night, always got the women in the mood!” Clagg was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the New Years Honours List 1981 (Military Division) for service to the Air Defence Regiment. It was during his time with the Regiment that Rapier was introduced and provided many administrative issues for the Regiment. Gerry Warner recalls that “We often discussed matters as we walked to the Mess, with Clagg concluding that he would keep the matter under his hat – and that’s where odd documents and drafts went – with his peak cap becoming higher and more out of shape than normal.”

After leaving the Air Defence Regiment, Clagg was posted to Headquarters 4th Military District which included an attachment to District Support Unit Adelaide. Clagg discharged from the Regular Army in October 1986 and remained with the Army Reserve until November 1989.
Clagg had separated from his wife Jan who died in 2017. He had moved to the Ipswich area and at one stage occupied a Married Quarter in the Wacol Village. In semi-retirement, Clagg worked in prison management.

Other Honours and Awards for Clagg include the Australian Active Service Medal 1945-75 with Clasp Vietnam; Vietnam Medal; Defence Force Service Medal with First Clasp; National Medal; Vietnamese Campaign Medal; United States of America Meritorious Unit Commendation; Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm Unit Citation and the Returned from Active Service Badge. Clagg is also entitled to the Australian Defence Medal. In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Clagg was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Service.
Clagg Wilkinson died on the 2nd of February 2019 with his funeral held on the 28th of February 2019 at Centenary Gardens near Wacol. He was 79.


The following have either supplied information on Clagg or passed on messages from others and their input is acknowledged and appreciated.
• Ian Gill
• Gerry Warner
• Bob McEvoy
• Mike Grimes
• Greg Flinn
• Neil Graham
• Geoff Annett
• Jason Neville
• Peter Gore
• Rick Ryan

Entry Date: 9th November 2020
Updated: 23rd November 2020

G'day all,

Funeral details for Bruce Davies,MBE as forwarded kindly by daughter Peter Davies are as follows:

Please find below the funeral notice for Dad’s service, which will also appear in tomorrow’s Herald Sun and The Australian newspapers.

Above the funeral notice is a link to the livestream/recording of the service. As the funeral notice states, the livestream will commence at 12.45pm AEDST. Once the livestream has finished, the link will then enable you to watch the service as a recorded event at a time that suits you.


Peta Davies

Livestream/recording link:


A soldier died today

WO2 (later Maj) B. (Bruce) Davies MBE, MID, 1RAR, AATTV

A gathering at Australia House in Danang in 1967. From left WO2 J.T DURRINGTON,
and WO2 BOND were late killed in action.

G’day all,

News just in on the passing yesterday, 8th  November 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 B. (Bruce) A. Davies RAINF, MBE, MID aged 77 years.  Bruce served as a WO2 in South Vietnam with AATTV on two tours of duty from 24th August 1967 to Oct 67, 2/5 ARVN Tam Ky, Quang Tin.  Oct 67– Mar 68, 1/5 ARVN, 2nd Division, Tam Ky, Quang Tin and Quang Ngai. Apr 68,Course, Vung Tau. Apr – Aug 68, platoon commander, 23rd & 26th (223 & 206) companies and Recon Platoon 25th Coy, 2nd Battalion, 2MSF B-20 Pleiku. RTA 6 Aug68.  On his second tour of duty from 29 Oct 69 to Jan 70, 2/4ARVN, 2nd Division, Quang Ngai. Feb – Apr 70, 4th ARVN Regt Recon Coy, 2nd Division, Quang Ngai. Apr 70, PF Baria. May – Oct 70, HQ AATTV, Saigon. RTA 29 Oct 70. Bruce also served with 1RAR in South Vietnam from 26 May 65 to 1 Jun 66.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV and 1RAR for service in South Vietnam, Bruce was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Valour (with “V’ Device), Commendation for Distinguished Service, MBE awarded in 1977 in the Post War Honours List5 and Mention in Dispatches (MID) for his service with AATTV.  A copy of the award for MID reads  as follows:

Army Number:                     37393
Substantive Rank:                Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:                   Bruce
Surname:                               DAVIES
Honour and Award:             MID

Warrant Officer Davies enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in 1961.  He served with the First Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment in Vietnam in 1965.  He later served with the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam from August 1967 to August 1968 and rejoined it in October 1969.
On 23 December 1969, Warrant Officer Davies was serving with the 2nd Battalion, 4th Regiment Army of the Republic of Vietnam, when the forward company, which was crossing the Song Ngoi River, came under heavy enemy automatic fire.  The Battalion was caught on both sides of the river with many soldiers in the river itself.
Completely disregarding his own safety, Warrant Officer Davies immediately swam the river to reach to reach the Battalion Command Post to mobilise all available fire support.  In order to do this, Warrant Officer Davies had to cross an open stretch of ground which was swept by enemy fire.  Returning to the crossing site, which was still under intense fire, Warrant Officer Davies observed several Vietnamese soldiers who had been swept downstream and were in danger of drowning.  Despite the heavy volume of fire now being directed at him, Warrant Officer Davies dived into the river and made repeated crossings carrying the Vietnamese who could not swim.  On several occasions, he was completely submerged by the weight of the soldiers and their equipment.  He carried to safety at least thirty soldiers many of who may have drowned had he not done so.
Warrant Officer Davies’ personal courage under fire, his determination ad his great regard for the Vietnamese soldiers effectively stabilised and materially assisted overcoming a dangerous situation and proved and inspiration to all those who were privileged to serve with him and reflected great credit on himself, the Australian Army Training Team and the Australian Army.

I am sure that all members of AATTV would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Peta, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Bruce. Bruce has always been a stalwart member of AATTV.  Bruce, an author and historian on AATTV has been relentless in his pursuit to have AATTV recognised throughout the veteran community.  Bruce will not only be a great loss to the Victorian Branch of AATTV but  to the whole of AATTV Association.  A soldier that served three tours of duty in South Vietnam with honour and distinction, his duty is now done. Australia lost one of its finest sons today.

Funeral details will be provided once known.

Condolence messages can be passed to Clarry Rule, President AATTV Association Vic Branch at this time on email:

May Bruce now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 8th November 2020

A soldier died today

Cpl (Later WO2) C. F. (Fred) Clark RAINF, 2RAR, 6RAR, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Sam Mackrill and Col Chadwick on the passing on 30th October 2020 of fellow Team member Cpl (later WO2) C. F. (Fred) Clark, RAINF aged 83 years.  Fred served in South Vietnam with AATTV as a Cpl from 19 November 1970 at Advises School, Di An. Dec 70 -Mar 71, MATT2 Dat Do. Apr 71, MAT AATTV, Vung Tau. RTA, 18 Nov71.  Fred also served his first tour of duty in South Vietnam with 6RAR from 31 May 66 to 14 Jun 67. Fred also served with 2RAR in Korea in 1953 in Assault Pioneers and was a veteran of The Hook.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Naomi, family and friends on this sad occasion of Fred’s passing.  Truly a warrior who served his country well in two wars.  Fred will be sorely missed by us all.

Funeral details will be advised once know.

Condolence messages can be passed via email to Ken Phillips, AATTV Qld Branch:

May Fred now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 3rd November 2020
Updated: 7th November 2020

A soldier died today

WO2 J. (John) T. Barnes RAINF, AATTV

Colonel J. A. Clark, Commanding Officer, of the Australian Army Training
Team Vietnam (AATTV) (left), serves himself at a New Year's buffet while 15942
Warrant Officer Class 2 John Thomas Barnes (right) carves up the turkey.
        The celebration took place on the third (top) floor of AATTV Headquarters in
          Can Tho following planning on the redeployment of the AATTV Night Operations
Advisory Team (NOAT)/Night Operations Training Team (NOTT) in IV Corps.

G’day all,

A private service will be held for John on Monday, 9th November.  Click on the link below from North West Funerals for further details.  You will be able to join the service by clicking on their link.

BARNES, John Thomas
Passed away peacefully in Mildura on November 2, 2020, aged 77 years. Cherished husband of 52 years to Cheryl, loved father and father-in-law of Petrina and Damien; Tanya and Kim. Adored ‘Grandpa’ of Baden, Molly and Harry.  John was a loved son, brother, brother-in-law, uncle, cousin and friend to many.
‘Lest we forget’
Funeral Notice
Private service
Due to the current restrictions a private service will be held.
A public telecast of John’s service will be available to watch via the link below from 10:30am on Monday 9th November 2020.
May John now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

Sad news after a telephone call from Cheryl Barnes on the passing on 2nd November 2020 of her husband and fellow Team member WO2 J. (John) T. Barnes aged 77 years.  John seforved with AATTV in South Vietnam from 14 May 1970 – Sep 70, 1/1 ARVN, 1st Division, Quang Tri. Oct - Dec 70, DIOCC, Cho Gao. Jan – Mar 71, Night Advisory Team 2, Can Tho. RTA 7 Apr 71.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, John was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Valour (with ‘V’ Device) and the US Army Commendation Medal for Service.

I am sure that all Team members would want to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Cheryl, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of John.  John had been in and out of hospital many a time over the past years and was in palliative care in hospital at the time of his passing surrounded by family members.  John was a stalwart and proud member of AATTV.  John was also a great advocate when it came to veterans rights and a tenacious fighter on issues that affected his fellow veterans.  He was a great warrior who served his country well and he will be sorely missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed to Cheryl and family via email:

Funeral details will be provided once known.

May John now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 6th September 2020

A soldier died today

Cpl M. (Michael) J. Grosser RAASC, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Ken Phillips, Secretary AATTV Assn Qld Br on the passing on 20th July 2020 of fellow Team member Cpl M. (Mike) J. Grosser RAASC aged 71 years.  Mike served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 30 Aug 1971 to Jan 72 at JWTC, Nui Dat. Jan 72 to Sep 72, AATTV Van Kiep, Phuoc Tuy Province.  RTA 6 Sep 72.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on belated condolences and deepest sympathies to daughter Belinda, family and friends on the sad occasion of Mike's passing.  Sadly the late notification does not allow Team members the chance to attend any service but in the times of this virus there may not have been a service at all.  A young soldier whose duty is now done.

Condolence messages can be passed to daughter, Belinda on email:

May Michael Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 29th August 2020

A soldier died today

Lt Col (later Col) A. (Alex) V. Preece, DSO,MVO

 Commander of AATTV, LTCOL ALEX PREECE with Prime Minister HAROLD HOLT during
a visit to Australian troops at BIEN HOA, April 1966. LTCOL Preece took over command of
AATTV  in May 1965 from Col O.D. Jackson who had been promoted and assumed command of the
Australian Army Force, Vietnam. Preece himself had to leave AATTV early in December 65 to take
over command of the 1st Battalion RAR when its commanding officer became ill.

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Simon Hearder, Secretary, AATTV Association ACT Br on the passing on 27th August 2020 of fellow Team member, Lt Col (later Col) A. (Alex) V.Preece DSO, MVO aged 93 years.  Alex served in South Vietnam as Deputy Commander in Danang from 19 Mar 1965 to Jul 65. Aug 65 – Nov 65 Commanding Officer, Saigon. Brig Jackson remained overall Commander, , CO commanded day-to-day activities of AATTV. Alex was also CO of 1RAR, first tour from 2 Dec 65 to 4 Jun 66.  14May 69 to 13 Aug 69, HQ AFV. 29 Oct 69 to 10 Dec69, HQ AFV.  Visits, 30 Sep 70 to 10 Oct 70 and 18 Jul 73 to 23 Jul 72.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Alex was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Service with AATTV. Alex was also awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) for his service with 1RAR in South Vietnam and it is worthy of mentioning his citation, which reads as follows:

Army Number:         1113
Substantive Rank:    Lieutenant Colonel
Christian Name:       Alexander Vogler
Surname:                   PREECE
Honour or Award:    DSO

Lieutenant Colonel Preece was appointed to command 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, in Vietnam on 3 December 1965 at short notice when the previous commanding officer became a casualty. At that time the Battalion was participating in Operation New Life, a divisional sized offensive operation against the Viet Cong in Binh Tuy Province.  Without any hesitation and with great determination he assumed immediate and effective command of the First Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment tactical group and maintained pressure on the enemy forces until the operation was brought to a successful conclusion two weeks later.
During the next four weeks Lieutenant Colonel Preece planned and, with outstanding success, commanded three Battalion group heliborne assault operations deep into Viet Cong territory in Bonh Hoa, Hau Nghia and Bing Duong Provinces.  During the third phase of this series of operations, Operation Crimp which lasted from 8 January to14 January 1966, his Battalion after carrying out well planned assault against enemy  opposition in the landing zone, located a major Viet Cong tunnel complex. This complex proved to be the target for the Brigade, the Viet Cong headquarters which supervised enemy operation in the Bien Hoa and Gia Dinh Provinces which includes Saigon. The Battalion group cleared, searched and destroyed many thousands of yards of tunnels deep underground, large quantities of documents  were captured which provided valuable intelligence to the Government of Vietnam.
In the following four months Lieutenant Colonel Preece continued to command his Battalion during a further four major and successful operations, three which included heliborne assaults.  Between these operations the Battalion continued to dominate its area of responsibility in the Bien Hoa airfield defences using a well co-ordinated and aggressive patrol program.
Throughout this period of six months of command, during which his Battalion was in almost continuous contact with a militarily proficient and fanatical enemy, Lieutenant Colonel Preece set by personal example the highest standards of courage, leadership and professional skill.  Under his leadership the Battalion has played a full and effective part in turning the tide against the Viet Cong and in restoring many thousands of South Vietnamese to Government control.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to his children, Janet, Michael, Susan and James on this sad occasion of the passing of Alex.  Alex was well known in military circles and his passing will certainly have an effect on those that served with him or under his leadership.  A true warrior that has now gone on to be with his fellow brothers in arms.

Condolence messages to the family are detailed in the message below from Simon.

May Alex now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder <> a
Sent: Saturday, 29 August 2020 6:58 PM

Subject: Death of AATTV Member Alex PREECE DSO MVO

Dear TEAM members and friends
I have just been advised that our colleague Colonel Alex PREECE DSO,MVO,AATTV  died on Thursday night here in Canberra .  He was just short of his 94th birthday. He is survived by his four children Janet, Michael, Susan & James  ( his wife having died some years ago ). Condolences should be sent to Michael Preece c/- 6 Brassey St , DEAKIN , ACT 2600
Rick – could please send out this information on your net with his AATTV details.
May Alex now Rest in Peace
Lest We Forget

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 28th August 2020
A soldier died today

Capt (later Maj) J. (John) E. Campbell, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,
Sad news in from Doug Tear MBE, President AATTV Association NSW Branch on the passing on 16th August 2020 of fellow Team member Captain (later Major) J. (John) E. Campbell RAINF, AATTV aged 86 years.
I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to daughter Erica, family and friends of John on this sad occasion of his passing.  An old and bold warrior whose duty is now done and will be missed by us all.
As stated in Doug’s message below there will be no funeral service.
May John now Rest In Peace,
Take care and Persevere,

From: Doug Tear <>
Date: 28 August 2020 at 12:11:24 pm AEST
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Fellow Team Member - John Ernest Campbell RAInf

Dear Members,
It is with sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, Captain John Ernest Campbell RAInf on 16 August.
John served with the Team from 18 June 1965 to 7 September 1966 with the Combined Studies Division at Kien Hoa and Kien Gang in IV Corps.  John had previously visited South Vietnam from 7 to 16 January 1964.
Our thoughts and prayers go to John’s daughter Erica and her family and friends at this difficult time.
Erica has advised that due to the current restrictions there will be no funeral.
Messages of condolence may be sent to Erica at
Doug Tear MBE

Lest we forget

 Entry Date: 16th August 2020

A soldier died today

WO2 R. D. (Des) Aylett, MID, RAINF, AATTV

G'day all,

Funeral details for Des Aylett as received from Peter Aylett are shown below.

May Des Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Aylett <>
Sent: Tuesday, 18 August 2020 7:05 AM
To: Ryan <>
Subject: Funeral - Des Aylett


Have been advised the funeral for Des will be held at the Atherton Cemetery at 10:30 am on Thursday  20 Aug 2020.

All who can make it are invited to attend.

Peter Aylett.

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Peter Aylett AATTV, on the passing today, 16th August 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 R. D. (Des) Aylett, MID, RAINF, AATTV aged 79years. Des served in South Vietnam with AATTV on his first tour of duty from 17 Dec 1968 to May 69 with 223 MSF Coy, 5th SFGA, Pleiku. May 69, 21st Ranger Battalion near Danang. Jun- Jul 69, 39th Ranger Battalion. Aug -Oct 69, 37th Ranger Battalion. Nov -Dec 69, 21st Ranger Battalion near Danang – Group HQ . Des was wounded in action on 6 May 69 near Ban Me Thuot. RTA 17 Dec69.
On his second tour of duty with AATTV from 15 Jul 1971 to 26 Oct71 Des served at JWTC, Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy Province.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Des was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Valour (with ‘V’Device), US Bronze Star for Service, Vietnamese Staff Service Medal 2nd Class and Mentioned in Despatches (MID) for his service with AATTV.  A copy of the citation for the MID, reads as follows:

Army Number:         36371
Substantive Rank:    Sergeant
Temporary Rank:     Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:       Ronald Desmond
Surname:                   AYLETT
Honour or Award:    MID

Warrant Officer Aylett enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in 1958. He served with the Royal Australian Regiments in Australia, Malaya and Borneo. He joined the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam in December 1968, where he served initially with the 2nd Mobile Strike Force, 5th Special Forces Group and later as an adviser with the 1st Ranger Group of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. On 6 May 1969, Warrant Officer Aylett was serving as a Platoon Commander with 223rd Mobile Strike Force Company on an operation in the area of Ban-Me-Thout in Province, when two other Platoons of the company came under heavy attack from a superior North Vietnamese force and were surrounded.  Warrant Officer Aylett was leading his own Platoon forward to assist, when it came under intense enemy mortar, rocket and automatic weapons fire. Ignoring this, he made repeated attempts to assault the enemy in an effort to break through to the other Platoons. This failed and his own Platoon was then itself heavily attacked.  Warrant Officer Aylett, by his personal example an by exposing himself to direct enemy fire, encouraged his men to beat back the repeated attacks on his platoon. During these attacks, one of his Montagnard soldiers was seriously wounded.  Warrant Officer Aylett, without hesitation and in full view of the enemy, moved over ground which was swept by enemy fire and retrieved him. Soon after this Warrant Officer Aylett was himself wounded in the face.  Despite this and realising that his platoon position was untenable, he moved forward alone towards the nearest enemy, firing his weapon to provide a diversion and cover for the remainder of his platoon to break out and withdraw. This they were able to do solely through Warrant Officer Aylett’s outstanding bravery and aggressiveness.  He then crawled back and picked up the wounded Montagnard soldier and carried him, while still under heavy fire from the enemy, to a more secure position. For the next four hours, although separated from his platoon and the rest of the company and with no radio communications to call for assistance, Warrant Officer Aylett continued to fight off the enemy and to care for the wounded soldier. Late in the day he eventually succeeded in linking  up with the remainder of his company, who had broken through the enemy positions, bringing with him the wounded Montagnard soldier.
Warrant Officer Aylett’s personal bravery and aggressive leadership in the extremely hazardous conditions involved in this action and on a number of other subsequent occasions during his operational tour with the Training Team were outstanding.  His professionalism, unselfish devotion to duty and cheerful comradeship have been an inspiration to all who have served with him and reflect great credit on himself, the Australian Army Training Team and the Australian Army.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to son Michael, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Des.  Des passed away after a long illness and he will be sorely missed by us all.  Des was one hell of a soldier and a well known identity throughout The Team.  A true warrior that has now left us.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolence messages for the family can be sent through son, Michael Aylett on email:

May Des now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Aylett <>
Sent: Sunday, 16 August 2020 8:10 AM
To: Ryan <>
Subject: Vale: Ronald Desmond AYLETT


News from Michael Aylett that his Dad, Ronald Desmond ‘Des’ AYLETT passed away in his sleep at 3:30 am today 16 Oct 2020 at the palliative care in Mareeba N/Qld. No funeral arrangements known, will advise.

In sadness,

Peter Aylett.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 16th August 2020

A soldier died today
WO2 W.(Bill) M. Baxter, RAINF, AATTV

On a Special Forces patrol in the ARO area of I Corps, WO2 L.G. McGARRY (L) and WO2 W.M. BAXTER
were snapped during a rest break, 1964.

G’day all,
Sad news in from Doug Tear MBE, President, AATTV Association NSW Branch on the passing on 10th August 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 W. (Bill) M. Baxter, RAINF aged 88 years.
I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Vickie, Steve, family and friends on this sad occasion of Bill’s passing.  A true warrior whose duty is now done.  He will be sorely missed by us all.
Condolence messages can be sent to Doug Tear on email:
Funeral details are shown in the message below.
May Bill now Rest In Peace,
Take care and Persevere,

From: Doug Tear <>
Date: 16 August 2020 at 11:35:51 am AEST
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Team Member - William Montgomery Baxter RAInf

Dear Members,
It is with sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, William Montgomery Baxter RAInf on 10 August 2020 at Yamba, New South Wales.
Bill served with the Team from 11 September 1964 to 6 August 1965 initially with Special Forces Group B Team at Danang and later in November with 1st Special Forces Group Team A-322 at Kham Duc in Quang Tin Province.  Bill was wounded in action on 24 December 1964.  In January to March 1965, Bill was appointed to the 5th SFGA, B Team Danang, Nung Training.  Bill completed his tour with 2/6 ARVN, 2nd Division at Danang.
Our thoughts and prayers go to Vickie, Steve, their family and friends at this difficult time.
Bill’s funeral is to be held at 1.00 pm on Tuesday, 18 August in the Yamba RSL Sub-Branch Hall, 19 Church Street Yamba.
Messages of condolence may be sent to me at
Doug Tear MBE

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 13th August 2020

Petition to Make AATTV Memorial Grove a Living National Memorial

Recent story on A Current Affair about "The Grove" Click on photograph below. Please don't forget to vote in our petition: help ensure the site is declared a national war memorial.

Entry Date: 1st August 2020

A soldier died today

WO2 J. (John) A. Gibson RASIGS, AAvn, AATTV, 103 Sig Sqn

WO2 (later WO1) J.A. Gibson gains the confidence of young  Cambodian
soldiers (aged 10 and 12 years) at the Long Hai Training Centre, 1971

G’day all,

Just read a Facebook entry for Joy Bryson on the passing today, 1st August 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 (later WO1) J. (John) A. J. Gibson  RASIGS, AAAvn aged 79 years.  John served in South Vietnam with AATTV as a WO2 from 15 July 1971 to Aug 71 with MATT 1, Phuoc Tuy. Sep to Oct 71, NOTT2, Phu Cat, Binh Dinh. Nov 71, JWTC, Van Kiep. Dec 71 AATTV Training Group, Vung Tau. Jan to Jul 72, Long Hai Training Battalion, Phuoc Tuy. RTA 12Jul 72.  John also served a tour of duty in South Vietnam with 103 Sig Sqn from 26 April 66 to 1 May 1967.

In addition to Unit Citations awarded to AATTV, John was also awarded the VietnameseTraining Service Medal 1st Class and the Cambodian National Defence Medal with Bronze Star.

John was a stalwart President and member of AATTV Qld Branch for many years and also a strong supporter of the AATTV memorial at Canungra.  I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Laurel, family and friends on this sad occasion of John’s passing. Sadly the Team birthday memorial service organised by John is at Canungra today. A sad day indeed.

At this stage can email messages for the family be passed to Ken Phillips on email:

I have also been informed that there will be no funeral service for John.  Instead, the family will have a memorial service at our Memorial Grove, Canungra for John in the future.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest We Forget

Entry Date: 20th July 2020

A soldier died today

WO2 J. (John) McEwan-Ferguson QC, RAE, AATTV, HQ AFV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Doug Tear, AATTV NSW Branch of the passing on 18th July 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 J. (John) McEwan-Ferguson QC, RAE aged 85 years.

In addition to the Unit Citations awarded to AATTV,  John was also awarded the Queen’s Commendation for Brave Conduct for his service with AATTV in South Vietnam.  The citation reads as follows:

Army Number:         27467
Substantive Rank:    Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:       John
Surname:                   McEwan-Ferguson
Honour or Award:    QC

Warrant Officer McEwan-Ferguson enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in February 1953,
Warrant Officer McEwan-Ferguson served as an Squadron,  17 Construction Squadron and as Squadron Sergeant Major to 30 Port Squadron prior to his assignment to the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam.  Warrant Officer McEwan-Ferguson commenced duty with the Training Team on 25 August 1964.
Warrant Officer McEwan-Ferguson distinguished himself by bravery at Hoi An city in the province of Quang Nam, Republic of Vietnam on 10 and 11 November 1964. Warrant Officer McEwan-Ferguson volunteered to perform rescue work as a result of the most severe flooding in over fifty years. For more than forty eight hours, without regard to his own personal safety Warrant Officer McEwan-Ferguson waded raging flood waters chest deep and carried people to safety.  He later participated in boat rescue work and was instrumental in helping to save over a hundred lives. Warrant Officer McEwan-Ferguson willingly performed these acts although there was a continual danger from enemy sniper fire.  By his untiring efforts he was able to inspire many Vietnamese Nationals to assist in the rescue work.  Warrant Officer McEwan-Ferguson’s action during this national disaster is in the highest tradition of the Australian Regular Army and reflects great credit upon himself and the military service.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to daughter Rachael, family and friends of John on this sad occasion of his passing.

Funeral details are shown in the email below.

Condolence messages can be passed through Doug Tear on email:

May John now Rest in  Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Date: 20 July 2020 at 6:36:30 pm AEST
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Team Member - John McEwan-Ferguson QC RAE

Dear Members,
It is with sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, John McEwan-Ferguson QC RAE on 16 July 2020 at his home in Campbelltown, New South Wales.
John served with the Team from 25 August 1964 to 10 June 1965.  In September, John was appointed to the Quang Nam Sector, later in November 1964, John was appointed to the General and Weapons Committees at the Dong Da National Training Centre.  In March 1965, John was appointed to the Reconnaissance Company, 1st ARVN Division and later in April 1965 to 1st ARVN Division’s Engineering Company, attached to 1st Division Engineer Battalion at Quang Tri.
John was awarded the Queen’s Commendation.
John served a second tour in South Vietnam from 4 May 1967 to 23 April 1968 with HQ AFV.
Our thoughts and prayers go to John’s daughter Rachael and her family at this difficult time.
John’s funeral details are:
10.30 am Thursday, 30 July 2020
South Chapel, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Camden Valley Way, Leppington
Members are advised that social distancing restrictions apply, and attendance is limited to 20.
May John Rest in Peace.
Doug Tear MBE

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 28th June 2020
A soldier died today

Capt D. (Des) J. Wilmore RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in on the passing on 26th June 2020 of fellow Team member Capt Des. J. Gilmore RAINF aged 72 years.  Des served in South Vietnam as a Capt from 4th July 1972 to 18 Dec 72 with MATT 1, Van Kiep, Phuoc Tuy Province.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Des on this sad occasion of his passing.  A true warrior whose duty is now done.

Condolence messages may be passed to John Gibson AATTV Qld Branch on email:

May Des now Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: <>
Sent: Sunday, 28 June 2020 2:11 PM
Subject: Vale Captain Des Wilmore, RA Inf (Retd)

Classmates and All,
Des died in his sleep this morning at his home in Noosa, SE Queensland following a small operation the day before.

Born on 10 April 1948 in Broken Hill.
After graduating from OCS Portsea in Dec 1967, Des served in PNG and then in 1972 with the AATTV.  Des later resigned from the Army while serving as adjutant at the Infantry Centre, going into business in Singleton.

No other details known at this time.
Vale Des.

Paul Asbury

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 13th June 2020
A soldier died today

Cpl C. (Chris) J. Holmes RA Inf, 1 ARU, 1RAR, AATTV

G’day all,

News just in from a Dr Shauna McGlone on the passing on 9th June 2020 of fellow Team member, Cpl C. (Chris) J. Holmes RA Inf aged 71 years.  Chris served with AATTV as a Cpl in South Vietnam from 22 Jul 1971 to 30 Sep 71 with MATT, Phuoc Tuy Province.  Chris also served in South Vietnam from 11 Mar 68 to 28 May 68, 1 Australian Reinforcement Unit.  28May 68 to 28 Feb 69, 1RAR.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Chris on this sad occasion of his passing. Chris was a stalwart member of the AATTV Association Vic Branch and will be sorely missed by fellow Team members.  A good soldier his duty now done.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolence messages can be sent to Bruce Davies, AATTV Vic Br on email:

May Chris now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Subject: Christopher John Holmes

Chris Holmes who served with the AATV died on Tuesday night. It was a quick and natural death at home. There was someone with him at the time. I have no information regarding his funeral arrangements.
Dr Shauna McGlone

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 3rd June 2020

A soldier died today

Capt (later Maj) D. (Pete) Rothwell MID, RAINF, 1RAR, AATTV

 Capt Peter Rothwell (L) and WO2 J. M. Grafton brief Vietnamese Officers at Pleiku,
1968. Capt Rothwell initially served with Mike Force and then at the Special Forces
Headquarters at Nha Trang.  In May 1969, during the action that WO2 Simpson won
his Victoria Cross, Capt Rothwell Cleared a helicopter landing pad and then single-
handedly fought off the enemy to enable the wounded to be evacuated. For his gallantry
he was Mention  In Dispatches.

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Peter Aylett AATTV on the passing today, 3rd June 2020 of fellow Team member Maj D. (Pete) Rothwell, MID RAINF aged 87 years.  Pete served in South Vietnam as a Capt with AATTV from 28 May 1968 – Sep 68 Adjutant, Saigon, 19 Oct 68 – Mar 69, Company Commander223 Coy, 2MSF, 5th SFGA, Pleiku. Mar – May 69, AsstS-3, 5th SFGA HQ Nha Trang, May 69 operational visit3rd MSF  Battalion near Kontum.  Pete also served in South Vietnam with 1 RAR from 9 Jun 65 to 9 Jun 66.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Pete was also Mention In Dispatches (MID) and awarded the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star) for his service with AATTV. A copy of the citation for his MID reads as follows:

Army Number:         26931
Substantive Rank:    Captain
Christian Name:       Dale
Surname:                   Rothwell
Award:                       MID

Captain Rothwell enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in 1952and served twice with The Royal Australian Regiment in Korea as a non-commissioned officer.  He was commissioned in 1961 and served again with The Royal Australian Regiment in Malaysia and in Vietnam. He joined the Australian Army Training Team in May 1968 for his second tour in Vietnam.
Captain Rothwell was two weeks short of the end of his tour with the Training Team when, on 11 May 1969 he was on an operational visit to the 3rd Mobile Strike Force Battalion of the 5th Special Forces Group which was on a search and clear operation in Kontum Province.  In a heavy contact with the enemy, forward of the company with which Captain Rothwell was moving, the Commander of the Mobile Strike Force Battalion was killed and an Australian Warrant Officer who had been separated from the majority of his troops was contained in the area by enemy fire.  Without hesitation, Captain Rothwell joined a small group under the command of a further Australian Warrant Officer, who was a Company Commander in the Battalion, and went forward to the area of contact.  While the remainder of the group were extricating the casualties, Captain Rothwell commenced preparation of an area close by to enable a helicopter to winch out the casualties.  Unable to obtain the assistance of the indigenous troops, who had been scattered in the contact and who were reluctant to expose themselves, Captain Rothwell cut and prepared the  casualty evacuation point on his own and under the threat of enemy fire. Captain Rothwell, with complete disregard for his own safety, then single handed, cleared the enemy from the close proximity of the evacuation point using grenades and small arms fire.  This action delayed the enemy’s movement for sufficient time to allow the remainder of the group and the wounded to move out of the immediate contact area.
On the tedious and dangerous movement back to the firm base with the casualties, Captain Rothwell quietly assisted the Warrant Officer who was in command of the group and helped carry the wounder over much of the difficult terrain.
Captain Rothwell’s personal conduct and steadying influences wer major contributing factors in enabling the group to extricate the wounded and others successfully from the contact area.  His conduct in this action and on a number of other occasions, when earlier he was serving with the Mobile Strike Force, has been exemplary.  His professionalism during his extensive operational service has been a credit to himself and the Australian Army.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Denise, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Pete.  A true warrior who has served his nation proudly on a number of occasions.  He will be sorely missed by all Team members.

Condolence messages can be passed through Doug Tear, AATTV Association NSW Branch on email:

Funeral details will be provided once known.

May Pete now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Aylett <>
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June 2020 4:47 PM
To: Subject: Vale D. (Pete) Rothwell MID.


I regret to advise that 26931 Maj D. (Pete) Rothwell MID passed away at 16:30 hrs today, Wed, at his Sydney home aged almost 88 years. 24 Jul 1932 – 3 Jun 2020.

Duty done - now rest old warrior.

In sadness,
Peter Aylett.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 2nd June 2020

A soldier died today

WO2 S. (Steve) H. Rawlings RAA, AATTV

G’day all,

Funeral details for Steve Rawlins as provided by John Gibson follow.

May Steve Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 June 2020 7:38 PM
To: Linda McClurg <>

Subject: Re: Funeral Service Stephen Rawlins

Good evening all

The time of service for Stephens farewell, memorial funeral service is at 10.00 am Monday 8th June 2020 at St Bernards Catholic Church, Klummp Rd., Upper Mt Gravatt.


On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 9:12 PM Linda McClurg <> wrote:
Thank you so much for your assistance John, it's greatly appreciated.

10am on Monday 8th June
St Bernard's Church
Klumpp Rd
Upper Mt Gravatt

Kindest regards
Linda McClurg (daughter)
0428 333 020

G’day all,

Sad news in from John Gibson and Simon Hearder on the passing on 1st June 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 S. (Steve) H. Rawlings RAA.  Steve served as a WO2 in South Vietnam with AATTV from 3 Feb 1966 to 8 Dec 66.  First with RF/PF Tam Ky, Quang Tin then CSD, Vung Tau.  Steve was medically evacuated to Australia.

Steve was a member of AATTV Association Qld Branch and I am sure all members would wish to pass  on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Barbara, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Steve. His duty done, Steve can now join his brothers in arms in a better place.

Condolence messages can be passed through John Gibson on email:

As indicated by John, funeral details will be advised once known.

May Steve now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 June 2020 8:13 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: AATTV Assn Member - Steve Rawlings

Vale Steve Rawlings

I have spoken to Steve's Wife, Barbara,  this morning and sadly confirm the passing of Steve yesterday morning 1 June 20.

Funeral arrangements will be advised when known.

Dear Steve, may you RIP

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Simon Hearder <>
Date: Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 8:03 PM
Subject: AATTV Assn Member - Steve Rawlings
To: Kerry Gallagher <>, <>

Hi Kerry & John
Sad to say I’ve been rung by Geoff Annette tonight to say that Steve Rawlings had died today – his wife Barbara had rung him. I knew from earlier emails from you guys that Steve was having big problems and had been not well for some years.
Thought I’d let you know so that you can follow up

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 15th May 2020

A soldier died today

 WO1 H. (Harry) Buckley RAE, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from John Gibson AATTV Qld Br and others on the passing on 13th May 2020 of fellow Team member WO1 H. (Harry) Buckley RAE aged 94 years. Harry served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 22 Oct 1970 to Dec 70, NOAT,Cho Gao, Dinh Tuong. Jan – Jul 71 NOTT, Dong Tam. Aug – Oct 71, Phuoc Tuy Sector, MATT. RTA 21 Oct 71.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends on this sad occasion of Harry’s passing.  Most of us knew Harry from our military service or the intervening years.  He was a great soldier and warrior and will be sadly missed by us all.

Please pass condolence messages to John Gibson on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Harry now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Thursday, 14 May 2020 6:07 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Fwd: FW: VALE, 21371 Warrant Officer Class 1 Harold (Harry) Buckley

G'day Rick

All below and sadly another loss.

As we persevere


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Frank Reid <>
Date: Thu, May 14, 2020 at 7:46 PM
Subject: FW: VALE, 21371 Warrant Officer Class 1 Harold (Harry) Buckley
To: <>

John, sadly yet another of our members, Harry Buckley, a great sapper and a wonderful man, has left us.  This email says it all much better than I could.

Subject VALE, 21371 Warrant Officer Class 1 Harold (Harry) Buckley
  Afternoon All
Sad news indeed from Speedie Sahariv, the passing of another Sapper, 21371 Warrant Officer Class One, Harold (Harry) Buckley, who passed away 13 May 2020 at 2304H.
Harry’s story is below, I will pass on his funeral details when they are available.
Condolences to his Family and Friends, of which he had many.
Rest in Peace Sapper your work is done, Lest We Forget.
 Kind Regards
John Jesser
Sapper Association QLD Inc
07 3356 9297

From: Speedie <>
Sent: Thursday, 14 May 2020 4:02 PM
To: 55~John Jesser <>
Subject: FW: VALE, 21371 Warrant Officer Class 1 Harold (Harry) Buckley
Fellow Sappers,
I am the bearer of more sad news; an icon of our corps, a warrior, a Soldier and friend and mentor to many of our Corps, Harry Buckley passed away peacefully last evening at
Harry  had been domiciled at the Keith Payne VC Hostel at Noraville NSW for some weeks.  He specifically asked that this not be publicised for he didn’t want to have anyone fuss over him.  I spoke with him a couple of days ago and we had a good laugh about life and all its strange way.  He was well prepared for this moment when he was to front his Maker. He went peacefully, and no doubt faced Peter at the Pearly Gates dressed in his uniform, Sam Brown, Pace Stick and brass polished to take up his final posting amongst all his and our comrades in paradise. He is now resting in peace. Till We Meet Again.
At this time I will divulge a secret which harry has carried throughout his military career.  Succinctly; he put his age up by a couple of months so that he could enlist into the Army in 1947. His true date of birth was at Rabaul on the 28th Jul 1926   (not 26th April as recorded in Army Records and on my commemoration) .  We as his comrades are so pleased he did, had he not, we may never have had the benefit and pleasure of having known him.
Will pass on funeral etc detail as it comes to hand.
Please pass this along to your email nets.
Kindest regards at this most sad time,
eedie Sahariv
Fellow Sapper and friend

"Harry Buckley Eulogy written by Major Jack Peel, RAE, RACT, AATTV **Harry Buckley Rest in Peace** The last couple of years have not been kind to the man laying before us covered with his beloved flag. Born a Tolai of Irish decent in Rabaul, New Britain, Harry Buckley could have led a vastly different life. But when his father was beaten to death by the Japanese, he knew he had to join the army, when rejected several times due to his age Harry joined the Civil Construction Corps and was working in Darwin during the bombing of the city in November 1943. After the war he married Moira in Sydney and joined the Permanent Military Forces, he put up his age to be eligible for enlistment. Allocated to the RAE 10th March 1948. He attended and won the Silver Sappers knife at the first Field Engineer course at SME to begin a career culminating in his appointment as RSM of Field Engineer Regiment. Harry was a first class Warrant Officer, a man who became a legend during 30 years of service. He was not another Warrant Officer Class 1. There were many on those. Harry was a member of the warrior cast skilled in all aspects of Military Field Engineering trusted to train other warrant officers. His infectious smile and sense of humour were his hallmarks as was his dress and bearing. A mentor to Officers and Recruits alike. What a privilege and an honour it is to be here today to fulfill his request. Harry was immensely proud of his service with the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam, and on the way home from the funeral of Barry Saxby a fellow team member, Harry told me he could not identify Barry from the eulogy. ‘they made him sound like an angel’. He turned from the wheel and said I want you to do mine and he never stopped reminding me ‘I am no angel’. We arrived in Vietnam on the same plane Harry went south to the Delta and I went North. Captain Bernie McGurgan his team leader in Vietnam remembered Harry as his most Senior Warrant Officer. Peter Conway (Infantry) worked closely with Harry and became a strong advocate for Harry’s military professionalism and skill with improvised explosives and booby traps, but mostly he valued his friendship. Harry was an innovative instructor. I recall on my warrant officer course sitting in a temporary grandstand looking down on a trench dug to about waist deep. There was starched and polished Harry with a hand full of what he called plastic explosive. He mentioned how unstable the new stuff was. He pulled off a small piece and threw in into the trench and it exploded. He now had our full attention. He said I want you to pass this around and get to know it. He threw the stuff up into the grandstand and our hearts stopped. Boom the explosion rocked the grandstand. Then nothing…… Eventually the student holding the substance yelled “it’s only bloody Plasticine”. “Nervous giggles”. ‘Right - now that I have your attention”. He showed us the exploder and the previously laid charges and got on with the lesson. Harry was a natural leader. I think of Brigadier Frank Cross who held the view that leadership was founded on deep-personal qualities. It is of the spirit and military training completes the process which builds self-confidence and the inner steel to achieve, even in the most frightful of circumstances. Steve Carol, (Stiffy to his mates) witnessed a complete demonstration during Terrorists Operations in Malaya in 1959. Harry was Troop Sergeant of 1 Troop 7 Independent Field Squadron RAE. His 38 Sappers joined 300 Poms of the 11th Independent Field Squadron RE. (Stiffy thought 10 to 1 were good odds) A British Army Squadron Sergeant Major (SSM) on parade ordered a group of Australian Sappers to fall out using only their surname. No one moved the SSM’s face turned red and he screamed out the order again “Woodley, Brougham, Shaw, Milgate, Creevey fall out”. No one moved. Then from the sideline Sergeant Buckley came smartly to attention - marched out and crash halted face to face in front of the man the ‘poms’ call God and started speaking to him. What he said no one knew but after a full minute the Squadron Sergeant Major executed a smart about turn and marched off. Harry turned to face the troops and said. The following personnel will fall out Corporal Woodley, Corporal Brougham, Sapper Shaw, Sapper Milgate, Sapper Creevey. As his name was called each man came to attention and marched off. Stiffy said…. “Of course, Harry tore strips off us for the way we went about preserving our dignity by having our ranks recognised. But I suspect he was proud of us. There were many more occasions he went into bat for us which did not improve his popularity with the pom hierarchy. We were lucky to have a Sergeant like Harry.” The Corps history noted Sergeant Buckley’s Troop in Malaya were a tight-knit group which produced several Officers through the ranks, and in 1970, ALL the senior warrant officers in the Corps of Engineers had been members of that troop. (P 606) Harry was proud of his ethnicity and determined to advocate ‘racism did not exist in the Australian Army’. Bernie McGurgan and Peter Conway both recall a visit to the United States Navy Sea Bees Club in Dong Tam in the Delta. The Yanks were curious about the way the Australian Army managed racism. Harry told them ‘racism did not exist in our Army’. Later he told me even though he was the guest speaker at the original Aboriginal reconciliation gathering in Sydney 14 years ago, he was comfortable with his nick name ‘BLACK HARRY’ in the Army because he did not find it offensive among his friends. He recalls his time as platoon sergeant in National Service as among his best postings, and is proud of 2nd Lieutenant Ken Duncan the Platoon Commander who progressed to Colonel Commandant of the RACT. And Father Jim Bouberg a Catholic chaplain in Vietnam who became a personal friend. Harry was an excellent public speaker and in demand on Military occasions where he always satisfied. He confided in me there are things we never talk about during the year but on Anzac Day wherever we go we find a Cobber with who we can let out what’s in here. We can talk them about anything because they understand. To Myra and family members who supported him, and no one can achieve what Harry did without family support. I must sadly confess I only caught glimpses of your family life, but I know he was cherished. On behalf of his Military family I want to thank Speedie Sahariv for his care and kindness in maintaining contact with Harry over an exceedingly long period of time. So, Harry you may not have been an angel, but you certainly were a Legend in your own time. A friend, a leader and an inspiration and I hope I have satisfied your request. Rest in Peace Mate Your duty has been well and truly done.".

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 12th April 2020

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) W. (Bill) A. Tomlinson RAInf, AATTV

Received this from George Mansford AATTV

  Billy T Has Marched Out

Warrant Officer BILL Tomlison has struck his tent, packed his haversack and quietly slipped away  to join the ever growing ranks resting in a peaceful camp where the Regimental Sergeant Major, (Except for ANZAC Day) is forbidden to scream and yell.

It is quite true to say that Billy T was true blue and a more fair dinkum Aussie you would never find.  Laconic, witty and brilliant humour was his signature in life, be they good or bad times.

He served his country with total dedication and love of country. His military service included Korea and Vietnam and as was his nature, never reluctant to step forward and get the job done.

As an early President of our Australian Army Advisory Vietnam (AATTV)  he played a leading role in its development including the planning and construction of our unit’s Memorial Grove at Canungra where the unit trained before departure to Vietnam. Such was his vision and leadership, Billy T played a significant role in the dream of a memorial grove becoming a reality.

Already missing your voice on the phone,. Cobber
Vale Billy T, True Blue

G’day all,

Sad news just in from John Gibson AATTV Qld Branch on the passing today, 12th April 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 W. (Bill) A. Tomlinson, RAInf aged 89 years.  Bill served in South Vietnam with  AATTV from 23rd April 1966 to Oct 66 2/6ARVN, 2nd Division, Tam Ky. Oct 66 to Apr 67 paramilitary Police Field Force, Trai Mat near Dalat.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Page, family and friends on this sad occasion of Bill’s passing.  Bill was a stalwart member of the Qld Branch and there will be many a heavy heart there today.  Sadly to be missed by us all.

Any further details will be passed on when they come to hand.

May Bill now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Sunday, 12 April 2020 3:18 PM
To: Subject: Vale Bill Tomlinson


Very sad news in today from Des Ford on the passing of William (Bily T) Tomlinson at 1500 hrs today.

Will advise as further details come to hand.

But for now, a very sad Easter indeed.

BillyT,  may he RIP.


Lest we forget

Entry Date:12th April 2020

A soldier died today

WO2 N. (Norm) J. Bain, RAInf, AATTV, 3 SAS Sqn

 Members of Mobile Advisory Training Team2 in Phuoc Tuy Province. From left

G’day all,

Sad news in from Bruce Davies, AATTV Vic Branch on the passing today, 9th April 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 N. (Norm) J. Bain RAInf aged 79 years. Norm served as a WO2 with AATTV in South Vietnam from 19 July 1972 18 December 1972 with MATT 2 Van Kiep, Phuoc Tuy Province.  Norm also served his first tour of duty in South Vietnam with 3 SAS Sqn from 15 June 1966 to 19 March 1967.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Norm on this sad occasion of his passing. A true warrior his duty is now done and Norm will be sorely missed by us all.

Should funeral details come to hand they will be passed on.

Condolence messages can be passed through Bruce Davies on email:

May Norm now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies <>
Sent: Thursday, 9 April 2020 3:48 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>; John Gibson <>

Rick and john

For your information.


From: Maurice Benson
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 4:04 PM
To: AATTV - Vic


Just had notice that my good mate Norm Bain passed away this morning after a long fight with cancer.

36179 Norman John BAIN
Royal Australian Infantry Corps
3SASR Vietnam 6/66 > 3/67
AATTV Vietnam 7/72 >12/72

Another warrior’s duty done – Rest in Peace.


Maurie Benson
Office Manager
VVAA Vic Branch
0417 588 886

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 28th March 2020
A soldier died today

WO2 G. I. (Ian) Hodgson, RAA, AATTV

WO2 W.A. NESBIT (L) and WO2 G.I. HODGSON (R) flank the cook of the AATTV cake made to mark the award of the
US Meritorious Unit Commendation, VUNG TAU, 30 September 1970.

G’day all,

Sad news in from Mick Dolensky, President AATTV Association SA Branch on the passing today, 27th March 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 G. I. (Ian) RAA, AATTV aged 88 years. Ian served in South Vietnam as a WO2 with AATTV from 25 Jun 1970 to Jul 70 with 2/2 ARVN, Quang Tri. Aug 70, MATT 5, Hoi My. Sep 70 MATT, unallotted. Oct 70 to Jan 71, MATT 9, Phuoc Loi, Phuoc Tuy Province.  Medically evacuated 25 Jan 71, NBC.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on the sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Edna, family and friends of Ian on this sad occasion of his passing.  Ian, a former President of the SA Branch was a stalwart member of that Branch and a well respected member of the Team.  He will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed to Edna on email:

As detailed below in Mick’s email, funeral details will be advised once known.

May Ian now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dolensky <>
Sent: Friday, 27 March 2020 9:54 AM
To: 'Rick Ryan' <>
Subject: Ian Hodgson

                                Hi Rick,

                                                Very sad news mate, Ian Hodgson passed away at 0400hr this morning.

                                                When funeral details become available I will pass them on.

                                                Could you please pass this on to all members.

                                                Any condolences can be sent to me to pass on to Edna. I have spoken to Edna and she is coping well; at this stage.



Lest we forget
Entry date: 25th March 2020
A soldier died today

WO2 D.(Dave) J. Wallner RAINF, AATTV

A gathering at Australia House in DANANG in 1967
From left WO2 J.T. DURRINGTON, WO2 P.  WHITE, WO2 M. “TEX”
WO2 DURRINGTON and WO2 BOND were later killed in action.

G’day all,

Sad news in from John Gibson, AATTV Association Qld Branch on the passing on 23rd March 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 Dave J. Wallner RAINF aged 82 years. Dave served as a WO2 with AATTV in South Vietnam from 10Nov1964 to Dec 64 at Dong Da National Training Centre, Tactics Committee. Jan – Apr 65, 1st Division. May – Sep 65, CSD, Vung Tau. RTA 8 Oct 65.  On his second tour of duty with AATTV, Dave served from 14Aug 67 to May 68, 3/6ARVN Battalion, Tam Ky, Quang Tin. Jun – Jul 68, 54th Regt, Hue.  RTA 6 Aug 68.

In addition to Unit Citations awarded to AATTV, Dave was also awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star) and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star).

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to daughter, Devina Moore, family and friends of Dave on this sad occasion of his passing. Dave will be sorely missed by us all.  A true warrior whose duty is now done.

Devina can be directly contacted as per Dave’s email below for condolence messages.

May Dave now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Tuesday, 24 March 2020 11:51 AM
To: Subject: Vale


Sad news just recieved of the passing of WO2 David J Wallner RAInf.on 23 March 2020,  aged 83

Messages of condolence may be sent to David's daughter, Devina Moore,
Mob 0413 338 662

Vale David RIP


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 25th March 2020
A soldier died today

Capt G. (Gary) W. Ghent RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Doug Tear MBE, President, AATTV Association NSW Br on the passing on 22nd March 2020 of fellow Team member Gary W. Ghent RAINF aged 81 years.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Helen, family and friends on this sad occasion on the passing of Gary.  Sadly there will be no funeral service as mentioned by Doug Tear. Gary his duty done may he now Rest In Peace.

Condolence messages can be passed to Doug Tear on email:

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Sent: Tuesday, 24 March 2020 8:01 AM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Team Member - Captain Gary William Ghent RAInf

Dear Members,
It is with sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, Gary William Ghent RAInf on 22 March 2020 at Sydney, New South Wales.
Gary served with the Team from 19 July 1967 to 16 July 1968 with the Combined Studies Division’s Provincial Reconnaissance Units at Pleiku.
Gary was good Branch member; he was a gentle soul with a quirky sense of humour and always a gentleman.  He will be sorely missed
Our thoughts and prayers go to Helen at this difficult time.
Due to these uncertain times, Helen has determined that there will be no funeral service.
Rest In Peace.
Messages of condolence may be sent to me.
Doug Tear MBE

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 25th February 2020

A soldier died today

Capt (later Brig) R. J. (John) Moyle RAAC, AATTV

Unloading stores for a rifle range training session at Phu Bai. Capt John Moyle in jeep.

G’day all,

Sad news in from Simon Hearder, AATTV Association ACT Branch on the passing to today, 23rd February 2020 of fellow Team member, Capt (later Brig) R. J. (John) Moyle RAAC, AATTV aged 85 years. John served as a Capt in South Vietnam from 5 October 1963 to Sep 64 at Dong Da National Training Centre, Chief Weapons Committee and Tacitcs Committee. Nov 63, observed TF 100 operations North of Hiep Khanh. Oct – Nov 64 attached 4th Armoured Regiment.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Del, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of John.  An old warrior whose duty is now done.

Funeral details will be advised once known.  Condolence messages may be passed through Simon Hearder on email:

May John now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder <>
Sent: Sunday, 23 February 2020 5:43 PM
To: Simon Hearder <>
Cc: Rick Ryan <>;; Kerry Gallagher <>

Dear members and friends
Sad news in from John Bullen via John Jackson on the death of Brig John Moyle RAAC AATTV . He was a fine soldier and always had a kind word for everyone he knew.
Lest We Forget

----- Forwarded message -----
From: John Bullen <>

Dear Friends,

John Moyle died this morning. Here is an extract from an email from his wife Del…
“Just to let you know that John died peacefully this morning. He waited for the grandchildren yesterday and decided to hand in his knife, fork and spoon. He fought the good fight.”

We all knew John in many different ways. He was my benevolent section commander at RMC in 1956. He was a fellow subaltern with others at Pucka sixty years ago. He was a member of the Training Team in Vietnam. He was CO Corps of Staff Cadets (his favourite posting). He was the inaugural Co-ordinator of the Duntroon Guides and did that job for the best part of 20 years (for which he was appointed a Fellow of the Duntroon Society). He was also a member of the RMC Heritage Committee for about 20 years until his health began to fail.

John is particularly remembered for his decency and sincerity. Never a poser, he always spoke his mind – a trait much appreciated by all.

In due course there will be a funeral at Duntroon.

Ross, could you please pass this to all Guides. This email has gone Bcc to Sir Peter Cosgrove.

Chris and Robert, it would be appropriate for HQ RMC-D to be represented at this funeral.

(J E Bullen OAM, Lieutenant Colonel, retd)
Chairman, RMC Heritage Committee
Tel (02) 6288 7312

John and Del good morning,

First, I must thank Simon Herder for passing on this sad news of John Moyle’s passing.

John, I don’t think we have ever met or as far as I can remember (and that’s not necessarily gold standard evidence of us having not met) we haven’t met but I do thank you for passing on this sad information.

Perhaps Del may remember me, although now that is many years ago.
We first met some forty four years ago now when John was appointed as CO CSC to lead the “new experiment” of all major company commanders in an attempt to have more senior officers in charge of cadets of the CSC immediately after the second more recent incidence of national publicity on the issue of cadet “bastardisation”.

I was OC of Alamein company in 1976/77 and the first half of 78 before being posted to Fort Leavenworth Kansas, fortunately not the Disciplinary Barracks! I had (and have still) a wife, Sharon and young family of two at first and then three children from late 1977 and we lived in the corner married quarter at 1 Parnell Road, opposite the swimming pool and Duntroon gardens and hedge maze.

On taking up the posting at RMC, I was somewhat concerned initially at two black berets together, leading the CSC as both CO and 2IC, but I soon discovered that, as you John, have summed up perfectly, John Moyle’s strongest and most admirable personal qualities, “John is particularly remembered for his decency and sincerity. Never a poser, he always spoke his mind!” This is how I always remembered him. I regarded John very highly and some six years later I would like to think I was able to emulate, at least some small way, John’s leadership when I was appointed to CO/CI OCS Portsea.

Del please accept my sympathy at the passing of John. I can assure he is remembered very fondly by many.

Also, as the National President of the AATTV Association, if at all possible, I would be proud to represent the Team at John’s funeral if you, John or Simon could let me know the date when it is set.
Only on the weekend just passed, I spent Sunday with a number of Team members working on our Memorial Grove, Can Nha, within the Land Warfare Centre at Canungra in SE Queensland.
I have enclosed a couple of photos from the Grove, where there is a tree for each of the 1000 members of the Team. This may bring back some memories of John’s time preparing for service with or within the Team.

Warmest regards,


Lest we forget

 Entry Date:  22nd January 2020

A soldier died today

WO2 M. (Mick) E. Youl RA INF, AATTV, 1 ARU

G’day all,

Sad news in from Doug Tear MBE, President, AATTV Association NSW Branch on the passing on 17th January 2020 of fellow Team member WO2 M. (Mick) E. Youl RA INF aged 85 years. Information as to Mick’s service details with AATTV and funeral details are shown in the email below from Doug.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends on this sad occasion of his passing.

Condolence messages can be sent through Doug Tear on email:

May Mick now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Date: 21 January 2020 at 6:52:14 pm AEDT
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Team Member - Michael Ernest Youl - RAInf

Dear Members,
It is with sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, Michael Ernest Youl, RAInf on 17 January 2020 at Medowie, New South Wales.
Mick served two tours with the Team, firstly from 6 December 1966 to 5 December 1967 initially with 5th SFGA Team A Tra Bong RF/PF.  Later due to an injury, Mick served with MSF Danang for several months.  In July 1967 Mick was appointed to Civil Affairs, 1 ATF, Dat Do where he completed his tour.
Mick’s second tour was from 27 August 1970 to 29 April 1971, initially at the Advisor’s School at Di An.  In September 1970 Mick was appointed to MATT 1, Binh Ba.  Later, from December 1970 to February1971 with MATT 3 at Baria and Long Dien and in March 1971 to Matt 7 at Ong Trinh.
Mick was then transferred to 1 ARU where he served from 29 April 1971 to 2 September 1971.
Our thoughts and prayers go to Mick’s family and friends at this difficult time.
The details of Mick’s funeral are:
Date:                                                   Tuesday, 28 January 2020
Time:                                                  1.00 pm
The Service will be held at:             St Brigid’s Catholic Church
                                                            65 William Street
                                                            Raymond Terrace NSW
Doug Tear MBE

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 31st December 2019

Welfare Report - Barry and Elsie Long

G'day all,

Report from Barry Long on their recent illness follows.  Of interest is the allegy that one can get fro Cortisone.  Both Barry and Elsie are now on the mend.

Take care and Persevere,


G’day old Vet mates, and good friends,

Things are finally starting to get back to normal. What a shit of a virus, we both went down with something similar to a coward’s punch, didn’t see it coming but what a wallop.

Elsie is not fully recovered yet but much better than me. A couple more days should see her back to her chirpy self. I caught it off her so I am a bit behind plus, my lungs are much worse than hers – 45 years since I smoked but, I did give it a hammering before that for many years, maybe those White Owl cigars in Quang Tri did the damage?

Although I have a 90% oxygen intake now there is some gunk down the bottom that I just can’t get rid of, and it’s not for the want of trying – Elsie asked me to go outside for coughing as it makes her feel like joining in. That had me recall our WO Medic Ernie Pirani at Quang Ngai with his early morning wake up cough, it would send everyone outside dry retching in sympathy. ??

I had a further problem to worry about while in hospital – and at home – as I am allergic to Cortisone after having heaps of injections before my back was operated on. The hospital put a red band on my wrist to remind everyone that I was allergic to the dreaded cortisone and then commenced to fill me up with the bloody stuff over four days!?? Apparently it was essential to break the virus with no alternative. If you have had a few too many Cortisone injections or even tablets given to you for treatment in recent years speak to your doctor regards an allergy.

In my case, and I believe it to be the norm, after a couple of days all of the nerves from the armpits to the knees start to itch, and I mean really itch. There is no rash to see and nothing you can apply to ease the itch, just scratch like a mangy dog. The only thing I found for relief was to get into a shower that was as hot as you can manage (and maybe a little hotter) then, with a hand shower wash all areas particularly the outer legs, armpits and chest. Grit your teeth mates because this near brought me to my knees with pain but, it somehow eases the nerves and stops the itch, this is required twice daily. You’re allowed to cry. ??

The good news is it only lasts a week! I am currently down to scratching only the thighs and waist now. I have been through it before, so I know when there is progress. Should celebrate 2020 with a beer this Wednesday. I am hoping that this little note will have you aware early and may you never fall victim. ??

This has given both Elsie and I cause to think seriously of our lifestyle for 2020. Better eating habits, less booze (since I’m the nominated driver now that has started already) and exercise for a small weight loss. Sounds all good, will check in June.

I know we are not the only ones to have a shitty Christmas and we still have feelings for friends out there wishing them early recovery. I know Alfie Gee is now on the mend after getting a scary message on his health and BillyT aka Bill Tomlinson has been moving quite slowly of late and there are many more I know but names are not at hand – get well guys.

To all Team members currently feeling low, think positive as there is something new being found daily in our great medical institutions thereby making it increasingly hard to die so, just keep smiling and remember the password;



Entry Date: 21st  December 2019

A soldier died today

Maj P. (Phil) R. Burns RAA

G’day all,

Sad news in from Tony Mogridge, AATTV SA Branch on the passing on 18th December 2019 of fellow Team member Maj P. (Phil) R. Burns, RAA aged 88 years.  Phil was attached to AATTV in South Vietnam from 27 Jun 1966 to 11 Jun 67 USAID Chieu Hoi Program, Can Tho.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Lesley, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Phil.  Phil also served with Legacy in South Australia for 18 years.  He will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed through Mick Dolensky on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Tony Mogridge <>
Sent: Saturday, 21 December 2019 3:20 PM
Subject: Death 57038 Mai P. R. Burns RAA

Maj Phil Burns died on 18 Dec 19. He was attached to AATTV for the Chu Hoi Programme, Can Tho.
Tony Mogridge. (SA)

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 10th December 2019

A soldier died today

WO2 A. (Bert) H. Franks RAINF, AATTV

WO2 A. (Bert) H. Franks, an advisor with 2/5 ARVN Regiment in QUANG TRI Province on his second tour, examining
weapons captured by his unit.  He is holding an AK47 like those lined up against the wall and next to him is a 75
recoilless rifle - a small artillery piece.  WO2 Franks lated moved to Phuoc Tuy province to lead a MATT. May 1970

G’day all,

Sad but not unexpected news in from John Gibson, AATTV Qld Br on the passing of fellow Team member, WO2 A. (Bert) H. Franks RAINF aged 83 years.  Bert served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 11 Jun 1965 to 28 Jul 65 with 3/4 ARVN 2nd Division, Danang when medically evacuated to Australia due to illness on 28 Jul 65.  On his second tour of duty, Bert  served from 7 Jan 70 to Jun70 with 2/5 ARVN Tam Ky, 2nd Division, Jul – Aug 70 attached MATT 1, Binh Ba, Phuoc Tuy. Sep 70 unallotted Phuoc Tuy. Oct – Dec 70, MATT 14, Long Dien. RTA 7 Jan 71.

In addition to Unit Citations awarded to AATTV, Bert was also awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star).

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Dawn, family and friends on this sad occasion of Bert’s passing.  An old soldier who has now done his duty.

Condolence messages can be passed through John Gibson on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Bert now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2019 8:17 AM

Sad to be advised from Des Ford of the passing of team member, Bert Franks,    Date to be confirmed.
Vale Bert
Warm regards

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 23rd October 2019

A soldier died today

WO2 R. (Bob) J. Collinson, BEM RAE, AATTV

After being airdropped into the jungle outside of the Special
Forces outpost at A Ro in Quang Nam this bulldozer was
Recovered under enemy sniper fire by WO2 R.J. Collinson
who then used it to construct an airfield for the outpost.

G’day all,

Sad news just in from a message on Facebook from grandson Ian Ryan on the passing of fellow  Team member, R. (Bob) J. Collinson BEM, RAE on 20th October 2019 aged 86 years.  Reg served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 25th September 1963 to Jan 64 with Hiep Khanh Training Centre, General Subjects Committee, Feb-May 64, 7th SFG A-732, Kham Duc, Quang Tin. Jun -Jul 64, 1st SFG A-414 A Ro, Quang Nam detached from SFG A Shau valley Aug 64, SFG, B Team Danang. Wounded 19 Jun 64 Panji wound. RTA 24 Sep 64.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Reg was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Valour (with ‘V’ Device), US Bronze Star for Service and the British Empire Medal (BEM) for his service with AATTV. A copy of the award of the BEM reads as follows:

Army Number:         34393
Substantive Rank:    Sergeant
Temporary Rank:     Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:       Reginald James
Surname:                   COLLINSON
Award:                       BEM

Warrant Officer Reginald James Collinson joined the Royal Australian Engineers in 1952. He served for two years with the British Commonwealth Brigade in Korea, then returned to Australia where he served with 20 National Service Training Battalion,  17 Construction Squadron, and as an instructor at the School of Military Engineering.  In September1963, he was posted to the Australian Army Training Team, Vietnam.  After four months as an adviser at the Hiep Khanh Civil Guard Training Centre, Warrant Officer Collinson was attached to Detachment A732 of 7 United States Special Forces Group at Kham Duc.  For the next four months, he used his engineering knowledge to supervise the construction of a new camp and its defences to house two Vietnamese Strike Force companies.  On 1 April, he saved the life of a Vietnamese Strike Force soldier who was in danger of drowning in a deep pond near Kham Duc airfield.
In mid-June 1964, a D6 bulldozer was air-dropped to this base.  It landed five hundred yards short of the camp in thick secondary jungle.  Warrant Officer Collinson and a small patrol went out to recover it.  They were under continuous enemy sniper fire and operating in an area boob-trapped with sharpened bamboo stakes.  It was due solely to Warrant  Officer Collinson’s technical skill and disregard of his own safety that the bulldozed finally reached the base eight hours later.  The patrol suffer seven casualties during this period.  Throughout his twelve month’s tour in Vietnam, Warrant Officer Collinson has shown outstanding devotion to duty under all conditions and has been an inspiration to all who have served with him.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends of Bob on this sad occasion of his passing.  Truly one of the old and bold warrior’s of The Team, his duty is now done and Bob will be sadly missed by us all.

As per the message below there will be a family service held for Bob.

Condolence messages may be passed through John Gibson AATTV Qld Branch on email:

May Bob now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Message of Facebook from Ian Ryan (Grandson)

WO2. Reginald James Collinson, RAE, served with the AATTV from approx Sep 1963 to Sep 1964.
My grandfather fought long and hard but unfortunately passed away yesterday afternoon. He leaves behind his beautiful wife, 4 children, a plethora of grandchildren and a few great grandchildren.
There will be a family service held for his passing on Friday in Coffs Harbour and as per his wishes his ashes will be spread at the Grove in Canungra at a later date.
He will be sorely missed.

Lest we forget

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